Good Riddance : For God and Country

Tell me who will arrest the political pollution
Who's coming up with the eminent solution
Who's gonna sell you something you can't use
Who can broadcast fallacies and call it the news
Who's gonna fight the almighty legislature
When a woman's not a woman but another incubator
When the choleric voice of millions place another urgent call
And your right to choose is taken leaving no choice at all
Freedom is just a word
Justice a blank ideal
Our novel paradigm
Mirror of one way glass
Somebody's watching
America flies first class
Some people say i'm bitter and i really should get over it
An angry young man with nothing tangible to show for it
But oppression breeds obsession like another mean season
And to turn a blind eye would be personal treason
In the sky there's a tiding greeting each and every birth
About how the unenlightened have inherited the earth
And if AIDS doesn't get you you can bet you neighbor will
Because his umbrage and obstruction give him the liberty to kill
When there's no more change to bring about
When there's nothing left to sing about
And when my heart is empty
And there's no more greed to tempt me
America files first class
There's no sense waiting in this state
I've realized too late
There's only so much left inside
Only so much space to hide
I've dreamed of castles in the air
But i've never found out where
I need a break or a vacation
Before i give myself a scare
Don't try to understand me your logic won't command me
Don't try to read between my mind
If i could kill you with a touch
I'd never hate this much
One thousand colors every day
But all i see is grey
My history is plagiarized
I feel desensitized
Maybe one more shot of reason
Will ripple this disguise
I told that man just what I thought of him
So i'm right where I am tied to this bed
Subconsciously restrained and now I wish I hadn't said
What i said to both of my parents because I made my mother cry
If they'd only wait i'll make it up to them because I can be a better man
I'm floating in a frozen sea
I'll watch the morning break
Giving way to shades of brown
I see the colors all around
For once there's no one here but me
And my autumn reverie
And in my heart i know
It's as close as i'll ever be
Give me sensibilities without ambition
Give me accolades i've done nothing to collect
Then you spread your plague of ignorance across the planet earth
Robbing us of tons of self respect
It's a plan these are ways
To a person we all fall down
Unless we rise as one and resist the right right right right
It's a plan these are ways
To a person we all fall down
Unless we rise as one and resist the right!
When we cease to question war as entertainment
And christian battle hymns will keep us pacified
You can tie a yellow ribbon 'round your cock boy
You're just along for the ride
It's a plan these are ways
To a person we all fall down
Unless we rise as one and resist the right right right right
It's a plan these are ways
To a person we all fall down
Unless we rise as one and resist the right!
Yeah we all fall down!
We all fall down!
We all fall down!
We all fall down!
We all fall down
We all fall down
We all fall down
We all fall down!
Let the highbrow poxy liberals all fall down
The harbingers of eden all fall down
The corporate rock religion all falls down
The liar in the office he falls down
It's a plan these are ways
To a person we all fall down
Unless we rise as one and resist the right right right right
It's a plan these are ways
To a person we all fall down
Unless we rise as one and resist the...
Resist the right!
Reason is gone
This brain is out of practice
Thinking is alien
It's alien to me
The day is trought the lights are off and i'm alone again
Electrons comfort me the television is my only friend
There was a time that i swore
This would never happen to me
I look for inspiration like I've never done so many times
There's something missing here i can't define
Would you like to come to a place inside my head
Or would you like to watch me fall asleep instead
Indecision television
Takes my mind away
Growing stronger how much longer
Will things be this away
I look at my close friend they wear expressions of concern
They don't want me to forget all that they think I've learned
I've explain my situation but why can't they see
Friday's just another night for me
Indecision television
Takes my mind away
Growing stronger how much longer
Will things be this way
Now there's feeling that i get when i'm at peace will all see
And it's rare time that i spend with no one else around but me
These moments are so precious now
Getting better just like wine
But wine won't make me happy
There was a time i thought it would
I thought it could i thougt it should
Now turned around i'm looking down
There's nothing there but i can still
See my self a lonely boy
The day is trought the lights are off and i'm alone again
Electrons comfort me the television is my only friend
There was a time that i swore
This would never happen to me
Well I thought we'd arrived at a tract in our history
Where we'd fought every endeavor we could fight
Yet I shuddered with grim preconception
As the cannonade erupted into light
And my ocular gaze lay dehiscent
It seemed that I could not look away
And every God fearing son was a patriot
And victory remained elusive
Just one bomb away
Oh yeah one bomb away
And they say that customs will reconcile people
To any atrocity - (George Bernard Shaw)
From Dachau to Belfast to Baghdad
From sea to shining sea
And they say that when fascism crosses our borders
It'll be wrapped up in a shroud
Glowing red, white, and blue
And our rectors they say will explain it away
As the ravings of a passionate few
Well I happened to visit a slaughterhouse
Where cessation's redolence rose to the sky
And propitious creatures await a most virulent fate
Which their pacific demeanor belies
It was a place I don't care to return to
Whose chambers compassion would not recognize
Where slaughter is sanctification
And humanity covers it's eyes
Covers it's eyes
My country 'tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing of thee I sing
I don't want to be a patriot
If being a patriot means being like you
I remember when you disconnected
With such high hopes but still rejected
I know I've been there
You thought something outside would always fix you
You should know by now it'll always trick you
I know how it feels
It was all just boys and girls
Making the most of a fucked up world
Left with nothing left insane
Live fast, die young, feel no pain
Why can't you open those eyes
Wasted living your daydream dies
You've disconnected from all that you know
Mom and dad let you out at night
If you're back by one it'll be all right
And you're safe now
Safe from the world
But those nights won't stay the same
There's no more time for fun and games
And your habits are all wearing you down
How ready are you
To die for an ideal
What's the connection,
Between a lie and what is real
Mother Superior
I've got an angel on my back
I'm one of the righteous
And I'm never going back
No, no, no
I'm never going back
Who's that shining forth-right man
About to die behind me
He's waiting for the portress to
Send me head over heels
Who's that black-heart four-star
General walking up the hill
To ask the liberals nicely
To help, finance his private war
And if I didn't trust that man
When he puts the rifle in your hand
Sings you songs of pageantry and grace
And how much you want to bet
On the other side
There's a man with twice your pride
And they put you feet first in an
Unmarked grave
There was a time in our history
When we justified by saying
Our destinies manifest
Now imperialism is the mantra
Of the west
see that trigger happy
College boys, love a chance
To try out their new toys
Then they wash the city streets
Clean, with the blood of infidels
As the fabric of democracy
Lay tattered in the dust
We could put, another greedy man
Into the dictatorial
Puppet-show, now
Tell me, who do you trust
Who do you trust
In a volatile hemisphere
We'll perpetuate a hostile
Call it a threat
To national security
Call it just a poor-sick face
One more place,
To export cheap labor
Hail the monarchy
Hail the oligarchy
A potential for anarchy
And we pat ourselves
Firmly on the back
It was a day like any other
My son he turned to me and said,
"Father, wherever did we go so wrong?"
I thought it over for a minute and said
Son for twelve years
There was a circus
Sometimes I want to dream my life away
And other times it all seems wrong
Still other days I want to throw my life away
That's when i know I don't belong
Now when i'm down some people ask me
Just when and where my luck did change
I smile and say the eighties broke my spirit
'Cause when the circus came to town
I was in it's way
This charade is not for me
Just put aside what I think it means to me
Just put aside my eccentricities
There's nothing for me in this one horse town
At least until the circus came around
Can he make friends
Of the most bitter enemies
I'll believe it when i see it's what i say
Can he assuage
Our moral discontent
I'll believe it on that unlikely day
I believe that christian science may have something good to offer
But i too believe it falls well short of a pipeline to god
At our best we are creatures of volition
But when we falter in adjunction we relinquish all control
I met a man of god
He tried his best to tell me
My human fallabilities equate directly into sin
His philosophy
Carried no weight with me
His jaded mind won't let the truth find it's way in
How does it feel?
Can he replace all those days in hiding
Is it real?
How many nights have you slept with regret
It's so sad
When no one is waiting to meet you
But the voices
The voices of what might have been
10. LISA
I used to be like her we were one and the same
I used to hold her I used to know her name
Out on the water I feel her once again
I used to be like her I used to call her friend
She was a lost child running way too fast
No matter where she went she could not get away
There's a voice reverberating deep inside my head
Telling me I should have made her stay
'Cause now there's no one but me
And I feel the sting
There was a time she was beautiful
She had so much life to give
But now all i remember is the broken shell
I see in my nightmares
I can hardly recognize her
Doesn't it feel good
Doesn't the sting feel good
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