The Best Of Tubular Bells

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Nom du groupe Mike Oldfield
Nom de l'album The Best Of Tubular Bells
Type Compilation
Date de parution 11 Juin 2001
Labels EMI Records
Style MusicalRock Progressif
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Tubular Bells - Part 1 (Original Edit)
2. Tubular Bells - Part 1 (Orchestral Edit)
3. Tubular Bells - Part 1 (Original Edit)
4. Tubular Bells - Part 1 (Exposed Edit)
5. Tubular Bells - Part 1 (Original Edit)
6. Tubular Bells - Part 2 'The Caveman Song' (Original Edit)
7. Tubular Bells - Part 2 (Exposed Edit)
8. Sentinel (Tubular Bells II)
9. The Bell (Tubular Bells II)
10. Far Above The Clouds (Tubular Bells III)
11. The Millennium Bell (The Millennium Bell)
12. Tubular Bells - Part 2 'Sailors Hornpipe' (Original Edit)

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Mike Oldfield