2Hurt is an Italian band from Rome born in 2008. The most constant members are Paolo Spunk Bertozzi (Guitars,Vocals) and Laura Senatore (Violin). Their first album - Words in Freedom - was placed among the ten best independent italian albums of 2009. In 2010 2Hurt released the Ep -A Better Day-. May 4th 2011 2Hurt open for Giant Sand at Init Club in Rome and gain international visibility opening for Dave Alvin Band, The New Christs and Howe Gelb. Out in the spring of 2012 -Heaven Isn't Gold- is widely considered as the most comprehensive and mature work of the band. Harmoniously ballads dark and melancholic songs with psychedelic attitude. In 2013 Mexico City Blues fourth album comes out based on the eponymous book Jack Kerouac with participation in two songs by Van Christian singer and guitarist from Tucson (Naked Prey) and member of the first combo of Green On Red, Paolo Spunk Bertozzi played and produced the first solo album by Van Christian (May 2013) -Party Of One- for Lostunes Records, and with Laura Senatore played for the American folk singer Dan Coyle -The Undertow-.
In September 2014 comes out 'On bended knee' the fifth studio album acclaimed by critics and audiences, and in 2015 'Live another dope' Recorded Live Somewhere Between 2009/2015.

Biographie : 2Hurt
In September 2014 comes out 'On bended knee' the fifth studio album acclaimed by critics and audiences, and in 2015 'Live another dope' Recorded Live Somewhere Between 2009/2015.