Wormwood Live

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Nom du groupe The Residents
Nom de l'album Wormwood Live
Type Live
Date de parution 1999
Labels Ralph America
Style MusicalRock Expérimental
Membres possèdant cet album1


Disc 1
1. In the Beginning
2. Welcome to Wormwood
3. Mr. Skull's Rave: 1
4. How to Get a Head
5. Mr. Misery
6. Tent Peg in the Temple
7. Mr. Skull's Rave: 2
8. God's Magic Finger
9. Dinah & the Unclean Skin
10. Cain & Abel
11. Mr. Skull's Rave: 3
(Melancholy Clumps background music)
12. Burn Baby Burn
(Slightly different from Fillmore version)
13. Fire Fall
Disc 1
1. King of Kings
2. Skull Prayer
3. Mr. Skull's Rave: 4
4. Abraham -- consisting of:
On the High Way, Sick One (Abraham, Part I) (New for tour)
Kill Him! (Abraham, Part II)
5. Bridegroom of Blood
(All percussion version, like a mini Gamelan)
6. Mr. Skull's Rave: 5
7. David -- consisting of:
David Flashes God (David, Part I) (New for tour)
aka When David Displays his Dick, aka Sausage City
Bathesheba Bathes (David, Part II)
(Very different from Fillmore version)
Attitude is Everything (David, Part III) (New for tour)
aka Tamara's Tumor
Hanging by His Hair (David, Part IV)
8. Judas Saves
9. Old Time Religion (epilogue)
(With The Halleluja Chorus)
10. Jesus Loves Me (exit music)

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The Residents