Runrig : Celtic Glory
Les paroles
+ Cadal Chadian Mi (Sleep Comes Not To Me)
Cadal cha dean mi,
Sùgradh cha dean mise;
'Nochd cha'n fhaigh mi tàmh,
'S gun mo ghràdh a tighinn.
Cha b'ann dubh no ruadh
A bha luaidh mo chridhe,
'S ann a bha thu bàn,
Àilleagan nan gillean.
Dhìrich mi cnoc àrd,
Fhuair mi àite suidhe,
Timchioll Rudha Stòir
Far an seòl na luingean.
Sgriobhadair le pheann,
Leabhradair nan duilleag,
Maraiche nan tonn,
Chuireadh long gu siubhal.
Bhuail i air an tràigh
Far am fàs an duileasg,
Leum thu mach a ghràidh
Is shàbhail thu iad uile.
Bha mi 'n uiridh slàn -
Tha mi 'm bliadhna briste -
Am bàta air an tràigh
'S i na mìle bioran.
Sleep comes not to me,
And I am far from gay
Tonight I won't find peace
For my sweetheart comes not to me.
It was not dark nor red of hair
That my darling was
He was blonde and fair
The Jewel of all youth.
I climbed a high hill
And found a place to sit
Round the Point of Storr
Where sail by the big ships.
Writer with his pen
Author of the pages
Mariner of the high seas
He could speed a ship to sailing.
She struck upon the beach
Where the dulce grows,
You leaped out my darling
And saved each man there with you.
Last year I was healthy
But this year I am broken
My love's ship is on the shore
In a thousand pieces.
+ An Ubhal as Airde (The Highest Apple)
Comhla rium
A tha thu an drasd
Mo shuilean duinte, mo chuimhne dan
Nam sheasamh a' coimhead
Gach cnoc is gach traigh
Is an siol a dh'fhag thu ann a 'fas
Tha an garradh lan
Le craobhan treun
Le meas a' fas dhuinn ann ri bhuain
Ubhlan abaich
Milis geur
Ach tha aon ubhal nach ruig sinn idir air
[Seididh gaoth is dearrsaidh grian
Tro mheas nan craobhan lin gu lin
Ach thig an la is thig an t-am
Airson an ubhal as airde
Air a' chraobh a bhuain]
Is co 'nar measg
A mhaireas la
Seachad air am is air oidhche fhein
A liuthad uair
A shreap mi suas
Airson an ubhal as airde chur gu beul
At present
All you were is with me
My eyes closed, my memory confident
Standing here watching
Each hill and shoreline
With the seed you left
Still growing
The garden is well stocked
With mighty trees
With fruit growing for the whole world
Ripe, sweet
And bitter apples
And the one apple
That is beyond reach
[The winds will blow
And the sun will shine
From generation to generation
Through the trees of the garden
But the day and the hour
Will surely come
To take the highest apple
From the knowledge tree]
Who amongst us
Can exist a single day
Beyond our own time and our own limits
Countless and futile
Are times I've climbed
To reach and taste
The forbidden fruit
+ (Stepping Down the) Glory Road
Footprints around the world
Your beauty in the blue
Stepping down the Glory Road
Let's go dancing for survival
To the lyric of your youth
Stepping down the Glory Road
The way you sing will shine out
Illuminate the way you grow
Stepping down the Glory Road
Capture your heart it's breaking
To celebrate your giving
Gracenotes on every heartstring
The beauty in the pure
Stepping down the Glory Road
So resurrect the bards
Liberate the word inspired
Stepping down the Glory Road
You know that joy like great art
Should take you to the skies
Stepping down the Glory Road
The dark side of the soul
You've never known you never will
Eisd ri eubh do mhian
Stepping down the glory road
Eisd ri eubh do mhian
Stepping down the glory road
Eisd ri eubh do mhian
Stepping down the glory road
+ An Cuibhle Mòr (The big wheel)
Na cuibhlichean a' tionndadh
An rathad deas agus tuath
Na cuibhlichean a' gluasad
Mar tha 's aoghal, iad a' tionndadh mun cuairt
Na cuibhlichean a' tionndadh
Gach dùthaich, muir agus tir
Tro' ghleanntan tro' bhailtean
A dh'ionnsaigh an àite agaibh fhèin
An cuibhle mòr nach stad gu bràth
Tionndadh oganaich gu aois
A' nochd tha'n rathad mor n'ar coinneamh
Gun am ànn ach an dràsd
'S ioma là chaidh seachad
A ghaoth a seideadh tro an ùir
'S ioma là bha a' ghrian ag èirigh oirnn
Seasamh anns an eòrna nuair a bha sin òg
Aghmhor, aghmhor
A' ruith tro na raointean 's iad a fàs
Abaich, òrach
Coimhead ri na speuran
'S ioma là, 's ioma là, 's ioma là
Feitheamh 'son a' chuairt
Glaschu. Dun Eideann. Inbhir Nis. Sruighlea.
Steornabhagh. Obar Dheadhainn. An Gearasdan.
Dun Deagh. Lunnain. A' Ghearmailt. Eirinn. Ameiriga.
An cuibhle mòr, an cuibhle mòr
The wheels keep turning
The road stretches north and south
The wheels keep moving
Like the globe they keep turning around
The wheels keep turning
Through each country, land and sea
Through the glens and the cities
Towards that place you call your own
This is the big wheel, it never stops
Turning our youth to old age
Tonight the road reaches out before us
And the present is the only time we have
Many are the days that have gone
The winds blowing through the dusts of the earth
Many were the days when the sun rose upon us
Standing in the barley when we were young
Joyful, joyful
Running through the fields as they grew
Ripe, golden
Looking towards the open skies
Many days, many days, many days
Waiting for the journey
Glasgow. Edinburgh. Inverness. Stirling.
Aberdeen. Fort-William. Dundee. London.
Germany. Ireland. America.
The big wheel, the big wheel
+ I'll Keep Coming Home
When I'm away
Please take good care of my heart
And when I'm gone
Say a prayer for love
'Cause there's cities and clouds in my eyes
The empty streets and the raining nights
Wherever the highway unwinds
I'll keep coming home
Love on a wire
Strangers walk out on the town
Long distance words
Outside leave the night to the young
'Cause it's touchdowns, runways and roads
The bright lights, the silver and gold
Wherever the moment goes cold
I'll keep coming home
I'll keep coming home
I'll keep coming home
I'll keep coming home
To you
+ Pog Aon Oidhche Earraich (A kiss one spring evening)
An saoghal sia uairean
Obair la ri cùl
Teaghlach gabhal dhan a' mheas
Pailteas, slàinte is gaol
An Ruis a' tuiteam sios mu'm chluasan
An Ear Mheadhain am brot cho dorch
Is thusa, uilc is a' mhuirt is a' shabaid
Na mo bheatha a h-uile oidhche
An greim cho teann 's cho àraid
Mar òrd na mo dhorn
A 'ghealach ' bha cho soilleir
'S a gheall a leithid dhuinn
Bha sinn mar longan seòlaidh
Air cuan buidhe òg a 'chridhe
Mu coinneamh clann an t-saoghal's theaghlaich
Gun ghuth no gaire, Dia no biadh
"Cò às an d'thàinig na reultan", thuirt mi
"Co as an d'thàinig grian"
Tha sinn cho leòinte fo a' ghealaich seo
Anam cràidhte seachad air ifrinn fhèinn
Ach tha thusa brosnachadh nam bliadhnaichean
Le saidhbreas seachad air mo dhith
Cho geal ri sneachd gach uile gheamhradh
An t-òran gaoil m'fhaosaid chiontach fhèin
O luaidh be siod an gràdh
A dh'fhàg mi ceangailte ruit an dràsd'
Co shaoileadh an rud a dh'fhàs
Bho phog aon oidhche earraich
O luaidh be siod an gràdh
A dh'fhàg mi ceangailte ruit an dràsd'
Co shaoileadh an rud a dh'fhàs
Bho phog aon oidhche earraich
The world at six o'clock
The day's work over
Family, taking the fruits
Of plenty, good health and love
Russia is falling down all around me
The Middle East in a broth of darkness
And you, evil, murder and violence
In my life every evening
The grasp that was so strong and special
Like a hammer in my fist
The moon that was so bright
And promised us so much
We were like sailing ships
On the young, yellow ocean of the heart
Confronted by children and the world family
Without voice, laughter, God or food
"So where do the stars come from", I said
"From where did the sun appear"
We have been so wounded beneath this moon
Souls tortured beyond hell itself
Still you keep bringing inspiration to my years
With blessings beyond my need
Whiter than the snows of each winter
The song of love, my confession of guilt
Oh Love, what a power
That has now left me united with you
Who could have foreseen all that has grown
From one kiss, one spring evening
+ Sràideann Na Roinn-Eòrpa (Streets of Europe)
Chuir mi mo chùl ri Lunnainn
An samhradh air m' aodann
'S mi air sràidean mòr na Roinn-Eòrpa
'S mi le mo rùn, le m' anam, mo bratach
Mo ghrian, mo ghealach ùr
'S sheas mi 's na àiteachan 's an do sheas m'athair
'S ioma cogadh a tha ann airson saorsa
Dà fhicead bliadhna 's an dileab air fhàgail
Briathran do linn 's do sheòrsa
Bail e beag anns a' Ghearmailt
Gruagach cho bòidheach
Le suilean lan sonas is bròn
Thuirt i, "Am bheil fhios agaibh fhèin, an t-sochair 'tha agaibh
Tha eallach eachraidh air mo ghualainn cho trom"
Chrath sinn lamhan, 's dh'fhalbh i a' seinn
An dàn tha domhainn 's gach anam de dhaoine
Dh'fhag mi i le blas beag de mo dhùthaich
Dh'fhag i mi leis a chompanas ùr
Tha na brataich a' snamh
An cuan de dhathan
Do chànan binn an cluas na Roinn-Eòrpa
Tha na sràidean beò le cainnt 's togair
Sràidean am Babel ur
'S thusa mo rùn, tha cothrom mad choinneamh
Tha do chliù air 'dhol tarsainn an cuan
Thusa tha meanbh, bi làidir, bi àlainn
Taisbean do chànan, bi buan
I have put London behind me
The summer is on my face
And I am on the big streets of Europe
With my love, my flag
My sun and my new moon
I stood in the places where my father has stood
Many are the wars of freedom
Forty years and the legacy is still with me
The words of his kind and generation
A small town in Germany
A beautiful young girl
Her eyes full of sorrow and joy
She said, "Are you aware of the privilege you enjoy
The burden of history lies heavy on my shoulders"
We shook hands and she went on her way singing
The song that is deep in the soul of all people
I left her with a small part of my own country
She left me with the fellowship of a new age
The flags are swimming
In a sea of colour
My language melodious in the ear of Europe
The streets are alive with conversation and purpose
Possibilities for a new Babel
And you my love have opportunity before you
Your renown has crossed the ocean
You that are the small, be strong, be beautiful
Reveal your great language, be everlasting
+ Abhainn An T-Sluaigh (The Crowded River)
Chan eil an t-adhar os cionn Lunnainn
A-nochd soilleir no dorch
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Gun sgeul air coinneal mòr latha
No reultan na h-oidhche
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
An seo 's am baile gun chadal
Gun fhois is gun saorsa
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Casan a' gluasad,
An abhainn an tuil
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Na cuibhlichean, 's cabhaigh
A' tionndadh gun sgur
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Cus ag adhradh beartas
Air altair an t-shaoghail
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Cach gun dochas, gun dachaidh
Air sraidean gun ghaol
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Leis gach dath is gach creideamh
Gach cainnt as gach cearn
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Gach ceist is gach freagairt
Sios an abhainn gu cuan
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
The skies above London
Are neither clear nor dark
The need to be far from the crowded river
Neither the great candle of day
Nor the night stars can be seen
The need to be far from the crowded river
In this sleepless city
There is no stillness, no quiet
The need to be far from the crowded river
Footsteps keep walking
The river in full flood
The need to be far from the crowded river
The relentless wheels
Keep turning without pause
The need to be far from the crowded river
Many worshiping wealth
At the world's altar
The need to be far from the crowded river
Others without hope or home
On loveless streets
The need to be far from the crowded river
Races, creeds and tongues
From all corners of the globe
The need to be far from the crowded river
All questions and answers
Flowing down the river to the ocean
The need to be far from the crowded river
+ Siol Ghoraidh (The Geneology Of Goraidh)
Ochd deug seisreach
Air raontainn Aird a' Mhorain
Na fir a' treabhadh
An là a thainig na Sleithich
Dubh dath na fala
A dhoirt 'na tuil gu talamh
Saighead, claidheamh
Tro chairdeas corp an Udail
Siol Ghoraidh
Mac Ruairidh
Clann Raghnaill
Clann Dhòmhaill
Linn gu linn
Bho ainm gu ainm
Air an sgiath seo dh' Uibhist
'S mi beò an dràsd
Clann mo theaghlaich
Clann mo theaghlaich
Clann mo theaghlaich fhein
Dòmhnall Iain Aonghais Ic Neill, Iain Dhòmhnall Iain, Seonnaidh Mòr A' Ghearraidh, Caillean A' Ghreusaiche, Tearlach Eòin Dhughaill, Calum Aonghais Ic Neill, Calum Dhonnchaidh, Neill Alastair Ic UIlleam, Ruairidh Iain Thàillear, Dughall Illespidh Thormoid, Calum Ailig Mhor, Eirsidh Iain A' Duin, Dòmhnall Ic Ille Mhuile, Ceit Phàdraig, Seonnaidh A' Chiobair, Aonghas Bochd.
Eighteen teams of horses
On the fields of Aird a' Mhorain
The young men poughing
On the day the Sleat people came
Black was the colour of the blood
That flowed like a flood to the soil
The arrow, the long sword
Through the generosity of the Udal people
Generation to generation
From one name to another
My time is now
To walk this corner of Uist
The geneology of Goraidh
The sons of Ruairi
The sons of Ranald
The children of Donald
The children of my family
The children of my own family
Donald, son of John, son of Angus, son of Neil. John, son of Donald John. Big John from the land between the hill pasture and the arable. Colin the shoemaker. Charles, son of Ewen, son of Dugald. Calum, son of Angus, son of Neil. Calum, son of Duncan. Neil, son of Alastair, son of William. Roderick, son of John, son of the tailor. Dugald, son of Gillesbuig, son of Norman. Calum, son of Big Alexander. Archibald, son of John of the Fortress. Donald, son of Samuel. John from Huna. Alastair, son of Donald, son of the boy from the mill. Catherine, daughter of Patrick. John, son of Roderick, son of John, son of Angus. The widow of John, son of the Shepherd. Poor Angus.
+ Skye
How can't you see
The wilderness growing free
Time wounded and scarred
Stroking away the years
It's hard to believe
But memories are old ghosts
Mountains of black and gold
Sunsets falling over the moor
[Oh take me there
's na horo eile, horo bho
's na horo bho, hillean o
's na horo eille ho
Take me there]
You take your dream
You make life what you feel
Appearances lead to deceive
This drama so far from me
On facts aching wings
Wild geese fly low over your shores
Hearts sailing over the trees
Chi mi an t-eilean uaine
Tir nam beanntan arda
Ceò a' tuiteam tron a' ghleann
'Na shineadh air do raointean
I see the green island
Land of the high hills
Mists falling through your valleys
And lying down on your fields
+ Loch Lomond
By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes
Where the sun shines on Loch Lomond
Where me and my true love spent many happy days
On the banks of Loch Lomond
Twas there that we parted in yon shady glen
On the steep sides of Ben Lomond
Where in purple hue the Highland hills we view
And the moon glints out in the gloaming
[You'll take the high road and I'll take the low road
And I'll be in Scotland afore ye
Where me and my true love will never meet again
On the bonnie bonnie banks of Loch Lomond]
Where wild flowers spring and the wee birdies sing
On the steep sides of Ben Lomond
But the broken heart it kens nae second spring
Though resigned we may be while we're greeting
+ Eirinn
What makes me walk through Ireland's shrines
And Ireland's holy shores
To see a country crucified
Your beauty crowned in thorns
And as I watch the wondrous cross
That's been hewn down and severed in two
There's something here
That draws me near
To wear the green for you
To see you there blood brother Gael
The face, the tongue my own
Many places in my own country
Could not make me feel more at home
Laughter and music through the night
Your freedom in the dark
Tonight I swear I'd gladly wear
The green next to my heart
From the long and rolling Antrim hills
Through the wilds of Donegal
The songs of history are sung
Every stone on every wall
But here in our land how can we stand
And wash our hands of shame
When the sins of generations fall
Across the green like rain
Here one world window opens wide
And demons they show face
Some of your men have taken seeds of truth
And planted fields of hate
This way has never won a war
And I fear that when the harvest comes
You'll see your freedom fall on stoney ground
And the green overgrown
+ Tir A' Mhurain (Land Of Maram Grass)
Horo bho he
Horo bho horo bho
Horo bho he o
[Trobhad is coisich rium
Ri taobh a' chuain
Is seallaidh mi dhuit
Tir a' Mhurain]
Fàilte gu mo dhàn
Siol is meas nam bard
Am foghar bha feitheamh orm
Bho an là a bha mi og
Fàilte gu mo thir
Eilean geal an iar
An t-àit a chi gach tuigse is firinn
Glaiste 'na mo chridhe
Fàilte gu mo chainnt
Is i dh'ionnsaich mi 'nam phaisde
Cànan uasal mor nan Gaidheal
Mar bhratach dhomh gach là
Is ged a dh' fheuch iad ri cur as dhuinn
Chi mo theaghlach cnoc nan linn
Is ged tha ar cànan leoint le stri
'S an tir seo bidh i beo
[Come and walk with me
By the side of the ocean
Let me show you
The land of the maram grass]
Welcome to my song
To the seed and the fruit of the bards
To the harvest that's been waiting
Since the days of youth
Welcome to my landscape
The unspoilt western island
To the place that will always find each meaning and truth
Locked away in my heart
Welcome to my language
The one I learned as a child
The huge dignified language of the Gael
That stands like a banner for me daily
Although they tried to destroy us
My children will see the landscape of generations
Although the language has been wounded in its struggle
In this land, she will live on
+ Chi Mi'n Geamhradh (I See Winter)
Chi mi'n geamhradh anns a' ghaoith
Chan eil an sneachd' fada bhuainn
Sgothan dorch' 's na craobhan rùisgt
Tha an oidhche nochd fuar
Shaoilinn fhèin gur ann an dè
Bha teas an t-samhraidh 'gar leaghadh
Fad an fheasgair air an dùn
'S tu laighe leisg ri mo thaobh
Chan fhan a' ghrian fad na bliadhna
Cha sheas an uair mar a tha i
Dh' fhalbh thusa gu'n a' cheò
'S dh'fhag thu mi le mo geamhradh
'S iomadh oidhch' a rinn sinn suiridhe
'S iomadh oidhch' a rinn sinn gàir
'S iomadh oidhch' a bhithinn a' smuaintinn
Gum bitheadh tu comhla ruim gu bràth
I see winter in the wind
The snows are not far off
The clouds are darkening and the trees bare
Tonight it is cold
You would have thought that it was only yesterday
We melted in the heat of the summer
All evening out on the dun
And you lying relaxed by my side
The sun will not stay all year
Time will not stand still
You went away back to the city
And left me to my winter
Many nights we courted
Many nights we laughed
Many nights I thought
That we would be together forever
+ Thairis Air A Ghleann (Beyond the Valley)
Choimhead mi ri m' chul
Gun neimh gun truas
Larach mo chasan mu sgaoil
'S iad a triall tron an uir
Gu toiseach 's gu deireadh uair
'S gu na laithean soilleir buan
Thairis air a ghleann
[O mollaidh sinn
An gaol 's an gras
A thug dhuinn bith
Cho umhail fo ghrein
'S i dealradh sios
Air reultan cein]
Thainig thu nuas
Gu fasach truagh
'S thog thu am faileas bhon a ghleann
Buidheachas is naire
An tomhas air gach lamh
Togaidh sinn do chliu an aird
Air slighe Dhia
I looked behind me
Without rancour without pity
To where my footprints were scattered
On their journey through the dust
From the beginning to an end of time
And to the bright everlasting days
Beyond the valley
[We will praise
The love and the grace
That gave us our existence
So lowly beneath a sun
As it poured out its light
On alien stars]
You came down
To a barren wilderness
And you raised the shadow from the valley
Gratitude and shame
The measure in each hand
We will proclaim your name in voice
On Gods way
+ Flower of the West
The morning moor
The light of God
The heart of youth
I look around me
My eyes find their rest
On this garden
The flower of the west
The colour frontier
The ageing light
The sight that knows no fear
I look over Orinsay
To the Trumisgarry shore
To Alioter
And the road to Ahmore
The silent skies
An innocent heart
Holding the moment away
From time in the dark
All I see
All I know
Is touching the sacred earth
And warming the hallowed ground
I survive the childhood universe
And I step the naked heath
Where the breathing of the vanished
Li es in acres round my feet
Loch Scadavagh, Loch Fada
And the flatlands to the East
Where the dark blue mass of Eval
Meets the rising rock of Lee
Between the Crogaire and Mairi
I started to descend
Loch Aongais on my left hand side
I look across to Clett
Collies barking on the outrun
Dunlin dancing on the sand
Breakers show round Corran Vallique
And empty the Atlantic on the strand
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