Songs from the Electric Sky

Liste des groupes Rock indépendant H-Burns Songs from the Electric Sky
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Nom du groupe H-Burns
Nom de l'album Songs from the Electric Sky
Type Album
Date de parution 2007
Labels Boxson
Style MusicalRock indépendant
Membres possèdant cet album2


1. Hear the Bells
2. Entwined
3. Turning Grey
4. Dry Dry Taste
5. Days of Being Wild
6. Footsteps
7. Rise
8. Invitation
9. Traces on the Sand
10. Cloud Killer
11. Sad City Blues
12. Massacre
13. Through the Branches

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 $38.29  14,00 €  88,23 €  £84.71  buy  19,96 €  19,44 €
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