Bush : Razorblade Suitcase

Las palabras
1.personal holloway
tune my weaker eye :: spit white :: hold the world up all day
:: she's blue in the face again :: sleep the darkness all away
:: and drinking kitchen paint to dye the winter i hope we'll
never see again :: deaf and dumb with the lights on :: deaf
and dumb with the lights on :: married by signs :: married by
personal holloway :: six month linen :: but's safe to say we
are alone :: suburban suicide :: watching night come amber ::
it's all so temporary :: move a little way :: move a little
way now :: move a little way :: move a little way now :: bleed
life :: breathe life :: could be a better plan :: paracetamol
:: could be a better plan :: could be a better plan
2.greedy fly
do you feel the way you hate :: do you hate the way you feel
:: always closest to the flame :: ever closer to the blade
i am poison crazy lush :: built these hands to lift me up ::
we are servants to our formulaic ways :: i'm screaming daisies
:: from 14 miles away :: i've got my own time :: got it all
today :: make up your mind :: i need some help :: to find this
limbo this and limbo that :: you were this and you were that
:: ever know that what you fear is what you find :: this indian
summer :: i signed my life away :: there's a greedy fly in here
:: and i fly away
warm sun feed me up :: i'm leery loaded up :: loathing for a
change :: and i slip some boil away :: swallowed followed ::
heavy about everything but my love :: swallowed sorrowed ::
i'm with everyone and yet not :: i'm with everyone and yet not
:: i'm with everyone and yet not
just wanna be myself :: hey you said that you would love to
try some :: hey you said that you would love to die some ::
in the middle of a world on a fishhook :: you're the wave ::
you're the wave :: you're the wave
swallowed borrowed :: heavy about everything but my love ::
swallowed hollowed :: sharp about everyone but yourself :: swallowed
oh no :: i'm with everyone and yet not :: i'm with everyone
and you're not :: i'm with everyone and yet not
piss on self-esteem :: forward :: busted knee :: sick head ::
blackened lungs :: and i'm a simple :: selfish son :: swallowed
followed :: swallowed oh no :: i'm with everyone and yet not
:: got to get away from here :: i miss the one that i love a
lot :: i miss the one that i love a lot
4.insect kin
iron lung i know you well :: deal with you like a bad spell
:: see the trail moon burns :: red stripe and vicadin :: you
were the only one :: you're the censor :: you'll never people
me :: i'm not defenseless :: in the afternoon as the light dims
:: build a life out of all this semtex :: you're the brightest
one :: you were the center :: the perfect opposite of what you
asked for :: it's not just one way :: a negative factor :: with
all these wasps out :: i'd better take cover :: copper tongue
beam me up :: lonely without my impediments :: start to save
what we used to steal :: walking on gelatin :: i never noticed
you were the brightest one :: you were wide of me just like
the English sun :: you caught the light again :: in a perfect
way :: the biggest threat of all :: is in the alley way :: you're
the demon seed you're the factor :: feel better with a little
bit of plaster :: it's not just one way a negative factor ::
with all these wasps out :: better take cover :: there's all
the pain :: in the way she talks :: all the pain in the way
she walks :: all the pain in her wave goodbye :: all the pain
in the way she smiles :: all the pain in her fatal charm ::
all the pain in her arms
5.cold contagious
wherever you are :: you will carry always :: truth of the scars
:: and the darkness of your faith :: slowly move on :: how did
we get to here :: it all went wrong :: gravity claiming all
your tears :: everything looks :: so much better now :: you
will get yours :: you have no right :: to ask me now :: you
were never that around :: i have missed :: reality day trips
and your :: suit me suit me ways :: turn out the light switch
:: we've been awake for days :: and no-one's coming round ::
here no more :: you will get yours :: you have no right :: to
calm me down :: you were never that around :: i have missed
:: cold contagious :: all the mighty mighty men :: what you
save is what :: you lose out in the end :: cold contagious ::
paint your perfect day :: i don't mind this :: i'm better off
by the way :: deeply grounded :: you will get yours :: cold
contagious :: all the mighty mighty men :: what you save is
what you lose :: out in the end :: cold contagious
6.a tendency to start fires
strange zoo, strange blaze :: douse my head in flames :: coming
through got to get some :: happiness is a bad son :: forceps
:: kitchen tools :: deconstruct your every move :: feels better
when you're here :: guillotine just got here :: back bend, back
break :: please yourself to make it rate :: live it all at your
own cost :: so many just got lost :: leaning for fire :: leaning
to fire :: leaning to fire :: here's tomorrow man :: best of
my ability :: chasing what i can :: here's tomorrow man :: instinct,
bare boned :: light it up, take it home :: you will be all things
:: you'll get what you bring :: leaning to fire :: leaning to
fire :: leaning to fire :: here's tomorrow man :: best of my
ability :: chasing watercans :: here's tomorrow man :: best
of my civility :: with our own tongue :: here's tomorrow man
you gave me this :: made me give :: your silver grin :: still
sticking it in :: you have soul machine :: soul machine :: the
longest kiss :: peeling furniture days :: drift madly to you
:: pollute my heart drain :: you have broken at me :: broken
me :: all your mental armor drags me down :: nothing hurts like
your mouth :: your loaded smiles :: pretty just desserts ::
wish it all for you :: so much it never hurts :: you have soul
machine :: stone at me :: all your mental armor drags me down
:: we can't breathe when you come around :: all your mental
armor drags me down :: nothing hurts like your mouth mouth mouth
:: your mouth mouth mouth :: your mouth mouth mouth :: we've
been missing long before :: never found our way home :: we've
been missing long before :: where we'll find our way :: you
gave me this :: made me give :: you have soul machine :: broken
free :: all your mental armor drags me down :: we can't breathe
when you come around :: all your mental armor drags me down
:: nothing hurts like your mouth mouth mouth :: your mouth mouth
mouth :: your mouth mouth mouth :: all your mental armor ::
all your mental armor :: and your mouth mouth
8.straight no chaser
always be there :: face i live with :: always be there :: face
i live with :: abscess memory with broken fingers :: all the
fallen down angels :: raw pain distress :: it's all in the way
we know that we could have it all :: some satellites of pain
can't always be ignored :: war on all sides :: war on all sides
:: drink life as it comes :: straight no chaser :: drink life
as it comes :: straight no chaser :: climb inside you :: away
from strangers :: building a system of alleys and motorways
:: it's all in the way that we know we could have it all ::
some satellites of pain can't always be ignored :: it's all
in the face of what we thought we knew before :: war on all
sides :: war on all sides :: keep on driving :: hair left morning
wet :: there's nothing like losing you :: there's nothing like
losing you :: there's nothing like losing you :: there's nothing
like losing you
gave my love to a thousand yesterdays :: nothing is wrong ::
i am always a little late :: probably will probably won't ::
get this disease cut out of my throat :: all of a sudden you
come my way :: baby believer i won't be saved by morning after
:: struggling my name :: slave turned to master :: history moans
:: mouth of father :: history moans :: mouth of father :: edge
of my bed :: benzedrine telephone :: struggling to speak ::
sicker than the sickest dog :: falling faster than a liar's
grin :: we need to be saved from the shit we're in :: i believe
in you i have found :: the perfect way :: to bring me down i
won't be saved :: by all your yesterdays :: piss on my grave
:: piss on the underlay :: history moans :: mouth of our father
:: it's the movement we're after
i don't mind this :: barefoot again :: just a skin full :: what
we choose to forget :: thinking you know :: thinking you see
all sides :: casting a stone from your hand :: yeah right ::
hell is where the heart is :: synapse again :: nothing more
i can do :: i have not done again :: only worded nothing wrong
:: taking a cue from seven days :: i bet you never listen ::
burning holes in all your clothes :: razorblade suitcase ::
all the tricks of the trade :: favorite ways you can lose ::
favorite ways you can hate :: hell is where the heart is ::
synapse again :: nothing more i can do :: i haven't done again
:: i haven't done again :: only worded nothing wrong :: taking
a cue for better days :: i bet you never listen :: burning holes
in all your clothes :: burning holes in all your clothes ::
hell is where the heart is :: synapse again :: nothing more
i can do :: i haven't done again :: hell is where the heart
is :: where the heart is :: where the heart is
somewhere sometime :: all things will be fine :: and it never
seems to stop :: wonder if i've met my wife :: somewhere sometime
:: all things will be fine :: and it never seems enough :: splinter
left :: focus right :: this mortal soil around me :: mortal
feeling i have found :: surrounded by your glory :: hold me
now so that i never drown :: and it never seems to stop :: wonder
if i've met my wife :: splinter left :: focus right :: focus
we're just a wish away :: 27th letter :: much maligned :: beat
me clever :: say you will :: nevermind :: open up :: open wide
:: bonedriven :: see we're taking all the life :: to all pollutants
:: shave your face :: we're all confusion :: we're all the rage
:: maybe i can't erase :: all that's left :: inside out :: heaven
knows who walks away :: heaven knows who walks :: bonedriven
:: bonedriven :: i was wrong and i will wait :: i was wrong
and i will i will wait :: a thousand lamps :: won't lift the
dark :: rest of our lives :: might have already passed
13.distant voices
i never thought i'd get away :: cos all there is fading fast
today :: maybe you sleep well in your head :: bring on the night
let the cold moon burn instead :: cos i'm gonna find my way
:: to the sun :: if i destroy myself :: swallowing habits die
real hard :: and the coat she wore could not conceal the scars
:: beneath the magic of her lace :: are a thousand lonely faces
she can't place :: cos i'm gonna find my way to the sun :: if
i destroy myself :: i can shine on :: i'm gonna find my way
to the sun :: when i destroy myself :: i can shine on :: shine
:: sooner or later masturbate or lose :: stationary west way
running from the view :: in true the self destructive veins
:: we have found a way to keep the gifts that maims :: cause
i'm gonna find my way to the sun :: if i destroy myself i can
move on :: i'm gonna find my way to the sun :: if i destroy
myself i can shine on :: shine :: i'm gonna find my way to the
sun :: if i destroy myself i can shine on :: shine
Palabras añadidas por bob112 - Modificar estas palabras