Gazpacho : Demon

Progressive Rock / Norway
(2014 - Kscope)
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I've been walking
Tired earth
Old air
From its birth

Could have been
A part of your life
There are no deals

There's no destination
No holy land
No El Dorado
Just a grain of sand

There's no salvation
No spring at Lourdes
No secret mantras
No super cure

Magic lanterns
Drowned in day
Magic lanterns out

The silent oars
Dip the dark
Stars in water
Obey the deep
Let it sleep

Forever wanting
To break the shell
Of uniform
Believe the burn
Heed the warning

Four horsemen in the night
Riding in the shallow light
Having sworn to carry fire
In a lithograph with hands alight

The smiling spider fooled the fly
Released the trap before the trial

Just an orphaned line
Doesn't read much
Oh, the manuscript's light
Fragment of present

I traveled seas and moors
I knelt down at every altar
Yellow straw has been my bed
Under bridges, in the snow

Out of the street, under the city
Birds overhead flying south from the cold
Follow the signs, smoke from the chimneys
Where do you search for what you don't know?

I lost it down a rabbit hole
And it's me you have been looking for

When the wind accelerated flame
Across the barren sands
River running backwards snake was crawling
To release the damned

The market square has been surrounded
The miracle outshines


Red pants and a ghost of a grin
Mountain boots dancing Altai winds
Pilote de Havillands lost in a trance

He is real if you believe in him
He is real if you believe in him

Eleven hours and I can't sleep
The river's crawling in the valley deep
Red pants and his leather jacket
And I am going to follow him home

And I was there when a bomb exploded
Eleven hours and I still can't sleep
Distant drums in the evening
Loneliest sound in Altai Mountains
Building slow and catching up

I am here for the duration
And I watched it come together
I rode the train


Hang on if you're not done
A sycamore tree
A sycamore tree
Call and the scarecrow comes
A sycamore tree
As sick as can be

After the sun has gone
A sycamore tree
As sick as can be
Third day's the unsettling one
A sycamore tree
A trick and a treat

Turn the screw
I needed you to heal
The heathen morning

Hazel blonde
Climbed to the top of the ever growing tower
There she told me
The secret of the
Nameless lives
She had written

The stone dance through
The gates of time
Where the leaves will
Chime for the missing

"Have you news of my boy Jack?"
"Not this tide."
"When d'you think that he'll come back?"
"Not this tide."
"Has any one else had word of him?"
"Not this tide."
"When d'you think that he'll come back?"
"Not this tide."

Lay down here, now
Rest your head
The day has passed now
Sleep beneath our memories

"Has any one else had word of him?"
"Not this tide."

Herald blue bird
People know now
There's no Altai Mountain
No eternal chord
Lost a diamond
No El Dorado
There is no reward
No one saw him

Now after what remained of love is gone
Frozen 'round the buried arms in snow

The day came, so severe
Ride the comet out of here

Line them up now, deck the halls
Now they've got you against the wall

Another inmate of this town
Alligator looks around
The sky, though, is set to cold
And the peace is like a curse

Line them up now, deck the halls
Now they've got you against the wall

Another inmate of this town
Alligator looks around

The sky, though, is set to cold
And the peace is like a curse


There's a sadness in the stars
Whose fires silver line the night
The madness of never having fully lived
All I have is here

My reward
Follow me
Leave it all

He ran to hide
Kept a log
About his fear
A small relief

He wants to sink and sleep with them
They're in his dreams, he hears them
Whisper of this nothing
As every night gets darker

City lights in the Norden's
Tachometric telescope and
They are not real
A thousand lives slow below him
Perfect paranoia is a perfect defense
Against them all
But you destroy what you're defending

The knife can turn
Upon the hand
You'll be your lover
Together in the end

Leave a vacuum
Pay until it hurts
No one sees me
My body is dirt
No one noticed the word
Of warning
But it's hard to see
The past does not rest easy

Unlimited - She's leaving
Illuminate - To be free
The universe - Be free
Reflects the hate - Spent life
Of our dirty minds - On edges
On reptile wings - She lost
The hardest times - Her daughter
Of worldly lives
From dust to dust - Cold touch
Long for rain - On a rainy day

Derived from made-up truth
You put up a play
And no one knows it's you
To elude the hate
Disguised and counterfeit
See the blue beyond the sky
Through the beam within
In your eye
It shatters

Derived from made-up truth
You put up a play
And no one knows it's you
To elude the hate
Disguised and counterfeit
You illuminate the sky
Through the beam within
In your eye
As if it matters

Broken rose
Knowing how the story goes
Praying for a miracle
Deserve it, too

He always wrote
Weekly rhymes of love and loss
Promises he'd come back to us
Happy ending fairytale

Tell me please
Silence is breathing
Fear in me
My hope is just a fantasy
A reverie
I traveled seas
I traveled moors
I conquered fear
I settled scores
And all your love
Has been my bed
Under bridges
In the snow

I lived the war
I felt the rain
The muddy fields
I lived the pain
Or was the man within my head a lie?

Heavy gloom, darkest blood
Mental institutions
Afraid that he's deaf and dumb
Scared into rebellion

The sound is gone
It's upside-down
Then you turn on your own
Mental sublimation
Write yourself petitions
Demanding absolution

It's convenient that I'm reasonable
To the mind
It's my time

Eyes open, rise above
It is absurd as love
Even if it's not your own
Navigate it

The ideals were wrong
Lived by everyone
We forget about the silence
We forget the past
Was playing dead

All our idols
Fed the dogs
On broken wishes
That they stole
Called it love and
Culled the weak
Tired earth


How you gonna make it
When the train has left the station
If you have the will to change it
You can find me right outside your door

In my shoes, made of dirt, and my shirt
Wrapped around this colored glass
And you'll dream, what I've seen

But you'll never get to me
The walls are higher than they seem
Talk it over with yourself
And see if someone will reply
But you'll never get to me

It's not a promise if you break it
You couldn't meet their expectations
How you gonna tell them

I'm a cage, that we share
Everywhere, spun around you every day
Til you die, you can try

But you'll never get to me
The wall is high as you can see
And I'm never coming down, coming down
We get along so famously

And I'll listen to your jokes
Crawling on their nose
The world just loves a clown
Smiling as he drowns

From your doorways to the blues
Anyway that you choose
You were always a loser you know it

And we will get together you and me
And the dream that you would change it was the vision of a fool
That you never get to see
That you'll never get to me

lyrics added by Reikjavik - Modify this lyrics