Bane : Los Angeles 3:58 Pm

Les paroles
summer came and you left it all behind
Red Sox games and Red Line trains
Told yourself that nothing stays all dizzy and bright
Traded it all to watch the world glide by
Through that back bench-seat window
How could you not go?
Everywhere you went your friends were waiting there
Held onto nothing so that nothing could break in the end
Envied everyone who was not you
And never forgave the rules that were older than time
That made time
And gravity did what gravity does
So you just kept on running
Remembering Led Zeppelin songs with you feet on her dash
But her words they chase you still
"Those highway lines will never love you back"
Though I walk alone I am never on my own
How can I not confuse family with friends
Even though that is exactly what somebody told me
This was more than a chapter
But the heart of the whole damn book
I had my best friend by my side when
I learned my father died
I've seen strangers become friends
And then turn into brothers
In just a few short weeks away from home
It is crazy when they tell me that
This is just screams to a beat
When I know it's what shot you into my veins
Glue that binds, a weapon that defines us
And I would be so lost without them
I've seen strangers become friends
And then turn into brothers
In just a few short weeks on the road
Bonds so much stronger than the time they took to form
And will last me the rest of my days
It is crazy when they tell me that
This is just screams to a beat
When i know its what shot you into my veins
Glue that binds, a weapon that defines us
And I would be so lost without you
Though I walk alone I am never on my own
Cuz the places we've been become the times we have shared
And they crash like waves and mark these days
And I don't go anywhere without them
I took the whole damn ride
With my best friends by my side
The days turned into nights
And we held on with all our might
Cuz nothing stays no way, no how
There's no forever
The only thing that lasts forever
Is right fucking now
Still can't believe i'm even writing this one
Stoop down all the way down here
Address this shit that is so far beyond beneath me
Calling out some cowards who will never even face me
Ducked that shit for years it never even phased me
Cuz I have always known that
It's the haters who blow the wind in our sails
Simple words, simple minds from those
Who will not look me in the eye
But then I heard you took your shots
At some very good friends of mine
A band who stands for everything that I hold dear
I could not let it slide, I could not get it off my mind
They were just trying to say goodbye
And you had to run your mouth
Showed your lack of all it takes to be that great
You tried to tear them down
So fucking filled with envy
It's got you ripping the wings off flies
Kills you to see all of those fists in the air
Voices united by a spirit that never took hold
In you you've already become the angry dad yelling,
"Turn that noise down!"
I just don't know how all this good got so lost on you
But you can't cloud the ending of something
That burned so bright
So you just sit and bitch
While they travel the whole wide world
You've never been a part of this
Of all the good that they have tried to do
So you just hide behind that screen
I know you're hearing this
All that I think of you
You are nothing
You did nothing
You brought nothing
You touched nothing
You built nothing
You meant nothing
paroles ajoutées par VampiricGoth - Modifier ces paroles