Marilia Adamaki : The Victim Woke Up

Let me tell you my truth
About the way I've been treated
Where I grew up and where I live
Same abuse,bullying,discrimination and hate
It first started at school
Since I was really young
I've been threatened,isolated,manipulated
I never had rights I never had freedom
I wasn't allowed to speak
Because I was just their little victim
You laugh when I cry
I'll laugh when you'll die
You're making yourself look ridiculous
Trying to turn everyone against me
Just because you envy me
Can't you see you are the joke
They're all laughing at you
And trust me even me
I'm laughing when you're mean
It means jealousy
All years people hated on me
Because they'll never sing like me
They want my gift,they want everything I have
But it's not for all,just for one
You all hate me for my ability to sing
And for writing my lyrics
And playing keyboards and violin
What a pity you'll never be like me
Don't imitate and then hate
You pose with microphones and instruments
But you're not musicians,just fake
And you are the amateurs while we're the professionals
We have many albums,songs and inspiration all the time
When you only have your expensive lies
You laugh when I cry
I'll laugh when you'll die
You're making yourself look ridiculous
Trying to turn everyone against me
Just because you envy me
Can't you see you are the joke
They're all laughing at you
And trust me even me
I'm laughing when you're mean
It means jealousy
Have you notice
Haters can never sing
They're not good in anything
No talent,no brain,no gift
They're only able in hating
They actually know it themselves
That's why they hate..
2.Haters Are Hidden Fans
I just found out about them
All my haters are upset
They can't accept I don't know them
And I will never turn my head
Even to look at them
So they need to take revenge
Cause I really like to reject
Haters are hidden fans,indeed
They know it but they won't ever admit
They're actually obsessed with me
That's why they're bothering me
So if you really despise me
Just keep in mind to not be mean
Cause if you're talking bad about me
And always doubting my gift
I'll believe that you're in love with me
And that's not what you need
Cause I'll hate you immediately
But you like mutual feeling
And that's what you'll receive
Well I hate you if you hate me
Haters are hidden fans,indeed
They know it but they won't ever admit
They're actually obsessed with me
That's why they're bothering me
Is this the way to get my attention
Well then you won't succeed,congratulations
It would be easier if the truth you would admit
Cause everyone knows you're jealous of me
Haters are hidden fans,indeed
They know it but they won't ever admit
They're actually obsessed with me
That's why they're bothering me
Oh,look at yourself
Don't you feel any embarrassment
Don't you think it has to end
I don't like people who are copying me
So stop obsessing over me...
3.Existential Concerns
Please will you stop it with the imitation
It's starting to get annoying
Don't you have anything else to do
I'm just not interested in you
It seems you have a sick obsession with me
But to me you don't mean a thing
Don't I deserve a peaceful life to live
Without all of you bullying me
I can't sleep anymore
My anxiety is killing me the most
I forget to eat and when I do
I remember all the awful things I've been through
There's just not a single moment I'm feeling fine
I'm so anxious and I'm shaking all the time
I'm constantly thinking of suicide I can't control my mind
If I have to live this life,I just don't want to be alive
I don't understand why you want
To destroy someone's life
When it's already messed up
Why you need to make me sad
Like I'm not feeling bad enough
But even if I were happy
I wouldn't deserve to be treated like that
Please just stop,just make it stop
I just want to scream and cry
But I have to keep it quiet
Cause they're having fun
When I'm crying so much
I want to sleep forever
And never wake up
Please help me to never wake up
I don't understand why you want
To destroy someone's life
When it's already messed up
Why you need to make me sad
Like I'm not feeling bad enough
But even if I were happy
I wouldn't deserve to be treated like that
Please just stop,just make it stop
The bullying drives me crazy
I can't tell if I was meant to be like that
Or they made me
No one knows who I am
But everyone knows all my copycats
No one has a heart
They just laughing when I'm sad
I'm chocking I can't breathe
And they just staring at me
I'm preparing something
And no one can stop me
Few years left
I swear it's gonna end
4.Little Unwanted Freak
I know I'm not where I should be
They're copying me and then they're laughing at me
This thing is happening from the beginning
The latest years everything was even more painfully
I'm getting tired of their sick trick...
You should know how it feels
Stealing from someone and then lying about it
Saying you kept it secret,unreleased
When you're always copying me
And lying you wrote it before me
Or even in the same year as me
But you're always late you see
The facts speak so perfectly
And one day your lies will be revealed
I'll be where you are
And you'll be the loser you want me to be!
I can see you're angry with me
Cause I am what you think you should be
But we don't have anything in common thankfully
And still you adopt my personality
You can convince anyone except of me
I'm too weird to look like all these fake clones
Who are bullying me
Me,my sister and our music we'll always be unique!
If you were in my place you'd see
How awful this really is
People stealing my ideas,lyrics,videos,everything
And even try to compose like my sister and sing like me
And then they become more famous than I'll ever be
But of course I'm your little unwanted freak...
Really this is how you treat
An unknown singer like me
Stealing everything she built
And then become successful from it
Does it look funny that I'm at the bottom
And you're taking advantage of it?
Tell me what should I do
I don't have money like you
Should I kill myself at least
Would it made you feel happier and free
To keep stealing from me
They're copying my titles,lines,style
They're talking in interviews
Portraying a character that's mine
They have money to make it happen
I have nothing but they can't stop it
I don't listen to your music,hopefully
But I know every person who copied me
Yeah it feels like bullying isn't it?
You just give me one option:
"Release your music,you silly(freak)and we will steal it"
But of course you want me to stop
And I'll never do that
No I'll never do that!
Really this is how you treat
An unknown singer like me
Stealing everything she built
And then become successful from it
Does it look funny that I'm at the bottom
And you're taking advantage of it?
Tell me what should I do
I don't have money like you
Should I kill myself at least
Would it made you feel happier and free
To keep stealing from me
Hey I'm not in a good mood lately
Not that I ever was
I just wanted someone to talk
I hope I don't bother you
I don't call you frequently
And I don't complain about my problems anymore
Even if they're not real after all
I don't say negative things like it's something wrong
We don't talk about our feelings we're afraid of the world
I don't really feel anything at all
No sadness,no anger,no disappointment anymore
Just emptiness in my room of white walls
It's safe being alone,you're protected from the world
When depression hits I prefer to stay at home
I'll never understand why I'm grieving
But I just stopped it one month ago
Now there's no expression of negative thoughts
I'm starting to feel ashamed of showing too much pain
I'll probably cover it up with a smile so fake
I still don't know how to fix my mind though
I'm overthinking about things I'd better not
But I can make the thoughts go away
By pretending to be busy when I do nothing at all
I don't really feel anything at all
No sadness,no anger,no disappointment anymore
Just emptiness in my room of white walls
It's safe being alone,you're protected from the world
When depression hits I prefer to stay at home
I like looking down from the window
But others don't,cause they think I might fall
There's someone shouting at me from the down floor
Hey don't be afraid I'm just observing,nothing more
I don't really feel anything at all
No sadness,no anger,no disappointment anymore
Just emptiness in my room of white walls
It's safe being alone,you're protected from the world
When depression hits I prefer to stay at home
6.Waiting To Die
I won't sleep tonight,no
Insomnia keeps me up all night
And reminds me of my failures
I'm starting to believe it this time
It's going to be my last day alive
I don't laugh,I don't go out
I'm here trying not to mourn
But it's the only thing I long for
I'm a loser
Maybe they're right
I don't deserve to be alive
So here I am waiting to die
Not for them but for me
Cause this is the way I was meant to be
And after this night
I'll continue my silly life
I have everything I want
But all I do is crawl
I'm not lazy I'm just depressed
And it feels like climbing a mountain
Even to make one step
I'm a loser
Maybe they're right
I don't deserve to be alive
So here I am waiting to die
Not for them but for me
Cause this is the way I was meant to be
I stopped talking
Cause everyone finds me annoying
And everyone hates me so bad
But I guess I'll win even to that
I hate myself way more
I'm my biggest hater of all
And I really wish me the worst
I'm not well and I don't need to hide it
I wish to die I won't deny it
Waiting to die
7.Ignore My Existence
I don't know why I always like
The wrong people
I thought they were good
But it turned out I got fooled
It's like they're all against me now
They even created a clique against me and they're proud
They want me down to the ground
But look I'm coming up,I'll turn my luck around...
Well,I don't feel like smiling
But in front of you I will
My fake happiness makes you weak
And it kills your every sick dream
Of you trying to destroy me
You can't steal what I achieved
Be careful cause I'll do what you did
I'll make you feel so sick and afraid of me
I remember your name but I'll act like I don't
Like you did so many times before
You're always ignoring my existence
With such strong persistence
You avoid to talk about me cause you're mad
But you'll do for sure when you're drunk
You can't stop it cause it's out of hand
You're my enemy too,I can reassure you for that
Your obsession is uncontrollable and it's too bad
Well,I don't feel like smiling
But in front of you I will
My fake happiness makes you weak
And it kills your every sick dream
Of you trying to destroy me
You can't steal what I achieved
What a shame you have to do that trick
Always speaking about her
But deep inside you're thinking of me
Is it entertaining to you watching her copying me
And then enjoying the life I should live
You know I should be where she is
You'll say my name against your will
It doesn't cost,it's free...
Well,I don't feel like smiling
But in front of you I will
My fake happiness makes you weak
And it kills your every sick dream
Of you trying to destroy me
You can't steal what I achieved
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