Charged GBH : City Babys Revenge 101 Ways to Kill a Rat

Тексты песен
1. Diplomatic Immunity
Words & Music: Abrahall, Blyth, Lomas, Williams
I can speed in my car down the road.
I don't have to follow the highway code.
The laws which bind you don't bother me.
I've got diplomatic immunity.
I'm really free.
They can't touch me.
I've got sanctuary.
Diplomatic immunity.
I can walk down the street with a gun in my hand,
to protect myself from violent gangs.
Go into Harrods and steal some jewels,
store detectives look like fools.
I killed a girl once just for fun,
then waited for the police to come.
They couldn't do a thing,
I'm safe inside my wall of red tape.
Who is there to hear the call ?
And see the injustice of it all.
But who is there the hear the call ?
And see the injustice of it all.
2. Drugs Party In 526
Words & Music: Abrahall, Blyth, Lomas, Williams
Dog tired sleeping on the train.
A couple of hours and we'll be home again.
But a big man dressed in blue said,
"Hey you lot, we want you".
We had a drugs party in 526.
The flick knives were all they found,
Ross had lots of fun bending down.
Stranded in the smoke, get out of that.
Wilf he's safe at home stroking his cat.
Lumpyjack's fault he wrote the note.
Got drunk on the duty free we got on the boat.
Living in a cell really void of time.
Offensive weapon be in court by nine.
Standing in a cloud of carbon monoxide.
No need to run but a need to hide.
The zap was the loudest thing I've ever heard.
We're just trying to sleep and growing a beard
3. See The Man Run
Words & Music: Abrahall, Blyth, Lomas, Williams
See the man see him run,
where's he going where's he coming from ?
What's he carrying under his arm ?
Stay away it'll do you harm.
See the man run.
Why's he sitting in the dark ?
Who's he meeting in the park ?
Who's he calling .. on the phone ?
Counting out cash all alone.
What's in the box being wrapped ?
Why's his phone being tapped ?
Under surveilance every day.
Special branch got nothing to say.
What was he arrested for ?
Selling junk, breaking the law.
Addicting kids just looking for fun.
The pusher is pulled .. but the damage is done.
4. Vietnamese Blues
Words & Music: Abrahall, Blyth, Lomas, Williams
Well I just got back from Vietnam,
where I saw a baby in a pram.
The next minute it wasn't there,
I was getting paid too much to care.
Now I fought hard for my Purple Heart.
I can stop you if you start.
Going out now on the loose.
Gotta get rid of these Vietname Blues.
Well I just got back from Vietnam.
I got addicted to napalm.
My teeth have rotted, they're just not there.
I was getting paid too much to care.
Well I just got back from Vietnam.
I got blown to bits by a bomb.
My minds gone it's just not there.
I was getting paid too much to care.
Well I just got back from Vietnam.
Although I'm really only half a man.
My wife's left, divorce coming through.
I got no money what can I do ?
5. Womb With A View
Words & Music: Abrahall, Blyth, Lomas, Williams
You want a house and a child but you don't want a man.
You'll live off the state as long as you can.
Claim you're equal with your feminist wit.
If you are you'd better act like it.
With a glass plate in your stomach,
everyone will look at you
The only woman in the world,
to have a womb with a view
Men are the evil, women are good.
You joined the CND just like you should.
Greenham Common the new Babylon.
Campaign all you want they'll still drop the bomb.
Burn your bra then whine for support.
Independence is a thing that can't be taught.
Live was busy for the little girl.
Then you lost your virginity to the male world.
6. The Forbidden Zone
Words & Music: Abrahall, Blyth, Lomas, Williams
In the desert with a bottle of J.D.
The red pipe glows with lines of c.
Things are normal but they won't be soon.
Hairy monsters in the next room.
Frogsheads and midgets going oingoboingo ..
Take my hand and we'll explore,
the forbidden zone.
When you're in your own tree,
But don't know if anybodys home.
Thugs in lingerie greet you.
Bitch queens with tattoos eat you.
You haven't got a watch but it's nearly 4.
And there's armed police knocking at your door.
When you've jumped the fence into the bath
we'll understand if you have the last laugh.
Just as things seem as they were before,
down with the field up with the air conditioner.
7. City Babys Revenge
Words & Music: Abrahall, Blyth, Lomas, Williams
There was a City Baby, Attacked By Rats.
Their little teeth, they gnawed and hacked ..
He grew and he fought back ..
put those rats back in their traps.
City Babys .. Revenge
Survive he did, but only just.
Now for revenge, he has a lust.
No rats are safe, when he is there.
A Pied Piper .. with a grudge to bear.
8. Pins & Needles
Words & Music: Abrahall, Blyth, Lomas, Williams
If your body's feeling bad,
and it's the only one you had.
If your mind is in a state,
stainless steel penetrate.
I can ease your pain away, just an hour every day.
Now relax, have faith in me,
and I'll start your therapy.
And I can help you,
and you can help me.
And together we'll find perfect harmony.
I can make you understand,
only gotta take my hand.
Close your eyes and lie down,
I'll slip into my white gown.
My needles are being sterilised,
the power of the pins are not recognised.
Now relax, have faith in me,
And I'll start your therapy.
Faith and hope and charity,
will set your tortured body free.
The secret lies in your own mind,
I only seek payment of a kind.
Your body sleeps while mine takes pleasure,
wake slowly at your own leisure.
Now relax have faith in me,
it's the end of your therpay.
9. Christianised Cannibals
Words & Music: Abrahall, Blyth, Lomas, Williams
Suits of black, serene robe,
into your mind they will probe.
Christianity it's a pain,
financial power, it's their gain.
Christianised cannibals,
cannibalised christians,
christianised cannibals.
Holier than thou, men of sin,
wicked hearts lurk within.
Pointless eyesores being erected,
with the Mafia you're connected.
Everything's founded on the book,
it works like a magnet, it's you they hook.
It's a futile cause you're fighting for,
spawning hate and death and war.
10. Faster Faster
Words & Music: Abrahall, Blyth, Lomas, Williams
A rapid night, and I'm feeling good,
I paid enough an' I guess I should.
I've gotta get up, I've gotta go,
It's two o'clock, I've gotta go, my watch is slow.
Faster faster, the race is on,
Faster faster, I think I'm gone.
I cannot sleep when I'm in this state,
my mind is running, accelerate.
I'm talking fast, not saying much,
you're so close and I want to touch.
Increase my intake of nicotine,
I've got a small problem if you know what I mean.
But you can help me if you can,
then I'll prove that I'm still a man.
11. High Octane Fuel
Words & Music: Abrahall, Blyth, Lomas, Williams
I've got a turbocharger, on my car,
without that power .. we wouldn't get far.
Let me take you back to when power first began,
rubbing sticks together can't be a lot of fun.
High octane fuel ..
I've got fuel injection, on my Cadillac,
when I push that button, I ain't coming back.
I've got a rocket booster, on my saloon.
If we waste power, we'll run out soon.
I've got solar panels to keep me warm,
and a nuclear warhead, to fry you all.
12. I Feel Alright
Words & Music: The Stooges
Out of my mind on a Saturday night,
Nineteen Eighty Four rolling in sight.
Radio Bird Man, up above,
beautiful baby, save our love.
All night killer, blown away,
all night killer, blown away.
I feel alright, I fell alright,
feeling alright.
Save your baby, burn my heart,
save your baby, burn my heart.
Fall apart now baby, fall apart.
Save your baby, burn my heart.
Out of my mind on a Saturday night,
Nineteen Eighty Four rolling in sight.
Radio Bird Man, up above,
beautiful baby, save our love.
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