Must I Paint You A Picture?: The Essential Billy Bragg

Liste des groupes Folk Rock Billy Bragg Must I Paint You A Picture?: The Essential Billy Bragg
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Nom du groupe Billy Bragg
Nom de l'album Must I Paint You A Picture?: The Essential Billy Bragg
Type Compilation
Date de parution 2003
Style MusicalFolk Rock
Membres possèdant cet album0


1. A New England
2. The Man in the Iron Mask
3. The Milkman of Human Kindness
4. To Have and to Have Not
5. A Lover Sings
6. St Swithin's Day
7. The Saturday Boy
8. Between the Wars
9. The World Turned Upside Down
10. Levi Stubbs' Tears
11. Walk Away Renee
12. Greetings to the New Brunette
13. There Is Power in a Union
14. Help Save the Youth of America
15. The Warmest Room
16. Must I Paint You A Picture?
17. She's Got a New Spell
18. The Price I Pay
19. Valentine's Day is Over
20. Waiting For the Great Leap Forwards
21. Sexuality
22. Cindy Of 1000 Lives
23. Moving the Goalposts
24. Tank Park Salute
25. You Woke Up My Neighbourhood
26. Accident Waiting to Happen (Red Stars Version)
27. Sulk
28. Upfield
29. The Fourteenth of February
30. Brickbat
31. The Space Race is Over
32. The Boy Done Good
33. Ingrid Bergman
34. Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key
35. My Flying Saucer
36. All You Fascists Bound to Lose (Blokes Version)
37. NPWA
38. St. Monday
39. Somedays I See the Point
40. Take Down the Union Jack (Band Version)

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Billy Bragg