Syncopated Pandemonium

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Nom du groupe Pink Floyd
Nom de l'album Syncopated Pandemonium
Type Bootleg
Date de parution 2001
Style MusicalRock Progressif
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Tuneups 01:14
2. Let There Be More Light 07:26
3. Interstellar Overdrive 11:14
4. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun 12:27
5. Tuneups 00:52
6. A Saucerful of Secrets 14:09
7. Interstellar Overdrive 06:21
8. Massed Gadgets of Hercules 06:40
9. Let's Roll Another One 03:02
10. Candy and a Currant Bun 01:58
11. Candy and a Currant Bun 02:42
1. Tuneups 00:34
2. Keep Smiling People 10:09
3. Tuneups 01:04
4. Let There Be More Light 08:04
5. Tuneups 01:14
6. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun 12:34
7. Tuneups 00:51
8. Flaming 04:59
9. Tuneups 00:45
10. A Saucerful of Secrets 12:41
11. Murderistic Woman 02:20
12. Careful with That Axe, Eugene 08:00
13. Beset by Creatures of the Deep 08:26
14. Titre Mystère 02:41
Total playing time 3:00:01

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Pink Floyd