Johnny Cash : Hymns by Johnny Cash

Тексты песен
Well a man walked down by Galilee
So the holy book does say
And a great multitude was gathered there
Without a thing to eat for days
Up stepped a little boy with the basket
"Please take this, Lord", he said
And with just a five loaves and two little fishes
Five thousand had fish and bread
Who was it everybody
Who was it everybody
Who was it everybody
It was Jesus Christ, our Lord
Now pay close attention little children
It's somebody you ought to know
It's all about a man that walked on earth
Nearly two thousand years ago
Well he healed the sick and afflicted
And he raised 'em from the dead
Then they nailed him on an old rugged cross
And put thorns on his head
Who was it everybody
Who was it everybody
Who was it everybody
It was Jesus Christ, our Lord
Well they took him down and they buried him
And after the third day
When they came to his tomb where they knew he was gone
'Cause the stone was rolled away
He's not here for he is risen
The angel of the Lord then said
And when they saw him walking with these nail-scared hands
They knew he came back from the dead
Who was it everybody
Who was it everybody
Who was it everybody
It was Jesus Christ, our Lord
Last night I dreamed an angel came.
He took my hand, he called my name.
He bid me look the other way;
I saw a man, I heard him say
He said if I be lifted up
I'll draw all men to me.
He turned and then I saw
the nail-scarred hands
that bled for me.
I touched the hem of his garment that fell round him there
My life my heart I gave,
my soul was in his care.
When I awoke my heart beat so and in the dark I saw a glow.
This was no dream he turned my way.
Again I heard my Saviour say
He said if I be lifted up
I'll draw all men to me.
He turned and then I saw
the nail-scarred hands
that bled for me.
I touched the hem of his garment that fell round him there
When I'm alone I often think of an old house on the hill
Of a big yard hedged in roses where we ran and played at will
And when the night time brought us home hushing our merry din
Mother would look around and ask are all the children in
Well it's been many a year now and the old house on the hill
No longer has my mother's care and the yard is still so still
But if I listen I can hear it all no matter how long it's been
I seem to hear my mother ask are all the children in
And I wonder when the curtain falls on that last earthly day
When we say goodbye to all of this to our pain and work and play
When we step across the river where mother so long has been
Will we hear ask her a final time are all the children in (I come)
Well it was a time on earth when in the books of heaven
An old account was standing for sins yet unforgiven
My name was at the top and many things below
But I went unto the keeper and settled it long ago
Long ago (down on my knees) long ago (I settled it all)
Yes the old account was settled long ago (hallelujah)
And the record's clear today cause he washed my sins away
And the old account was settled long ago
Well the old account was large and growin' every day
And I was always sinnin' and I never tried to pray
But when I looked ahead and saw such pain and woe
Well I went unto the keeper and settled it long ago
Long ago (down on my knees)...
Now sinner seek the Lord repent of all your sins
Cause this he has commanded if you would enter in
And then if you should live a hundred years below
Well you know you got it settled cause you settled it long ago
Long ago (down on my knees)...
Oh lead me gently home father
Lead me gently home
When life's toils are ended
And parting days have come
Sin no more will tempt me
There from thee I'll roam
If you'll only lead me father
Lead me gently home
Oh lead me gently home father
Lead me gently home father
If I fall upon the wayside
Lead me gently home
Lead me gently home father
Lead me gently home
In life's darkest hours father
When my troubles come
Keep my feet from wandering
There from thee I'll roam
Lest I fall upon the wayside
Lead me gently home
Oh lead me gently home father
Lead me gently home father
If I fall upon the wayside
Lead me gently home
Lead me gently home
I looked over Jordan and what did i see?
Commin' for to carry me home
There was a band of angels, a-commin after me
Commin' for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Commin' for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Commin' for to carry me home
I'm sometimes up, and i'm sometimes down
Comin' for to carry me home
But but i know my soul is heavenly bound
Comin' for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Comin' for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Comin' for to carry me home
If you get there before I do
Comin' for to carry me home
Tell all my friends that I'm a-comin' too
Comin' for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Commin' for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Commin' for to carry me home
And now they're commin for to carry me home
The years have been many, the years have been long
But at last I'm returning to daddy and home
He's looking my way though he hardly can see
God bless my old daddy he recognize me
There's snow in his hair and I helped to put it there
A halo of worry and care
As my daddy grows old he's more precious than gold
For I cherish the snow in his hair
His shoulders were bent with the weight of the years
I scarcely could hold back the flood tide of tears
He walked with a cane as he hurried along
Comin' to meet me to welcome me home
There's snow in his hair and I helped to put it there
A halo of worry and care
As my daddy grows old he's more precious than gold
For I cherish the snow in his hair
When my hands are tired and my step is slow
Walk beside me and give me the strength to go
Fill my face with Your courage, so defeat won't show
Pick me up when I stumble, so the world won't know
Lead me Father, with the staff of life
Give me the strength for a song
That the words I sing might more strength bring
To help some poor troubled, weary worker along
When my way is light but I still can see
With a strong hand, strike out the blindness in me
Show me work that I should carry on for Thee
Make my way straight and narrow like You wanted to be
Lead me Father, with the staff of life
Give me the strength for a song
That the words I sing might more strength bring
To help some poor troubled, weary worker along
Well, the blue's still in the water and the blue's still in the sky
And way beyond the blue there's someone watchin' from on high
My clothes may be ragged and my shoes may be worn
But I've been a wealthy boy since I've been born
'Cause I call Him when I'm troubled and I call Him when I'm weak
And He always pulls me through my troubles some way and I believe
He'll be there
(He'll be there)
He'll be there
(He'll be there)
Like He always is to answer when I call Him
My mother used to tell me I should take it slow
The pace is not what matters, it's the direction that you go
Keep your feet upon the path and your eyes upon the goal
You'll have all the joy a heart could ever hold
And I call Him when I'm troubled and I call Him when I'm weak
And He always pulls me through my troubles some way and I believe
He'll be there
(He'll be there)
He'll be there
(He'll be there)
Like He always is to answer when I call Him
Like He always is to answer when I call Him
These things shall pass and some great morning
We'll look back and smile at heartaches we have known
So don't forget when shadows gather
The Lord our God is still the King upon His throne
A rose looks gray at midnight but the flame is just asleep
And steel is strong because it knew the hammer and white heat
These things shall pass and life be sweeter
When love and faith are strong they cannot long endure
These things shall pass so don't you worry
The darkest time is just one hour before dawn
So hold up high and face your troubles
And don't dispare if you must face them all alone
A rose looks gray at midnight but the flame is just asleep
And steel is strong because it knew the hammer and white heat
These things shall pass and life be sweeter
When love and faith are strong they cannot long endure
These things shall pass
Well, God told Noah to build an ark
He said it's gonna rain, gonna be dark
Call in the animals two by two
And don't let a sinful man go through
So the flood came just like He said
And every evil thing on earth was dead
But Noah's faith was like a rock
God laid his ark on a mountain top
He'll be a friend and guide you
He'll walk along with you
You'll feel it there inside you
He'll help you make it through
When things look dark Noah saw the light
'Cause faith had told him right was might
If you need a friend He'll guide you
He'll be a friend to you
Well, you've heard of Samson, the strong man
The mightiest man in all the land
There was one purpose for his might
He had to deliver the Israelites
By the Philistines he was overcome
They tied him up to carry him home
But Samson prayed and his bounds were gone
He killed a thousand with an old jawbone
He'll be a friend and guide you
He'll walk along with you
You'll feel it there inside you
He'll help you make it through
God showed Samson what to do
And it's the same God that stands by you
If you need a friend He'll guide you
He'll be a friend to you
God will walk with me down the streets where no one else will walk
God will talk with me of things that no one else will talk
When no one else will walk and no one else will talk
When no one will, God will
God will share with me the little worries no one knows are there
God will care for me whenever there is no one else to care
When no one will be there and no one else will share
When no one will, God will
God will think of me when friends forget and fail to understand
God will strengthen me when I am weak and need a helping hand
When no one understands or lends a helping hand
When no one will, God will, when no one will, God will
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