Elvis Presley : He Touched Me

Тексты песен
1. He Touched Me
(William J. Gaither)
Shackled by a heavy burden
'Neath a load of guilt and shame
Then the hand of Jesus touched me
And now I am no longer the same
For He touched me, oh, he touched me
And oh what joy that floods my soul
Something happened and now I know
He touched me and made me whole
Oh since I met this blessed Saviour
And since He cleansed and made me whole
Oh I will never cease, never cease to praise Him
I'll shout it while eternity rolls
2. I've Got Confidence
(Andrea Crouch)
When trouble is in my way
I can't tell my night from day
I'm tossed from side to side
Like a ship on a raging tide
I don't worry and I don't fret
God has never failed me yet
Troubles come from time to time
But that's all right I'm not the worrying kind
Because I, I've got confidence
God is gonna see me through
No matter what the case may be
I know He's gonna fix it for me
Job was sick, oh so long
Till the flesh fell from his bones
His wife, his cattle and children
Everything that he had was gone
But Job in his despair
He knew that God still cared
Sleepless days and sleepless nights
Job said: honey, that's all right
Some folks wonder how I smile
Even though I'm going to trial
How can I have a song
Everything is going wrong
3. Amazing Grace
(Arranged by Elvis Presley)
Amazing Grace, well how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind, but now I see
When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when, when we'd first begun
(Through many dangers, toils and snares)
(I have already come)
('Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far)
(And Grace will lead me home)
Amazing Grace, well how sweet the sound
To saved a wretch like me
Oh I once was lost, oh but now am found
Was blind, but now I see
Was blind, but now I see
4. Seeing Is Believing
(West / Spreen)
Ev'ry time I see the sun rise
Or a mountain stand so high
Guess my seeing is believing
I don't need to question why
When I see a mighty ocean
As it rushes to the shore
If I ever had cause to doubt Him
I don't doubt Him any more
Oh seein', seein', seein' is believin'
And I see Him ev'rywhere
In the mountain, in the valley
Yes I know my God is there
Every time I, I look above me
I see the stars that fill the sky
How could there be any question
Only God can reach that high, hoh
Only God can reach that high
Only God can reach that high
Only God can reach that high
Only God can reach that high
5. He Is My Everything
(Dallas Frazier)
I long to be His possession
Oh, He is my everything
I remember my days of darkness
Without sunshine or sight to lead the way
Then a whisper of His voice softly calling
To the arms of my Maker to stay
He is my reason for living
Oh He is the King of all kings
I long to be His possession
Oh, He is my everything
After the lightning and thunder
After the last bell has rung
I want to bow down before Him
And hear Him say: Well done
I long to be His possession
Oh, He is my everything
6. Bosom Of Abraham
(Johnson / Mcfadden / Brooks / Presley)
Well you rock-a my soul
Down in the bosom of Abraham
Rock, rock , rock down in the bosom (of Abraham)
You Rock my soul in the bosom (bosom of Abraham)
Rock, Uh Hmm, rock, Oh Yeh! Oh Lordy, Lordy
Oh rock-a my soul
Why don't you rock my soul
Don't you rock my soul
Down in the bosom of Abraham
Rock, rock , rock down in the bosom (bosom of Abraham)
You rock my soul
Down in the bosom of Abraham
Rock, Uh Hmm, rock Oh Yeh! Oh Lordy, Lordy
Oh rock-a my soul
Why don't you rock my soul
Well, a rich man lived
In his lonely way
Children, when he died
He went home in heaven
Why don't you rock-a my soul
Down in the bosom of Abraham
Rock, rock , rock down in the bosom (of Abraham)
You Rock my soul in the bosom (bosom of Abraham)
Rock, Uh Hmm, rock, Oh Yeh! Oh Lordy, Lordy
Oh rock-a my soul
Why don't you rock my soul
Don't you rock my soul
Down in the bosom of Abraham
Rock, rock , rock down in the bosom (bosom of Abraham)
You rock my soul
Down in the bosom of Abraham
Rock, Uh Hmm, rock Oh Yeh! Once again boys
Oh rock-a my soul
Why don't you rock my soul
7. An Evening Prayer
(Battersby / Gabriel)
If I have wounded any soul today
If I have caused one's foot to go astray
If I have walked in my own willful way
Dear Lord, forgive
Forgive the sins I have confessed to thee
Forgive my secret sins I do not see
Oh guide, watch over and my keeper be
Dear Lord, Amen
And I Love You So
(Don Mclean)
And I love you so
The people ask me how
How I've lived till now
I tell them I don't know
I guess they understand
How lonely life has been
But life began again
The day you took my hand
And yes I know how lonely life can be
Shadows follow me
And the night won't set me free
But I don't let the evening get me down
Now that you're around me
And you love me too
Your thoughts are just for me
You set my spirits free
I'm happy that you do
The book of life is brief
Once the page is read
All but love is dead
This is my belief
8. Lead Me, Guide Me
(Doris Akers)
Lead me, oh Lord, won't you lead me
I am tired and I need thy strength and power
To guide me over my darkest hour
Lord, just open mine eyes that I may see
Lead me, oh Lord, won't You lead me
Lead me, guide me along the way
For if You lead me, I cannot stray
Lord, just open mine eyes that I may see
Lead me, oh Lord, won't you lead me
I am lost if You take Your hand from me
I am blind without thy light to see
Lord just always let me thy servant be
Lead me, oh Lord, won't You lead me
Lead me, oh Lord, won't you lead me
9. There Is No God But God
(Bill Kenny)
There is no God but God, I know this is true
God made everything. He made me. He made you.
There'd be no birds, no planes to sail in the blue
Without His wondrous eyes to see them through
They say that God made land and He gave it all to man
This I know is mighty good and true
There is no God but God and He knows everything you do
So just you call on Him and He will share His love with you
Just you call on Him and He will share His love with you
10. A Thing Called Love
(Jerry Hubbard)
Six foot six stood on the ground
Weighed two hundred and thirty-five pounds
But I saw that giant of a man brought
Down to his knees by love
He was the kind of man to gamble on love
Look you in the eye and never back up
But I saw him crying like a little whipped pup
Because of love
Can't see it with your eyes, hold it in your hand
Like the wind it covers our land
Strong enough to rule the heart of any man
This thing called love (This thing called love)
He can lift you up, he can put you down
Take your world and turn it all around
Ever since time nothin's ever been found
Stronger than love
It's men like me, they worry and doubt
They trouble their minds day in and day out
Too busy with living to worry about
A thing called love
But when I see a mother's tenderness
As she holds her young close to her breast
Then I thank my God this world's was blessed
With a thing called love
11. I, John
(Johnson / Mcfadden / Brooks)
Oh well
I John he saw a mighty number
(A-movin') way up in the middle of the air
Oh well, I John saw a mighty number
(A-movin') way in the middle of the air
God almighty movin'
Well, there were three gates in the east
(And there were) three gates in the west (let me tell you 'bout)
Three gates in the north (Hallelujah! there were)
Three gates in the south
(And that makes) twelve gates to the city
Four square wide Hallelujah!
God almighty movin'
Well, old John he declared that he saw a man
He had twelve bright stars in-a his right hand
Well, his eyes flashed fire like a burnin' sun
Old John got scared and he wanted to run
Well, he wanted to run but his feet wouldn't go
'Cause he felt the Gospel cuttin' like a two-edged sword
And he heard a voice he said: "John, you take a look
And read what you see, and you write it in a book"
He saw twelve angels in the east
(And there were) twelve angels in the west
(Hallelujah brother!) Twelve angels in the north
Twelve angels in the south
(That's a total of) forty-eight angels to the city
Four square wide Hallelujah!
God almighty movin'
12. Reach Out To Jesus
(Ralph Carmichael)
Is your burden heavy as you bear it all alone?
Does the road you travel harbour dangers yet unknown?
Are you growin' weary in the struggle of it all?
Jesus will help you when on His name you call
He's always there, hearing ev'ry prayer
Faithful and true
Walking by your side, in His love we'll hide
All the day through
When you get discouraged, just remember what to do
Reach out to Jesus, He's reaching out to you
Is the life your living filled with sorrow and despair?
Does the future press you with its worry and its care?
Are you tired and friendless, have you almost lost your way?
Jesus will help you, just call to Him today
When you get discouraged, just remember what to do
Reach out to Jesus, Come on and reach out to Jesus
I said to reach out to Jesus, He's reaching out to you
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