The BBC Sessions

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Nom du groupe The Pretty Things
Nom de l'album The BBC Sessions
Type Compilation
Date de parution 19 Août 2002
Style MusicalRock Psychédélique
Membres possèdant cet album0


1. Big Boss Man
2. Don't Bring Me Down
3. Mama Keep Your Big Mouth Shut
4. Road Runner
5. Big City
6. Midnight to Six Man
7. Sitting All Alone
8. Midnight to Six Man
9. Buzz the Jerk
10. L.S.D.
11. Defecting Grey
12. Turn My Head
13. Walking Through My Dreams
14. Baloon Burning
15. S.F. Sorrow Is Born
16. She Say's Good Morning
17. Send You with Loving
18. Spring
19. Chicken Clowns
20. She's a Lover
21. Cries from the Midnght Circus
22. Stone-Hearted Mama
23. Cold Stone
24. Summer Time
25. Rosalyn
26. All Night Sailor
27. Religion's Dead
28. Havana Bound
29. Love Is Good
30. Route 66
31. Onion Soup / Another Bowl
32. Route 66
33. Peter / Rip Off Train
34. Atlanta
35. Bridge of God
36. Singapore Silk Torpedo
37. Come Home Momma
38. Dream / Joey
39. No T Only But Also
40. Big City
41. Belfast Cowboys / Bruise in the Sky

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The Pretty Things