Diary Of Dreams : Psychoma

Les paroles
1. (VER)GIFT (ET) ?
[The new Messiah]
Das Gift des Messias
Rainbow's End
The new Messiah
Das Gift wartet auf uns am anderen Ende des
Thankful as I stumble into future
I fall asleep in this god-given Gift
Kind of weird your absolution
Father, make them go!
Your hand touches my face
As if it glides through water
A kiss on lifeless flesh
You should have practiced what you preach!
First you asked for darkness
And now you want the sun
It's been so long since someone cared
A hostage just to have a friend
How thoughtful and how kind
Drown my head in water
Slice me into halves
You really think I'd care?
Legenden werden geboren und in kleinen gepolsterten Zimmern aufbewahrt.
Einsam lernst Du das zu lieben was Du nie beruhren wirst
It is rather indefinable whether a dream can response to reality,
Or if it is possibly more likely that the knowledge
Of the existence of our subconscious being,
Which sincerely rejects what is not in our definate (range of) acceptance,
Can survive much longer...
However our decision may turn out,
The magic of its inspirative influence issurely the best proof
To what research has made me accept...
Metablic, schizoid indeed, s-care-ful-d we may tremble towards our future,
But still always being aware of nothing else more anxiously,
but of our dreams.
Eternal ice as far as eyes can see
Deserted wind, an inspiration need
This white horizon, so sure a lonely guard
Oath to preserve, admire graceful art
Flower in ice, this artificial life
The beauty lies to your devoted feet
Down on my knees, they feel so numb, are blue
I talk to her, I dedicate my words
Of course not, how could I dare to thaw
Of course not, why should I care for life
...At all
Immortal beauty, unbearable in splendour
A season change as days fly by
I see her thaw, give life to beauty
To rouse me out of transformation
Ice now bursts in thousand pieces
Imprisoned I now under her
I listen to this lifeless rushing
And hear her speak to me now, softly
Of course not, how could I dare to thaw
Of course not, why should I care for life
...At all
[Anti Methusalem Syndrome]
I plastered all these walls with color
I drank your tears watered with wine
Contented with this taste of anger
Regarding this was mine
I tested all in vague proportions
I drank your tears like they were mine
I dared to speak of new horizons
And blinded both your eyes with mine
Can you feel it coming?
Can you feel it go?
Anti Methusalem Syndrome
Misled by an angel
I thought I saw the sun bleed
Up my throat they crawl
To turn in little rumours
Infinite temptation
Fateful, formless, rare
Distant condulation
I know whose words they are
How dare you speak, or even move
Dimorphicly disabled gestures
Prophylactic tendencies
As bodies need their prostitution
My tongue was bent in all directions
Circling motion in slight confusion
E-dead spies return in failure
prayer after prayer (just) in case it helps
It's in our kind
It's on my mind
It's pure and holy
It's what I've done...,done to you
Can you see him running?
Can you see his home?
Anti Methusalem Syndrome
[An ode to grace]
Tranquility has lost its silence
Disguised in wildest rage
A thoughtful friend, the chosen sinner
My stability too vague
For what now have I suffered?
For what now have I died?
The wildest creatures touch my body
I feel my breath disperse
I tried to see my liberty
I tried to find my conscious mind
I tried to see humanity
I tried to fly away from my mortality
Enflame my paradise with wisdom
Strangely rare
A legend dies to stay alive
A priest will hold your hand
Trust in god and pray for the devil
An angel heals the deepest wounds
Or at least I think so?
Was it ever in my range of chance
In my strongest urge I know at least it was
Drop dead-permanently gorgeous
In the mood to lose control
Go leave me as my best friend, (but please)
Stay out of sight
I hunger for the next one-tonight
Are you cleaned in your soul?
Or is a victim the one who speaks the truth?
What can you tell about a person with a gun?
Come on, give up, give up!
My little servant is just like a tattoo
You cannot wash it off - you cannot seem to let it go
Maybe it may be, that you need shelter
Run for help, run for miles and find no one to blame!
I cannot see you
I cannot feel you
I cannot sense the distance to you (at all)
(Vivid valediction)
Das Leben verbirgt sich hinter seinen abertausenden Gesichtern, im Schatten dessen was es selbst zu bewirken vermag.
Unbandbare Kraft verborgen in unheilbarer Sucht nach mehr Gefuhl,nach viel mehr Gefuhl...
In blendendem Licht zu einer anonymen Masse verschmolzen, deren Asthetik einzig und allein in ihrem imaginar allem uberlegenen Intellekt liegt.
Utopie oder Fanatismus, wer weiss das schon... (Und so schlendern wir orientierungslos, Angesicht zu Angesicht, aneinander vorbei.)
Ich bin endgiftet, total endgiftet
Und dennoch schopfen wir immer wieder neues Vertrauen und rufen es hinaus in die Leere, wartend auf ein sanftes Echo,
Das sich anschmiegsam wie eine zweite Hulle um Dich wickelt,
Dir Trost spendet und Dir fur eine Weile Deine muden Augen einfuhlsam zu schliessen versteht.
Vorbehaltlos verringerst Du Deine Erwartungen auf ein Minimum:
Eine Hand gefroren im Eis, die andere im odernden Feuer, so erstarrst Du...
Vergib mir, mein Freund, Du scheinst nicht zu
Verstehen, aber wer weiss das schon?
Legenden werden geboren und in kleinen gepolsterten Zimmern aufbewahrt.
Einsam lernst Du das zu lieben was Du nie beruhren wirst
Long, lost faces jump off fences
Taste the fall on bloody lips
Sit up, bend down
Connect the masses
Grounded, reduced to soil
Feel, fake - reject my touch
Shiver, shake - don't trust my language
But still it's up to you!
How can you cope with rare conditions
That you've caused by yourself
Never try to understand me!
Never try to face my faces!
Wildest creatures sliver dreams
Which phantasy gave birth to once
A fairy-tale to make me shiver
A unicorn at rainbow's end
To wear the willow for mankind
Embodied in these eyes of glass
This diagnosis kills the cause
Swallow now antitoxin
O' can't you see my little Never!Land?
My little rage, you took my Never!Land!
Play black and white keys
And write a book to understand...
Search for a flower in ice
Do not tranceform into a slave of lies
Accumulation of mankind
How stupid must we be to...Disagree to this!
And now you know I'm doubting
Everything you offer me in this demented world
[2nd Tribe]
I welcome you with open arms
As a receit for feelings
Floating sand through desert lands
Like a million stitches in my skin
No use to hide, no use to run
I sacrifice my body
I fear the snake's teeth, like a stranger's torch
Enjoy what's - raging - left of me
In my desert
Long lasting life for me
And my last breath
Messiah took from me
This is the last one of a sacrilegious dance
Embodied here, in the melody of wind
Understand to believe and feel to realize
Who are you to say the desert's not alive
Can you feel the satin sea
So deeply blue, inside of me
Collected moments - fractured fruits of blindness
Militant, you offer me your hand
As I see your body sink in sand
And I smile to reject with noble kindness
Welcome you! with open arms
Enormous fire - it's just the state I'm in
A million stitches - I'm one with these injections
Enjoy what's - raging - left of me
10. YOU(-DAS)
You(-das), You(-das)
Maybe you were not expected
And maybe I just wasn't either
Regarding you I speak in riddles
Only I can understand
Ease it all for I feel better
Still there's pity in this smile
Ease it all for I feel better
Better in my skin
You(-das), You(-das)
Justified in little whispers
And never waste a tear for this
Let me know when to feel guilty
Even though I should myself
Enter in this world of silence
Feeling comfortably embraced
You(-das), You(-das)
Embodied here - in no direction
Restless I reach out in time
Intimacy loosing face
Nowhere else you feel as mine
Knowledge never saves from mistakes!
Mephisto's brother
Now returns to wimmer with the wind
Out of life and out of color
Circular world of ancient dust ->
New born in (n)o. state
Und wie hat die Seuche zahlen gelernt...?
This is tranceformation!
Gamma, memoryless child in no man's land
Searching for remains of its soul
I could not reject this!
I could never slaughter! ->11
Und wie hat die Seuche sprechen gelernt...?
This is tranceformation!
What a thrill in X-ray hell
Rated X-low
To the deepest, to the finest point be-low
Fortune-tellers know:
Crowned with thorns ->
Try this God given Gift - 8 flat
Und nie hat die Seuche leben gelernt!
Why don't you come...?
Why don't you come on home to me...?
Now this is tranceformation!
[Vivid valediction]
Das Leben verbirgt sich hinter seinen abertausenden Gesichtern, im Schatten dessen was es selbst zu bewirken vermag.
Unbandbare Kraft verborgen in unheilbarer Sucht nach mehr Gefuhl,nach viel mehr Gefuhl...
In blendendem Licht zu einer anonymen Masse verschmolzen, deren Asthetik einzig und allein in ihrem imaginar allem uberlegenen Intellekt liegt.
Utopie oder Fanatismus, wer weiss das schon... (Und so schlendern wir orientierungslos, Angesicht zu Angesicht, aneinander vorbei.)
Ich bin endgiftet, total endgiftet
Und dennoch schopfen wir immer wieder neues Vertrauen und rufen es hinaus in die Leere, wartend auf ein sanftes Echo,
Das sich anschmiegsam wie eine zweite Hulle um Dich wickelt,
Dir Trost spendet und Dir fur eine Weile Deine muden Augen einfuhlsam zu schliessen versteht.
Vorbehaltlos verringerst Du Deine Erwartungen auf ein Minimum:
Eine Hand gefroren im Eis, die andere im odernden Feuer, so erstarrst Du...
Vergib mir, mein Freund, Du scheinst nicht zu
Verstehen, aber wer weiss das schon?
Legenden werden geboren und in kleinen gepolsterten Zimmern aufbewahrt.
Einsam lernst Du das zu lieben was Du nie beruhren wirst
paroles ajoutées par Aragorn - Modifier ces paroles