Tokyo Dome Live In Concert

Liste des groupes Hard-Rock Van Halen Tokyo Dome Live In Concert
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Nom du groupe Van Halen
Nom de l'album Tokyo Dome Live In Concert
Type Live
Date de parution 31 Mars 2015
Style MusicalHard-Rock
Membres possèdant cet album2


1. Unchained
2. Runnin’ with the Devil
3. She’s the Woman
4. I’m the One
5. Tattoo
6. Everybody Wants Some!!
7. Somebody Get Me a Doctor
8. Chinatown
9. Hear About It Later
10. (Oh) Pretty Woman
11. Me & You (Drum Solo)
12. You Really Got Me
1. Dance the Night Away
2. I’ll Wait
3. Cradle Will Rock
4. Hot for Teacher
5. Women in Love
6. Romeo Delight
7. Mean Street
8. Beautiful Girls
9. Ice Cream Man
10. Panama
11. Eruption (Guitar Solo)
12. Ain’t Talkin’’Bout Love
13. Jump

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 $9.70  €11,04  €7,99  £12.98  $ 20.42  33,58 €  €1,29
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Van Halen