Bush : Golden State

Les paroles
Devil you know is back here again devil is stoned - he's making
friends :: We move we break we're sun we're shade you come you
go we're fast we're slow :: Blood on your dress hole in your
sky blanket has gone to permanent night :: We're glued we break
we're all dilate we please we pain again :: She checks her
head - she's in the smoke :: Figuring which way to turn now
she's got the rope :: We need solutions :: A brain megaphone
:: We need solutions :: a brain megaphoneYou've broken your shoes you look like winter you're all in
a bruise :: Handful of splinters we brood we flake we torch
we take :: Rebound rebirth cocooned from hurt I could be wrong
I could be right :: But do you think we'll make it out of here
alive :: We need solutions a brain megaphone :: We need solutions
we need to call this home - a brain megaphone :: She makes me
see God - I'm out on a line :: Any way the pleasure comes
we need solutions a brain megaphone :: a brain megaphone - we
got to call this home
2.headful of ghosts
I stand around at American weddings I stand around for family
:: At my best when I'm terrorist inside at my best when it's
all me :: I was there when they took all the people :: I was
alone in a mental ravine :: You breathe life when you break
the walls down :: You breathe life when you set me free :: Where
is my head where are my bones :: Why are my days so far from
homeGhostman - where is my head - where are my bones :: Can you
save me from myself :: Free-thinking renegade social Mr. Moon
Man now :: Out the slipstream of my possibilities got the boat
so we don't drown These are the days that I'm split down the
middle :: No words to calm me down :: Be sure that what you
dream of won't come to hunt you out :: Where is my head where
are my bones :: Why are my days so far from home :: Ghostman
How come we get so lost :: Ghostman :: Save me from myself
3.the people that we love
Speed kills coming down the mountain :: Speed kills coming down
the street :: Speed kills with presence of mind and :: Speed
kills if you know what I mean :: Got to feel - woke up inside
again :: Got to feel less broke more fixed :: Got to feel when
I got outside myself :: Got to feel when I touched your lips
:: The things we do to the people that we love :: The way we
break if there's something we can't take :: Destroy the world
that we took so long to make :: We expect her gone for some
time :: I wish her safe from harm :: To find yourself in a foreign
land :: Another refugee outsider refugee :: How's it feel she's
coming up roses :: How's it feel she's coming up sweet :: How's
it feel when it's all in spite of you :: How's it feel when
she's out of your reach :: The things we do to the people that
we love :: The way we break if there's something in the way
:: Destroy the world that we took so long to make :: We expect
her gone for some time :: I wish her safe from harm :: To find
yourself in a foreign land :: Another refugee outsider refugee
:: What happened to you
Crucified - for atonal sins re-invent myself :: Shed my alter-skin
tried to break the mould :: Severed whole first you find your
threshold bevels :: Breathing out your toxic levels :: Long
slow rope is hanging - now we know what's coming :: Superman
- where have you gone
With a little more time and a six-leaf clover :: Just a little
more head to make you bolder :: Just a little more sound a little
more sound :: Baby's playing tricks you know - she got sucked
real dry :: We destroy ourselves to rise again :: Open up yourself
like a Jesus sun :: Only way out is through way past you ::
First you get to human level run right through your bullsh*t
pedals :: Long slow rope is hanging - now you know what's coming
:: Superman what have you done
With a little more time and a six-leaf clover :: Just a little
more head to make you bolder :: Just a little more sound just
a little more sound :: Baby's plying tricks you know - she got
sucked real dry :: And you only know how to lose :: Crucified
We got the soul - we got the honey :: To stay alive we keep
on running :: House is on fire - we're petrol-stained :: We
stay on the move - ahead of the flames :: We are the new accelerators
:: Faster we go before they make us :: Maybe we did maybe we
don't :: Let's see your face as you throw the stone :: I am
a fugitive on the run :: I carry the weight of what I've done
:: Those born of sweat through eyes of love :: Bring more light
than 5000 hurts :: It's not where you're from but where you
go :: And what you believe is more than you know :: Open your
head open your head :: Hold me close as we jump off the edge
:: I am a fugitive on the run :: I carry the weight of what
I've done :: So don't carry the weight :: Don't carry the weight
:: You can't change the world :: But you can change what's to
come :: I am a fugitive on the run :: So don't carry the weight
:: Don't carry the weight
Skies ripped open by the sun :: Daylight comes but not soon
enough :: I speed down your track in search of you :: Strapped
to the back of what we do :: Anaesthetise these troubled nerves
over to you to make it work :: Agents of change set headfires
:: I'd rather starve than fake alive :: Lost to the cities of
the night :: Lost in the world of make it right :: Heartbreak
:: heartbreaking :: Novocaine won't help the pain :: I'm out
of control - I'm in a hurricane - Head and heart have broken
down :: Out of control I'm in a hurricane :: Hurricane ::
Win some ground but lose you :: It's never explained how to
make it through :: No rope no cash - no serpentine :: All love
buried on a bonfire :: Heartbreak :: Heartbreaking :: Novocaine
won't help the pain :: I'm out of control - I'm in a hurricane
:: Head and heart have broken down :: Hurricane :: Good to see
you follow :: Good to see you come again :: Hurricane ::
Miles of water :: Hurricane :: Miles of water :: Out of control
- I'm in a hurricane
Let it slide overhead :: When I believe in you my soul can rest
:: But as love that's really love can never fail :: But fail
it does :: When we shine like the sun :: You seem the only one
my only friend :: You're so pretty in white pretty when you're
faithful :: So pretty in white pretty when you're faithful ::
I resigned from myself :: Took a break as someone else :: It's
like we've come undone :: But I've only just become inflatable
for you :: You're so pretty in white :: Pretty when you're faithful
:: So pretty in white pretty when you're faithful :: When you're
faithful :: When you're :: Faithful :: I don't mind most of
the time :: But you push me so far inside :: You're so pretty
in white :: Pretty when you're faithful :: Faithful
Watch the water feed the soil so the circle is complete :: See
what you have become is the earth beneath my feet :: Are there
any stains on your alabaster feet :: What's the space between
what you want and what you need :: So you'll never be lonely
again :: Never be lonely again :: Waiting for this love to bring
me close to you :: Waiting for this love to bring me close to
you :: Who are you and where are you in my life? :: I was wondering
how much of me is still alive :: I don't even know if I can
swim again :: You know how cold we get with all this struggling
:: Try to find ourselves see what is real it gets so hard at
times to know just what to feel :: Never be lonely again never
be lonely again :: Waiting for this love to bring me close to
you :: Waiting for this love to bring me close to you :: Watch
the water bleed the soil :: Albinoed by the sun we will try
to keep our feet :: In the face of what we've done :: Try to
find ourselves see just what we have made :: Tell me what you
want and what you have betrayed :: Home is still the place that
we love the most :: Home is where you are :: Home is where you
are :: Waiting for this love
9.land of the living
I found myself in another world :: I found myself alive and
well :: I am the vapour I am the gas :: You be the angel of
everything :: This is the land of the living - the land of reprisal
:: I lost myself to a wider plain :: I opened up I'm not the
same :: I am electric - made of wire :: I'll be the match you
be the fire :: This is the land of the living - the land of
reprisal :: In myself I try for you :: Walk a thousand miles
to get us through :: Airwaves :: Jetplanes :: Safe landing
:: No branding :: This is the land of the living :: The land
of survival
10.my engine is with you
What makes it go round the way we're up and down :: We're minutiae
staring at the whole sky :: Battle sense to keep you apprehensive
:: I guess no one is the same :: We're all through different
lenses :: The bladder will filter all the pain :: And the gut
has sides you can't restrain :: You are everything to me you
are cobalt elemental :: A new lagoon five years down the line
:: And all I want is a lot of your time :: These days when the
clouds come in :: Heat broke no smoke without a fire :: Heat
broke no smoke :: Infractions of the landscape :: In a world
we learn to escape :: Bad weather comes but we have wood to
burn :: That which only gives will always bring you through
:: My engine is with you :: Kilburn and California make you
wonder what it's all for - feed the lesson to the plate :: Twenty-one
centuries and I'm just starting to move :: Wreckless times like
poison to the mood :: Daylight comes all too soon :: Accusations
bruises to the head :: Planet waves to test your lead :: You
are everything to me :: Infractions of the landscape in a world
we learn to escape :: Bad weather comes but we have wood to
burn :: That which only gives will always pull you through ::
My engine is with you :: Tie me in with electric line :: Bathe
me in Bacchanalian wine :: If I with you to gold worlds of true
moans :: And eyes that see the same pool :: If not the same
water :: Water :: You are everything to me you are cobalt
elemental :: Bad weather comes but we have wood to burn :: That
which only gives will always bring you through :: My engine
is with you.
11.out of this world
When we die we go into the arms of those that remember us ::
We are home now out of our heads out of our minds out of this
world out of our time :: Are you drowning or waving :: I just
want you to save me :: Should we try to get along :: Just try
to get along :: So we move we change by the speed of the choices
that we make and the barriers are all self-made :: That's so
retrograde :: Are you drowning or waving :: I just need you
to save me :: Should we try to get along :: Try to get along
:: I am alive I am awake to the trials and confusion we create
:: There are times when I feel we're about to break :: When
there's too much to say :: We are home now out of our heads
out of our minds :: Out of this world out of this time :: Out
of this time :: Out of this time
It's a beautiful world but everyone's insane :: Either you swim
or either you fade :: It's a revolution time we're sleeping
at the wheel :: Apocalypse child in a nuclear field :: We want
to change the world but not what holds us back :: I want to
be for you what I've never had :: And all of this time I was
just trying to reach you :: Through the rain traffic :: As you
|oat into space :: Your white eyes hide your face :: As you
float in between - I am with you :: If you leave :: Fragile
to the waves - vicissitudes of days :: When I am with you I
feel a little brave
The madness and the wars the circles that we run :: Confusion
we import look what we have become :: And all of this time I
was just trying to reach you :: Through the rain traffic ::
As you float into space :: Your white eyes hide your face ::
As you float in between - I die with you :: If you leave - I
die with you I die with you
paroles ajoutées par bob112 - Modifier ces paroles