NOFX : Self Entitled

Les paroles
They don't hate us, they just hate their lives
And desperate people learn to despise
The suicidal's don't want to coup
They don't want to blow up, they just want their 72
72 virgins can never stop a war
But a 100,000 hookers can beat the Marine Corps
In stopping hatred, fighting will cease
When everyone is getting blow jobs
That's when we'll finally have world peace
How many million men have been killed in foreign wars?
We need to reinstate the draft, enlist a million whores
Start with the sororities and then all the spring breaks
Ship the girls gone wild to Afghanistan
They'll gladly blow the sheikhs
These holy wars aren't holy, it's not the military complex
Terrorists are 16 year old kids who were promised Jihad sex
Maybe if they could see a woman's face
They might not get onto that plane
With a bomb in their suitcase
72 virgins can never stop a war
But a 100,000 hookers can beat the Marine Corps
In stopping violence, fighting will cease
When everyone is getting blow jobs
That's when we'll finally have world peace
I don't believe in God I believe in Goddess
I don't believe in prayer but I believe in worship
I don't believe in destiny but I can feel luck
I don't believe in people cuz they don't give a fuck
I can't like hypotheses I kinda dig laws
I kinda like defending causes and underdogs
I like theories of evolution and of design
I don't believe anything except for decline
I don't believe in finite I think there's an end
I don't want an afterlife I wanna transcend
I'm gonna do everything that I want to right here
I want a life peculiar and I want it severe
Gonna send those welfare bombs right back to work
Gonna start a war before '84
Start a dirty war in El Salvador
Gonna start a war before '84
Gonna back the Contras and apartheid
Gonna start a war before '84
Then I'll win the election by a landslide
Ronnie and Mags, Maggie and Ron
Let's get together build a neutron bomb
(Ronnie and Mags)
Maggie and Ron, Ronnie and Mags
Let's go to Grenada gonna fly our flags
Could a private Dodge shut down some mines
Gonna start a war before '84
Gonna back Khmer Rouge and apartheid
Gonna start a war before '84
Feed a slice of cake to Bobby Sands
Gonna start a war before '84
Spend a holiday in the Falklands
(Maggie and Ron)
Ronnie and Mags, Maggie and Ron
Gonna get the hostages from Iran
(Ronnie and Mags)
Maggie and Ron, Ronnie and Mags
Let's go to Grenada and the Falklands
Let's go!
Ronnie and Mags, Denis and Mags
We know exactly who is wearing the pants
(Maggie and Ron)
Denis and Mags, Maggie and Ron
Let's have a force and build a neutron bomb
So she cried alone for hours
And she did lines off the floor
And she thought of the unthinkable
Then she crushed up even more
She never thought they'd take her baby
She didn't even know that anybody could
And even though she was the only parent they
Still took him from her arms for his own good
He didn't scream
He had look of relief
His eyes never
Looked back into hers
He went right to the nurse
One blink and he was gone
So she cried alone for weeks on end
And she used up every vein
Then she tried the unthinkable
Anything to stop the pain
She never thought they'd take her freedom
She didn't even think that anybody cared
They claim she was a danger to herself
So they put her in a place, to get repaired
She didn't scream
She had look of resign
She couldn't find
A reason to fight
The darkest world reach dawn
One blink and she was gone
Know gods, know masters
Know how to live with magnificent disasters
The shiniest cloaks and most coveted daggers
Know limits, know rules
Know how to wield dangerous arcane tools
Know access to soak in our suck cesspools
In our secret society, we find freedom thru slavery
Absolute power and hierarchy, in our secret...
Amusement is scary, doing things totally unnecessary
Stocks and bonds are for restraining not trading
Procedures, protocols, programming sentient sex dolls
Prolific übermensch downfalls
Relinquish control, for true freedom
Give up the reigns, surrender your free will
You will attain enlightenment
Learn to resign your mind and soul
Give someone else complete control
Give up your sovereignty if you wanna be free
Confliction, restriction
A desperate need for benediction
A decision to make no more decisions
Large cages and small stables
Forniphiliac lamps and tables
The willing who want to be unwilling enable us, enable us to live
In our severe society, we find freedom thru slavery
Absolute power and hierarchy, in our secret...
Only 12 years old and already so alone
Left abandoned on a train
You've got a lot to earn but you'll never learn
Powders can't get rid of all your pain
Chased by Keystone Cops through LA's endless backdrops
You became loved by the world
But the biggest star is gonna leave the biggest scar
On that pregnant tarnished girl
Fatty, Fatty
The world can turn pineapple upside down cake
Fatty, Fatty
After so many pratfalls this is your prattest
Fatty, Fatty
Your friends will turn on you in a split second
Fatty, Fatty
There's no place for the fattest man to hide out
She asked me if I was a singer then called me has-been
She said she really liked my band in the early 90's
Oh yeah
I said stop saying those mean things, my ego is so fragile
And then she called me a poseur punk
Why don't I drink up and get the hell out
Cuz I'm a sellout
That berating kinda bummed me out so I left the Parkside
I walked to my Volvo and noticed I had a couple slashed tires
Oh no
But adding injury and insult to vandalism
Someone took a key to my door and boldly spelled out
You're a sellout
It says on the side of my car that I'm a sellout
I play a Korean guitar but I'm a sellout
I'm a sellout
I'm a sellout
It could have been helped, it might have been saved
With me at the helm, I could have found ways
To keep it afloat and find a new course
But I steered the ship right into the cliffs
The easy way out, a cowardly move
A short sighted plan made by a self-centered man
The crew stayed with the ship and bailed as one
They didn't know irreparable damage was done
They had so much pride and camaraderie
But that was all lost when they spotted me
Rowing to shore with treasure on board
A cowardly plan made by a self loathing man
Without regrets, without looking back
I choose to walk on the less beaten sociopath
With all the spoils of an island of one
I don't need dynasty, I don't need anyone
I knew the consequence when I plotted this trip
I'm not a man who'll go down with the ship
Inconsequent, social infant, insolent, insignificant
And you're my sycophant
Brown noser, confidante poser
Shoved down the garbage disposer, sycophant
Yes feeder, accolade breeder
Like I need another cheerleader
You're spineless and morally impotent
You're my sycophant
I don't need any more affirmation
I get enough love in my rockupation
Arrogant is a word that people call me
That's why I don't need any more flattery
Yes dudes and compliment throwers
Ass kissers, anal smoke blowers
I don't need to feel any more eminent
From a sycophant
(Seriously you guys are totally wrong about Mike being wrong, and frankly Mike's right about him being right. Not only that remember my great idea that Mike had last week? I love it, we think it's great)
Don't inflate my head anymore
I don't need a bigger ego
Shoot me down, I need repression
Honesty mixed with rejection
Take me down a rung or three
I like to live in reality
My head does not need more inflation
It's already past regulation
(Brown nosers, smoke blowers, yes yes-ers, no no-ers,
agree-ers with me-ers, those drinking my pee-ers)
Condescending keeps us gay
In a denotative way
Noses up and peering down
Tight lips pursed into a frown
Fleece the rich and cheat the poor
That's what this machine is for
Turning bellies into stars, then repeating
Stab the poor, slice the rich
Turn the lever, flip the switch
Making everyone the same is the end game
Hanging out with old McBean
And his grandiose machine
No one seems to be annoyed
No one sees this as obscene
She's a gear, you're a cam, I'm a cog
She's a gear, you're a cam, I'm a cog
This machine was invented by McBean
But we all make up the parts
Cut us up and take our hearts (x2)
I've got one "Jealous Again", again
I got one "Killing joke"
I got what was bound to happen
What was broken now's been broke
I parted with my Neurosis
But I kept The Lookouts
I got the record player but I didn't get the house
I got one Black Flag "Damaged"
And one "Golden Shower of Hits"
I left The Misfits coffin set
But I fuckin' kept The Spits
Now I got "Group Sex" and "No Control"
I got "Suffer" and "Let's Go"
I left "Freedom of Choice" with "The Guilt Show"
I knew it was over when I put on "Walk Among Us"
You grabbed the TV remote control
You put on Survivor and I put on some headphones
And cheated with my first love rock and roll
I took back my Replacements
And grabbed my Etherteen
Bullet, Nihilistics, and the banned "God Save the Queen"
This wasn't like the Faith/Void
This was a clean split
If I didn't grab my records they may all been smashed to bits
Take your Guns N Roses with the Robert Williams cover
And I'll take the Fugazi picture disc
19 or 20 years ago I labeled my slip covers
That was a union I wasn't willing to risk
It's funny how some fables became historic
When the authors clearly wrote them to be metaphoric
But people will believe anything if it's written
Especially in stone or ancient scroll
December 25th has been blacklisted
Since Dawkins found the proof Jesus never existed
It was the last thing anyone ever expected
Xmas has been X'd
No colored lights, no shopping sprees
No more presents under dead trees
St. Nick is dead but we don't grieve
We celebrate the last Christmas Eve
Jesuits are slowly turning Dianetic
Protestants increasingly become agnostic
Pentecostal churches are hanging pentagrams
Priests and Nuns are molesting each other
Methodists and Baptists are claiming Buddhist
Evangelicals surprisingly are Nudist
But mostly everyone is trying to become Jew
Cuz Easter's canceled too
No more egg hunts, no Sunday mass
Fridays are fair, Wednesdays don't ash
They canceled lent and slowed down fast
Enjoy Christmas cuz it's your last
No shopping sprees (don't worry son)
No more presents (we don't need Christ)
Under dead trees (we got eight nights)
St. Nick is dead (we got mitzvah)
But we don't grieve (they won't cancel)
We celebrate (our hanukah)
The last Christmas eve
paroles ajoutées par Hykez - Modifier ces paroles