Merlin, Bard of the Unseen

Liste des groupes Rock Progressif Kayak Merlin, Bard of the Unseen
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Nom du groupe Kayak
Nom de l'album Merlin, Bard of the Unseen
Type Album
Date de parution 2003
Labels ProActs
Style MusicalRock Progressif
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Merlin
2. Tintagel
3. The Future King
4. The Sword in the Stone
5. When the Seer Looks Away
6. Branded
7. At Arthur's Court
8. The Otherworld
9. The Purest of Knights
10. Friendship and Love
11. The King's Enchanter
12. Niniane
13. The Last Battle
14. Avalon

Acheter cet album

 $23.19  24,68 €  30,08 €  £22.64  $58.25  53,43 €  16,64 €
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