The Essential Aerosmith

Liste des groupes Hard-Rock Aerosmith The Essential Aerosmith
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Nom du groupe Aerosmith
Nom de l'album The Essential Aerosmith
Type Compilation
Date de parution 2002
Style MusicalHard-Rock
Membres possèdant cet album2


1. Mama Kin
2. Dream on
3. Same Old Song and Dance
4. Season of Wither
5. Walk This Way
6. Big Ten Inch Record
7. Sweet Emotion
8. Last Child
9. Back in the Saddle
10. Draw the Line
11. Dude (Looks Like a Lady)
12. Angel
13. Rag Doll
14. Janie's Got a Gun
15. Love in an Elevator
16. What It Takes
1. The Other Side
2. Livin'on the Edge
3. Cryin'
4. Amazing
5. Deuce Are Wild
6. Crazy
7. Falling in Love (Is Hard on the Knees)
8. Pink (The South Beach Remix)
9. I don't Want to Miss a Thing
10. Jaded
11. Just Push Play (Radio Remix)
12. Walk this Way (Performed by Run D.M.C)
13. Girls of Summer
14. Lay it Down

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