Riot city years 1983-1984

Liste des groupes Punkcore Varukers Riot city years 1983-1984
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Nom du groupe Varukers
Nom de l'album Riot city years 1983-1984
Type Album
Date de parution 11 Septembre 2001
Style MusicalPunkcore
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Die for Your Government
2. All Systems Fail
3. Protest And Survive
4. Nowhere to Go
5. No Masters no Slaves
6. Don't Conform
7. Android
8. March of the Sas
9. Nodda (Contraceptive) Machine
10. Government's to Blame
11. Tell us What we All Wanna Hear
12. Don't Wanna Be a Victim
13. What the Hell Do you Know
14. School's Out (Maybe)
15. Led to the Slaughter
16. The End Is Nigh
17. You're Dead
18. Another Religion, Another War
19. No Escape
20. Condemned to Death
21. The Last War
22. Who Pays?
23. Neglected
24. Deadly Games
25. Seek Shelter in Hell

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