Warhead : the 25TH Anniversary Concert

Liste des groupes Punk-Rock UK Subs Warhead : the 25TH Anniversary Concert
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Nom de l'album Warhead : the 25TH Anniversary Concert
Type Video
Date de parution 10 Octobre 2006
Style MusicalPunk-Rock
Membres possèdant cet album0


1. Living Dead
2. Cyberjunk
3. Squat 96
4. Lay Down and Die
5. Ice Age
6. Sensitive Boys
7. Emotional Blackmail
8. Left for Dead
9. Rockers
10. Crash Course
11. Endangered Species
12. Time & Matter
13. New York State Police
14. Down on the Farm
15. Party in Paris
16. Tomorrow's Girls - Pt. 1
17. Warhead
18. Stranglehold
19. C.I.D.
20. Tomorrow's Girls - Pt. 2
21. Limo Life
22. You Don't Belong
23. I Couldn't Be You

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UK Subs