John Lennon : Imagine

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
You can shine you're shoes
And wear a suit
You can comb your hair
And look quite cute
You can hide your face
Behind a smile
One thing you can't hide
Is when you're crippled inside
You wear a mask
And paint your face
You can call yourself
The human race
You can wear a collar and a tie
But the one thing you can't hide
Is when you're crippled inside
Well now you know that your
Cat has nine lives babe
Nine loves to itself
But you only got one
And a dog life ain't no fun
Mamma take a look outside
You can go to church
And sing a hymn
Judge me by the color of my skin
You can live a lie until you die
One thing you can't hide
Is when you're crippled inside
I was dreaming of the past
And my heart was beating fast
I began to lose control
I began to lose control
I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh my I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy
I was feeling insecure
You might not love me anymore
I was shivering inside
I was shivering inside
Oh I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh my I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy
I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh my I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy
I was trying to catch your eyes
I thought that you were trying to hide
I was swallowing my pain
I was swallowing my pain
I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh my I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy
Watch out baby I'm just a jealous guy
Look out baby I'm just a jealous guy
You got to live
You got to love you got to be
Somebody you got to shove
But it's so hard, it's really hard
Sometimes I feel like going down
You got to eat
You got to drink
You got to feel something
You got to worry
It's so hard, it's really hard
Sometimes i feel like going down
But when it's good it's oh so good
And when I hold you in arms baby
Sometimes I feel like going down
You got to run
You got to hide
You got to keep your woman satisfied
But it's so hard, it's really hard
Sometimes i feel like going down
Well, I don't wanna be a soldier mama
I don't wanna die
Well, I don't wanna be a sailor mama
I don't wanna fly
Well, I don't wanna be a failure mama
I don't wanna cry
Well, I don't wanna be a soldier mama
I don't wanna die
Oh no oh no oh no oh no
Well, I don't wanna be a rich man mama
I don't wanna cry
Well, I don't wanna be a poor man mama
I don't wanna fly
Well, I don't wanna be a lawyer mama
I don't wanna lie
Well, I don't wanna be a soldier mama
I don't wanna die
Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no
Well, I don't wanna be a beggar mama
I don't wanna die
Well, I don't wanna be a thief now mama
I don't wanna fly
Well, I don't wanna be a churchman mama
I don't wanna cry
Well, I don't wanna be a soldier mama
I don't wanna die
I'm sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight-short sighted-narrow minded hypocritics
All I want is the truth
Just give me some truth
I've had enough of reading things
By neurotic-pyschotic-pig headed politicians
All I want is the truth
Just give me some truth
No short haired-yellow bellied son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope
Money for dope
Money for rope
I'm sick to death of seeing things
From tight lipped- condescending -mommies little chauvinists
All I want is the truth
Just give me some truth
I've had enough of watching scenes
Of schizophrenic - ego - centric- paranoiac - prima - donnas
All I want is the truth
Just give me some truth
Oh my love for the first time in my life
My eyes are wide open
Oh my lover for the first time in my life
My eyes can see
I see the wind, oh I see the trees
Everything is clear in my heart
I see the clouds, oh I see the sky
Everything is clear in our world
Oh my love for the first time in my life
My mind is wide open
Oh my lover for the first time in my life
My mind can feel
I feel sorrow, oh I feel dreams
Everything is clear in my heart
Everything is clear in our world
I feel life, oh I feel love
So sergent pepper took you by surprise
You better see right through that mother's eyes
Those freaks was right when they said you was dead
The one mistake you made was in your head
How do you sleep?
Ah how do you sleep at night?
You live with straights who tell you was king
Just when your mamma tell you anything
The only thing you done was yesterday
And since you've gone it's just another day
How do you sleep?
Ah how do you sleep at night?
A pretty face may last a year or two
But pretty soon they'll see what you can do
The sound you make is “muzak” to my ears
You must have learned something all those years
How do you sleep?
Ah how do you sleep at night?
9. HOW ?
How can I go forward
When I don't know which way I'm facing?
How can I go forward
When I don't know which way to turn?
How can I go forward into something I'm not sure of
How can I have feeling
When I don't know if it's a feeling?
How can I feel something
If I just don't know how to feel?
How can I have feelings
When my feelings have always been denied?
How can I give love
When I don't know what it is I'm giving?
How can I give love
When I just don't know how to give?
How can I give love
When love is something I ain't never had?.
You know life can be long
And you got to be strong
And the world is so tough
Sometimes I feel I've had enough
How can we go forward
When I don't know which way we're facing?
How can we go forward
When we don't know which way to turn?
How can we go forward
Into something we are not sure of?
10. OH YOKO !
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night I call your name
Oh Yoko, oh Yoko
My love will turn you on
In the middle of the bath
In the middle of the bath I call your name
Oh Yoko, oh Yoko
My love will turn you on
My love will turn you on
In the middle of a shave
In the middle of a shave I call your name
Oh Yoko, oh Yoko
My love will turn you on
In the middle of a dream
In the middle of a dream I call your name
Oh Yoko, oh Yoko,
My love will turn you on
My love will turn you on
In the middle of a cloud
In the middle of a cloud I call your name
Oh Yoko, oh Yoko,
My love will turn you on
My love will turn you on
Oh Yoko, oh Yoko
My love will turn you on
My love will turn you on