Runrig : The Gaelic Collection
Las palabras
+ Siol Ghoraidh (The Genealogy of Goraidh)
Ochd deug seisreach
Air raontainn Aird a' Mhorain
Na fir a' treabhadh
An là a thainig na Sleithich
Dubh dath na fala
A dhoirt 'na tuil gu talamh
Saighead, claidheamh
Tro chairdeas corp an Udail
Siol Ghoraidh
Mac Ruairidh
Clann Raghnaill
Clann Dhòmhaill
Linn gu linn
Bho ainm gu ainm
Air an sgiath seo dh' Uibhist
'S mi beò an dràsd
Clann mo theaghlaich
Clann mo theaghlaich
Clann mo theaghlaich fhein
Dòmhnall Iain Aonghais 'Ic Neill, Iain Dhòmhnall Iain, Seonnaidh Mòr A' Ghearraidh, Caillean A' Ghreusaiche, Tearlach Eòin Dhughaill, Calum Aonghais 'Ic Neill, Calum Dhonnchaidh, Neill Alastair 'Ic UIlleam, Ruairidh Iain Thàillear, Dughall 'Illespidh Thormoid, Calum Ailig Mhor, Eirsidh Iain A' Duin, Dòmhnall 'Ic Ille Mhuile, Ceit Phàdraig, Seonnaidh A' Chiobair, Aonghas Bochd.
Eighteen teams of horses
On the fields of Aird a' Mhorain
The young men poughing
On the day the Sleat people came
Black was the colour of the blood
That flowed like a flood to the soil
The arrow, the long sword
Through the generosity of the Udal people
Generation to generation
From one name to another
My time is now
To walk this corner of Uist
The geneology of Goraidh
The sons of Ruairi
The sons of Ranald
The children of Donald
The children of my family
The children of my own family
Donald, son of John, son of Angus, son of Neil. John, son of Donald John. Big John from the land between the hill pasture and the arable. Colin the shoemaker. Charles, son of Ewen, son of Dugald. Calum, son of Angus, son of Neil. Calum, son of Duncan. Neil, son of Alastair, son of William. Roderick, son of John, son of the tailor. Dugald, son of Gillesbuig, son of Norman. Calum, son of Big Alexander. Archibald, son of John of the Fortress. Donald, son of Samuel. John from Huna. Alastair, son of Donald, son of the boy from the mill. Catherine, daughter of Patrick. John, son of Roderick, son of John, son of Angus. The widow of John, son of the Shepherd. Poor Angus.
+ Na H-Uain A's T-Earrach (The Lambs in Springtime)
'S iomadh là a rinn sinn suidhe
Rinn sinn suidhe 's ghabh sinn smuaint
Dè math bhi suidhe fàs nas aosd
'S laithean earraich a' falbh bhuainn
Chur sinn ar canan na'ar cridhe
Fhuair sinn oran 's rinn sinn seinn
Thoir dhuinn lamh comhnaidh 's seinnibh co' rinn
'S le cheile togaidh sinne fonn
Tha sibh mar na h-uain a's t-earrach
Suibhal 's a leum, tapaidh, saor
Ach an fhaca sibh na caoraich aosd'
Ni aon dhuibh gluasad 's leanaidh 'n còrr
Nuair bhios na bliadhnaichean 'dol bhuabh
Làthan deirdh, làthan dòrch
Cum do choineil an àrd is laiste
'S coisich an saoghal le cridhe òg
Og tha sinn òg, òg na ar cridhe
Beatha na'r coinneamh, Coineal na'r laimh
'S an againn tha neart, is an againn tha 'n cothrom
N'ar cridhe gu bràth
Tha sinn òg, tha sinn òg
Many's the time we sat down
We sat down and thought to ourselves
What is the point in sitting, growing older
The days of springtime disappearing from us
We put our language in our hearts
We found a song and sung it
Give us a helping hand, sing along with us
And together we can make things happen
You are like the lambs in springtime
Running around, jumping and carefree
But have you ever noticed the older sheep
When one moves they all follow
And when the years start departing from you
The difficult days, the darker days
Keep your candle aloft and lit
Walk this world with a young heart
Young, we are young, young in our hearts
Life ahead of us, a candle in our hands
We have the enthusiasm, we have the opportunity
In your attitude forever, stay young, stay young
+ 'Ic Iain 'Ic Sheumais
A Mhic Iain 'Ic Sheumais
Tha do sgeul air m'aire
Air fa ra ra lo, air fa ra ra lo
Latha Blar a' Cheithe
Bha feum air mo leanamh
A hi eile fe o hiri si bho horo hu
Fal eile bho hiri bho ho fal eile
Latha Blar a' Cheithe
Bha feum air mo leanamh
Lathe Blar na Feitheadh
Bha do leine na ballan
Lathe Blar na Feitheadh
Bha do leine na ballan
Bha fuil do chuim chubhraidh
A drudhadh ro'n anart
Bha fuil do chuim chubhraidh
A drudhadh ro'n anart
Bha fuil do chuirp uasail
Air uachdair gach fearainn
Bha fuil do chuirp uasail
Air uachdair gach fearainn
Cuma nach ghabh thu am bristeadh
Latha ligeadh na fala
Bh'on latha thug thu an cuan ort
Bha gruaim air na beannaidh
Bha snigh air na speuran
'S bha na reultan galach
Nam biodh agam curaidh
Gun cuirinn air chuan i
Fiach a faighinn naidheachd
No brath an duin uasail
+ Mairi
Dòrch an nochd tha 'n t-Eilean
Dathan air am fuadach far nam beann
Tha faileas a' tuiteam bhon an Stòr
Mar t-fhalt dorch a' suabadh do cheann
De math an tobar gun an t-uisge
De math an corp gun cridh'
Nam biodh neart an Stòr 'nam lamhan
Bhiodh sinn le 'r cheile 's an eilean a rithist
'S doch nach fhaigh sinn neamh no beatha eile
Nuair a dhuineas suilean aig deireadh làth
Ach fhuair mi mo neamh an seo 's an àite
Far an d' thug thu dhimh do lamh 's do chridhe slàn
Horo Mhairi o
Horo Mhairi o
Horo Mhairi o
'S mi gad ionndrain horo
There's a darkness on the Island of Skye tonight
The colours are clearing away from the hills
A shadow is falling down from the Storr
Like your dark hair sweeping across your face
What use is the well without water
What use is the body without the heart
If I had the power of this landscape in my hands
We'd be together again on the island
Maybe we will never find a heaven or any other existence
When we finally close our eyes at the end of our days
But I have found my heaven here in this place
Where you gave me your promise and your full heart
Horo Mairi o
Horo Mairi o
Horo Mairi o
I miss you
+ Fichead Bliadhna (Twenty Years)
Ruith 's a mhonadh
Ruith nam beann
'S mar sin dhan sgoil aig deireadh samhraidh
'Nar clan aig còig bliadhna dh'aois
'S gun facal beurla 'nar ceann
Seo do leabhar
Seo do pheann
Dean do leasan," thuirt iad riumsa
'S gun eirich sibh suas anns an t-saoghal
'S gheibh sibh air adhart ann"
Dh' ionnsaich sinn
A leithid ann
Cànan 's bàrdachd, bàrdachd Bheurla
Ceol na Gearmailt, eachdraidh na Spàinnt
'S b'e sinn an eachdraidh mheallt
Bhon sgoil do'n oilthigh
Chaidh sinn ann
A' leantail foghlum, tuilleadh foghlum
Mar amadan air deiradh streang
Seorsa de dh'fhoghlum 'nam cheann
Ach dh'èirich mi suas
Anns an t-saoghal
Fhuair mi deise is fhuair mi leine
Fhuair mi àite ann an suilean dhaoin'
Fada bhon mhonadh mi'n dràsd
Carson a chum
Iad eadchraidh bhuainn?
Innsidh mi dhut, tha iad gealltach
Mas èirich clann nan Gaidheal suas
Le ceistean sireach is cruaidh
Fichead bliadhna'airson firinn
B'fheudar dhomh feitheamh
'S b'fheudar dhomh lorg
Fichead bliadhn' de bhreugan
Thug iad eachdraidh air falbh bhuainn
Fichead bliadhn' airson firinn
B' fheudar dhomh feitheamh, b' fheudar dhomh lorg
Fichead bliadhn' de bhreugan
Thug iad eachdraidh air falbh bhuainn
Nuair a thoisich mi air lorg
Cha do chreid mi mo shuilean
Obair olc
Fichead bliadhn', fichead bliadhn'
Fichead bliadhn' 's mi aineolach
Freedom of the moor
Freedom of the hill
And from there to school at the end of a summer
Children, five years of age,
Without one word of the English language
"Here is your book
Here is your pen
Study hard," they said to me
"And you will rise up in the world.
You will achieve"
I learnt
So many things
The language and the poetry of England
The music of Germany, the history of Spain
And even that was a misleading history
Then from school
On to University
Following education, more education
Like puppets on the end of a string
Our heads filled with a sort of learning
And I did rise up
And make my way in the world
I got my suit, I got my shirt
I found a place in the eyes of men
A long way away from the moor now
But why did they
Keep our history from us?
I'll tell you, they were frightened
In case the children of Gaeldom wakened up
With searching and penetrating questions
Twenty years for the truth
I had to wait, I had to search
Twenty years of deceit
Denied a knowledge of myself
When I started searching
I could not believe my eyes
Dark deeds
Twenty years, twenty years
Twenty years and I have not been informed
+ Tir An Airm Land (Of The Army)
An tèid thu leam a ribhinn og
Gu tir mo ghràidh sitheil sona
'S chi thu saighdearan a' ruith
Am measg nan lusan breagh 'sa mhonadh
A' coimhead a mach air maduinn chiùin
Air ball mor cruinn os cionn na beinne
'S bhon 's os cionn na tonnan gorm
Tha ceòl ùr aig ceòl na mara
'S an teid thu leam gu tir mo ghràidh
Seall na h-eòin dhorcha dhona
Treabhadh speuran as ar cionn
Deanamh air Steòrnabhagh le cabhaig
Nis leugh t-eachdraich, fosgail sùil
Anns gach linn mu dhòigh an airm
Stampadh air na croitean seagail
'S beathannan og aig gillean Uibhist
Cha teid mise gu an righ
Cha teid mise an còrr a' shabaid
Lunnain mheallt, a Bhreatuinn fhoilleil
Cha seas mi ach 'son sith nan eilean
Horo horainn o
Fàilte gu tir an airm
Horo horainn o
Come along with me, my young girl
To the peaceful, happy land
And you will see soldiers running around
Amongst the beautiful wild machair flowers
And you can look out on peaceful mornings
To the big round ball on top of the hill
And both above and below the green waves
There's a new music to the music of the sea
And will you come along with me my young girl
To see the dark menacing birds
Ploughing the skies above us
Making for Stornoway at speed
Now read your history, open your eyes
To every generation and to the ways of the military
Stamping the rye fields underfoot
And the young lives of the Uist boys
But I can not rise for the king
I can not fight anymore
The deceit of London, the treachery of Britain
My only fight will be for the preservation of these islands
Horo horainn o
Welcome to the land of the army
Horo horainn o
+ Abhainn an t-Sluaigh (The Crowded River)
Chan eil an t-adhar os cionn Lunnainn
A-nochd soilleir no dorch
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Gun sgeul air coinneal mòr latha
No reultan na h-oidhche
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
An sea 's am baile gun chadal
Gun fhois is gun saorsa
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Casan a' gluasad
An abhainn an tuil
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Na cuibhlichean, 's cabhaigh
A' tionndadh gun sgur
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Cus ag adhradh beartas
Air altair an t-shaoghail
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Cach gun dochas, gun dachaidh
Air sraidean gun ghaol
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Leis gach dath is gach creideamh
Gach cainnt as gach cearn
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
Gach ceist is gach freagairt
Sios an abhainn gu cuan
Fada bho abhainn an t-sluaigh
The skies above London
Are neither clear nor dark
The need to be far from the crowded river
Neither the great candle of day
Nor the night stars can be seen
The need to be far from the crowded river
In this sleepless city
There is no stillness, no quiet
The need to be far from the crowded river
Footsteps keep walking
The river in full flood
The need to be far from the crowded river
Footsteps keep walking
Keep turning without pause
The need to be far from the crowded river
Many worshiping wealth
At the world's altar
The need to be far from the crowded river
Others without hope or home
On loveless streets
The need to be far from the crowded river
Races, creeds and tongues
From all corners of the globe
The need to be far from the crowded river
All questions and answers
Flowing down the river to the ocean
The need to be far from the crowded river
+ Chi Mi'n Tir (I See the Land)
Chi mi'n tir 'san robh mi'nam bhalach
'M barr a'chruinn 's Leac a' Li nam shealladh
Chi mi'n tir 'san robh mi'nam bhalach
A tir nan Suaineach a rinn sinn gluasad
'S i leinn an uair tighinn tuath air Scalpaigh
Chi mi'n tir 'san robh mi'nam bhalach
Nam faighinn ordugh gur mi bhiodh deonach
A gheola "loradh" 's a seoladh dhachaidh
Chi mi'n tir san robh mi nam bhalach
Chi mi'n iasgair aig ceann nan lion
Is gu'm b'e mo mhiann bhith 'sa chiar 'gan tarruing
Chi mi'n tir 'san robh mi'nam bhalach
Chi me Manais is Ceann an t-Saile
Caolas Bhearnaraidh is traighean Phabaidh
Chi mi'n tir 'san robh mi'nam bhalach
An sin thuirt Eoghainn 'se tighinn 'nam chomhdhail
Nach seall thu'n Godaigh aig Sron na Hearradh
Chi mi'n tir 'san robh mi'nam bhalach
Nuair thig an Dubhlachd gun fag min "Suna"
Is e mo dhuil dhol le sunnd dom dhachaidh
Chi mi'n tir 'san robh mi'nam bhalach
Chi mi'n tir 'san robh mi'nam bhalach
'M barr a'chruinn 's Leac a' Li nam shealladh
Chi mi'n tir 'san robh mi'nam bhalach
I see the land where I was a boy
Over the mast, Lackalee is in sight.
I see the land where I was a boy.
We came from Sweden
And made good time reaching north of Scalpay,
I see the land where I was a boy.
If I were ordered, I would willingly
Lower the boat and sail home
I see the land where I was a boy.
I see the fisherman at the net
And I'd love to be there in the gloaming, fishing.
I see the land where I was a boy.
I see Manais and Kintail
Kyle of Berneray and the shores of Pabbay
I see the land where I was a boy.
Then said Hugh as he came to meet me
"Won't you look at the 'Goddy' at the ToeHead
I see the land where I was a boy.
When December comes I'll leave "The Suna"
And I hope, with joy, to go home
I see the land where I was a boy.
+ Cnoc na Feille (The Hill at the Market Stance)
Gun dragh gun d' chuir e an t-eagal oirnn
Solus Cnoc na Feille
(Hoginn oro horo illean horo eile)
Bha feadhainn ann a chunnaic e
'S cach ag inns' nam breugan
Ach muinntir an dà shealladh
Chitheadh iadsan co-dhiubh e
Tha lach is geadh is curracag
'Nan caraidean air a' mhachaire
Tha feannag air a crochadh suas
Ceangailt le ròpa
Tha coineanach 'sa ghainmheach
Na sheasamh, abair urchaire
Hoginn o, hoginn o, horo horo illean
Hoginn o, horo illean, hoginn o horinn o
It is without doubt that it frightened us
The light at the market stance
(Hoginn oro horo boys horo eile)
There were those that could see it
Others liked to believe they could
Those with the second sight
They had no difficulty
The duck, the greylag and the lapwing
Together sharing the machairlands
A dead crow hangs on the fence
Tied with a length of rope
A rabbit is sitting on the sand dunes
Presenting himself a perfect target
Hoggin o, hoggin o, horo horo boys
Hoggin o, horo boys, hoginn o horinn o
+ Air a'Chuan (On the Open Seas)
Tha am ball air fhuasgladh
Is tha sinn a' gluasad
Air a' chuan, air a' chuan
Tha sinn a' seoladh
Tro thonnan uaine
Air a' chuan, air a' chuan
Air cùrsa deònach
Tha sinn a' seoladh
Air a' chuan, air a' chuan
Fad bho thir
Is an talamh aghmhor
Air a' chuan, air a' chuan
Is mi a' sealltainn man cuairt
Is mi cho fada bhuat
Cail ach muir, tonnan is cuan
O mo rùn
Tha a' ghaoth a' seideadh
Nan tonnan fiadhaich
Air a' chuan, air a' chuan
Tro thonnan fiadhaich
Is droch shide
Air a' chuan, air a' chuan
Cho domhain an cuan
Cho luachmhor an uair
Nach mair fada buan
O mo rùn
Sinn a' treabhadh
Tron an oidhche
Air a' chuan, air a' chuan
Siubhal sabhailteachd
Is madainn shunndach
Air a' chuan, air a' chuan
Thig criòch air an t-saoghal
Is thig criòch air daoin'
Ach mairidh ceòl is mairidh gaol
O mo rùn
The ropes have been undone
And we are set adrift
On the open seas
We are sailing on
Through the green waves
On the open seas
On a willing course
We keep sailing
On the open seas
Ever far from land
And the glorious soil
On the open seas
As I look around me
All I feel is my distance from you
Separated by the relentless ocean
My love
The wind is rushing
Through the wild waves
On the open seas
Through raging seas
And the brooding weather
On the open seas
The ocean is unfathomable
And the time that lever lasts
Is too precious
My love
And so we journey on
Through the night
On the open seas
Searching for safe waters
And the peaceful morning
On the open seas
The world will come to an end
A conclusion will come for mankind
But music and love, they will last forever
My love
+ An Ataireachd Ard (The High Surge)
An ataireachd Bhuan
Cluinn Fuaim na h-ataireachd ard
The torunn a' chuain
Mar chualas lean s' e nam phaisd
Gun mhuthadh gun truas
A sluaireadh gainneamh na tragh'd
An ataireachd bhuan
Cluinn fuaim na h-ataireachd ard
'S na coillten a siar Chan iarrain fhuireach gu brath
Bha m'inntinn 's mo mhainn
A riamh air lagan a bhaigh
Ach iadsan bha fial
An gniomh an caidreamh 's an agh
Air sgapadh gun doin
Mar thriallas ealtain roimh namh
Ach suibhlaidh mi uat
Cha ghluais mi tilleadh 'nad dhail
Tha m'aios is mo shnuadh
Toirt luaidh air giorrad mo la
An am dhomh bhi suaint
Am fuachd 's an cadal a bhais
Mo leabaidh dean suas
Ri fuaim na h-ataireachd ard
The ceaseless surge
Listen to the surge of the sea
The thunder of the ocean
As I heard it when I was a child
Without change
Without pity
Breaking on the sand of the beach
The ceaseless surge
Listen to the high surge of the seas
In the woods of the west
I would not want to remain forever
My mind and my desire were always
On the little hollow by the bay
But those folk
Who were generous in affection
In their happiness
And in their acts
Have been scattered defenceless
As a flock of birds flees
In front of their enemy
I shall move away
I shall no longer stay beside you
My age
And my looks
Speak of the shortness of my days
But when I am wrapped
in the cold sleep for death
Make up my bed
By the sound
Of the high surge of the seas
+ Foghar nan Eilean '78 (Island Autumn '78)
Tha na duilleagan a' dannsa
Bho na craobhan anns a' ghaoith
Foghar donn ar bliadhn' air tionndadh
Nis tha luchd an t-samhraidh ma sgaoil
Sona dh'fhag thu mi le m' eilean
'S leam na lochan is na bàigh
Mo chridh' aig tamh air beanntan geamhraidh
Nis tha luchd an t-samhraidh ma sgaoil
Tha an latha seachad buithean duinnte
Gheibh an caisteal fois na h-oidhch'
Gheibh an t-airgead cadal socair
Nis tha luchd an t-samhraidh ma sgaoil
Mar a dh'atharraich iad ar beòshlaint
Mhill iad dualchas cainnt 's ar dòigh
Ach fhoghair crathaidh mi do lamh
Nis tha luchd an t-samhraidh ma sgaoil
Foghar nan eilean
Foghar mu thuath
Gheibh sinn beatha mar a chleachd sinn
Mas tàinig an sluagh
Bidh am fraoch air nam beanntan
'S a choille ruadh fon ghrein
'S iad a' sealltain dathan dhomsa
Gus an till iad a rithis
The leaves are dancing
From the trees in the wind
The browns of autumn are turning our year around
Now that the summer visitors have gone
Content is the way you left me to my island
The lochs and the bays are all mine
My heart rests easy on the winter hills
Now that the summer visitors have gone
The day is over, the shops have closed
The castle will get a night's peace
Money will get some respite
Now that the summer visitors have gone
They changed our means of livelihood
They altered our language and way of life
But autumn, I can only welcome you
Now that the summer visitors are gone
Island autumn
Northern autumn
We can live a little like we used to
Before the crowds came
The heather on the hills
And the sunlit forests
Will reveal their colours for us
Until they return again
+ Ribhinn O (O Girl)
Tha bùrn fallain anns an tobar
'S gabhaidh sinn ar h-uile slainte ann
Tha burn fallain anns an tobar
'S gabhaidh sinn ar h-uile slainte ann
Tugainn leam a ribhinn òg
Tugainn leam a nighean, tugainn leam
Tugainn gu na beanntan àrd
Abair sealladh, dathan earraich ann
Tugainn gu na beanntan àrd
Abair sealladh, dathan earraich ann
Tugainn leam a ribhinn òg
Tugainn leam a nighean, tugainn leam
Thèid sinn ' null air an aiseig
Tarsinn air a' chuan thèid sinn ann
Thèid sinn ' null air an aiseig
Tarsinn air a' chuan thèid sinn ann
Tugainn leam a ribhinn òg
Tugainn leam a nighean, tugainn leam
A ribhinn o, a ribhinn o, a ribhinn o, a ho ro
A ribhinn o, a ribhinn o, a ribhinn o, a ho ro
A ribhinn o, a ho o hi o, ho ro
A ribhinn o, a ribhinn o, a ribhinn o, a ho ro
There's refreshing water in the well
And we will take our fill there
There's refreshing water in the well
And we will take our fill there
Come with me my young love
Come with me girl, come with me
Come with me to the high hills
What a sight, the colours of spring
Come with me to the high hills
What a sight, the colours of spring
Come with me my young love
Come with me girl, come with me
We will cross over on the ferry
Across the seas we will go
We will cross over on the ferry
Across the seas we will go
Come with me my young love
Come with me girl, come with me
Girl o, girl o , girl o, a ho ro
Girl o, girl o , girl o, a ho ro
Girl o, a ho o hi, ho ro
Girl o, girl o , girl o, a ho ro
+ Pog Aon Oidhche Earraich (A Kiss One Spring Evening)
An saoghal sia uairean
Obair la ri cùl
Teaghlach gabhal dhan a' mheas
Pailteas, slàinte is gaol
An Ruis a' tuiteam sios mu'm chluasan
An Ear Mheadhain am brot cho dorch
Is thusa, uilc is a' mhuirt is a' shabaid
Na mo bheatha a h-uile oidhche
An greim cho teann 's cho àraid
Mar òrd na mo dhorn
A 'ghealach ' bha cho soilleir
'S a gheall a leithid dhuinn
Bha sinn mar longan seòlaidh
Air cuan buidhe òg a 'chridhe
Mu coinneamh clann an t-saoghal's theaghlaich
Gun ghuth no gaire, Dia no biadh
"Cò às an d'thàinig na reultan", thuirt mi
"Co as an d'thàinig grian"
Tha sinn cho leòinte fo a' ghealaich seo
Anam cràidhte seachad air ifrinn fhèinn
Ach tha thusa brosnachadh nam bliadhnaichean
Le saidhbreas seachad air mo dhith
Cho geal ri sneachd gach uile gheamhradh
An t-òran gaoil m'fhaosaid chiontach fhèin
O luaidh be siod an gràdh
A dh'fhàg mi ceangailte ruit an dràsd'
Co shaoileadh an rud a dh'fhàs
Bho phog aon oidhche earraich
O luaidh be siod an gràdh
A dh'fhàg mi ceangailte ruit an dràsd'
Co shaoileadh an rud a dh'fhàs
Bho phog aon oidhche earraich
The world at six o'clock
The day's work over
Family, taking the fruits
Of plenty, good health and love
Russia is falling down all around me
The Middle East in a broth of darkness
And you, evil, murder and violence
In my life every evening
The grasp that was so strong and special
Like a hammer in my fist
The moon that was so bright
And promised us so much
We were like sailing ships
On the young, yellow ocean of the heart
Confronted by children and the world family
Without voice, laughter, God or food
"So where do the stars come from", I said
"From where did the sun appear"
We have been so wounded beneath this moon
Souls tortured beyond hell itself
Still you keep bringing inspiration to my years
With blessings beyond my need
Whiter than the snows of each winter
The song of love, my confession of guilt
Oh Love, what a power
That has now left me united with you
Who could have foreseen all that has grown
From one kiss, one spring evening
+ An Ubhal As Airde (The Highest Apple)
Comhla rium a tha thu an dràsd
Mo shuilean duinte, mo chuimhne dàn
Nam sheasamh a' coimhead gach cnoc is gach tràigh
Is an siòl a dh'fhàg thu ann a' fàs
Tha an gàrradh làn le craobhan treun
Le meas a' fas dhuinn ann ri bhuain
Ubhlan abaich, milis, geur
Ach tha aon ubhal nach ruig sinn idir air
Seididh gaoth is dearrsaidh grian
Tro mheas nan craobhan linn gu linn
Ach thig an là is thig an t-àm
Airson an ubhal as àirde
Air a' chraobh a bhuain
You are with me now
My eyes closed, my memory confident
Standing here watching
Each hill and shoreline
And the seed you left still growing
The garden is well stocked
With mighty trees
With fruit growing for the whole world
The ripe, the sweet and the bitter apples
And the one apple that is beyond reach
Who amongst us can exist one single day
Beyond our own time and our own limits
Countless and futile
Are the times I've climbed
To reach and taste the forbidden fruit
The winds will blow
And the sun will shine
From generation to generation
Through the trees of the garden
But the day and the hour will surely come
To take the highest apple
From the knowledge tree
+ Sràidean Na Roinn-Eòrpa (Streets Of Europe)
Chuir mi mo chùl ri Lunnainn
An samhradh air m' aodann
'S mi air sràidean mòr na Roinn-Eòrpa
'S mi le mo rùn, le m' anam, mo bhratach
Mo ghrian, mo ghealach ùr
'S sheas mi 's na àiteachan 's an do sheas m'athair
'S ioma cogadh a tha ann airson saorsa
Dà fhicead bliadhna 's an dileab air fhàgail
Briathran do linn 's do sheòrsa
Baile beag anns a' Ghearmailt
Gruagach cho bòidheach
Le suilean lan sonas is bròn
Thuirt i, "Am bheil fhios agaibh fhèin, an t-sochair
'tha agaibh
Tha eallach eachraidh air mo ghualainn cho trom"
Chrath sinn lamhan, 's dh'fhalbh I a' seinn
An dàn tha domhainn 's gach anam de dhaoine
Dh'fhag mi i le blas beag de mo dhùthaich
Dh'fhag i mi leis a chompanas ùr
Tha na brataich a' snamh
An cuan de dhathan
Do chànan binn an cluas na Roinn-Eòrpa
Tha na sràidean beò le cainnt 's togair
Sraidean am Babel ur
'S thusa mo rùn, tha cothrom mad choinneamh
Tha do chliù air 'dhol tarsainn an cuan
Thusa tha meanbh, bi làidir, bi àlainn
Taisbean do chànan, bi buan
I have put London behind me
The summer is on my face
And I am on the big streets of Europe
With my love, my flag
My sun and my new moon
I stood in the places where my father had stood
Many are the wars of freedom
Forty years and the legacy is still with me
The words of his kind and generation
A small town in Germany
A beautiful young girl
Her eyes full of sorrow and joy
She said, "Are you aware of the privilege you enjoy
The burden of history lies heavy
on my shoulders"
We shook hands and she went on her way singing
The song that is deep in the soul of all people
I left her with a small part of my country
She left me with the fellowship of a new age
The flags are swimming
In a sea of colour
My language melodious in the ear of Europe
The streets are alive with conversation and purpose
Possibilities for a new Babel
And you my love have opportunity before you
Your renown has crossed the ocean
You that are small, be strong, be beautiful
Reveal your great language, be everlasting
+ Alba (Scotland)
Air sgiath a' seòladh nan neòil
'S an domhain liath
Mar dhealbh a' tighinn beò tro na sgòthan
'S mi a' tilleadh gu tir
Alba nam beanntan àrd
Nan acraichean lom
Thairis air na lochan mointich
Nan coilltean 's nan gleann
Ach 's e sealladh leòinte is gann
Tha an seo aig ceann thall an linn
Talamh àlainn nan daoine
Fhathast an làmhan duine no dithis
Cuibhlean stolda mu dheas
Na fasaichean a' tuath
An taigh-mòr falamh an Dun-Eideann
Gun chumhachd gun ghuth
*Sibhse chuir achadh ri achadh
Taigh ri taigh Gus nach bi ait anns an tir
'S an gabh sibh comhnaidh air leth
Ach 's math dhomh bhith seo an drasd
A cur fàilt air a' bhlàths
'S an tir a tha cho ùr dhomh an diugh
Is a bha i nuair bha mi 'nam phàisd
Alba, Alba
Alba, Alba
*(Isaiah 5-8)
This flight is sailing the clouds
And the blue heavens
The homeland appears like a developing photograph
Through the light, as I return to land
I see the Scotland of high mountains
And empty acres
Flying low across the moorland lochs
The forests and the glens
But it is a wounding and a hollow sight
Here as we reach the end of the century
The beautiful soil of the people
Still in the hands of the few
I see the wheels of industry at a standstill
And the northern lands laid bare
And the big empty house in Edinburgh
Without authority or voice
You that have laid field upon field
House upon house
Till there be nowhere for you to be placed alone
In the midst of all the earth
But it is good for me to be here now
As I welcome the warmth
In this land that is as vibrant for me today
As it was the day I was a child
+ Fuaim A' Bhlàir (The Noise Of Battle)
Fuaim a' bhlàir, ceòl a' chogaidh
An guth 's an nàire
Air cluasan eachdraidh
Sgith dh'an bhlar, sgith dh'an chogadh
An t-eallach 's an cràdh
Air gualainn eachdraidh
Blàr non Gaidheal, an Gaidheal 's an cogadh
An fhuil 's am bàs
Air bràighean eachdraidh
Fuaim a' bhlàir, ceòl a' chogaidh
An guth 's an nàire
Air cluasan eachdraidh
Saighdear mi 's a' Fhraing's 's a' Ghearmailt
Saighdear mi air raointean Chanada
Saighdear mi 's an Spàinn 's an Eadailt
Saighdear mi 'nam aghaidh fhèin an Eirinn
The noise of battle, the music of war
The voice and the disgrace
In the ears of history
Tired of the battle, tired of the war
The burden and the pain
On the shoulders of history
The battle of the Gael, the Gael and the war
The blood and the death
On the braes of history
The noise of battle, the music of war
The voice and the disgrace
In the ears of history
I have soldiered in France and Germany
I have soldiered on the plains of Canada
I have soldiered in Spain and Italy
I have soldiered against my fellow Gael in Ireland
+ Cearcal a Chuain (The Ocean's Cycle)
Tha sinn uile air cuan
Stiùreadh cuairt troimh ar beatha
A' seòladh geòla dhorch
Air chall an greim na mara
Tha a' ghaoth air ar cùl
Tha a' gheòl a' cumail roimhpe
'S cha dean uair no an cuan
Tonaisg dhuinn no rian
A' mhuir tha i ciùin
Tha i fiadhaich, tha i farsainn
Tha i alainn, tha i diamhair
Tha i gamhlasach is domhain
Ach sinn, tha sinn dall
'S chan eil againn ach beatha
Tog an seòl, tog an ramh
Gus an fhaigh sinn astar ann
Ach tha mi'n dùil, tha mi'n dùil
Nuair a bhios a' ghrian dol fodha
Chi iad mi a' stiùireadh 'n iar
Null a dh' Uibhist air a' chearcal
Cearcal a' chuain
Gu brath bidh i a' tionndadh
Leam gu machair geal an iar
Far an do thòisich an là
We are all on the ocean
Steering a course through our lives
Sailing a dark ship
Lost in the grasp of the seas
The wind is behind us
The ship keeps moving forward
And neither the time nor the ocean
Can provide us with purpose or reason
The sea she is calm
She is wild, she is wide
She is beautiful, she is mysterious
She is vengeful, she is deep
But we are blind
All we have is existence
Lift the sail, take up the oars
Let us journey on
But it is my desire, my intention
When the sun finally sets
They will find me sailing west
Across to Uist on the circle
The ocean circle
It will forever keep turning me
To the white machairs of the west
Where day first began
+ An Cuibhle Mòr (The Big Wheel)
Na cuibhlichean a' tionndadh
An rathad deas agus tuath
Na cuibhlichean a' gluasad
Mar tha 'saoghal, iad a' tionndadh mun cuairt
Na cuibhlichean a tionndadh
Gach dùthaich, muir agus tir
Tro' ghleanntan tro' bhailtean
A dh'ionnsaigh an àite agaibh fhèin
An cuibhle mòr nach stad gu bràth
Tionndadh oganaich gu aois
A' nochd tha'n rathad mor n'ar coinneamh
Gu am ànn ach an dràsd
'S ioma là chaidh seachad
A ghaoth a seideadh tro an ùir
'S ioma là bha a' ghrian ag èirigh oirnn
Seasamh anns an eòrna nuair a bha sin òg
Aghmhor, aghmhor
A' ruith tro na raointean 's iad a fàs
Abaich, òrach
Coimhead ri na speuran
'S ioma là, 's ioma là, 's ioma là
Feitheamh 'son a' chuairt
Glaschu. Dun Eideann. Inbhir Nis. Sruighlea. Steornabhagh. Obar Dheadhainn. An Gearasdan. Dun Deagh. Lunnainn. A' Ghearmailt. Eirinn. Ameiriga.
An cuibhle mòr, an cuibhle mòr
The wheels keep turning
The road stretches north and south
The wheels keep moving
Like the globe they keep turning around
The wheels keep turning
Through each country, land and sea
Through the glens and the cities
Towards that place you call your own
This is the big wheel, it never stops
Turning our youth to old age
Tonight the road reaches out before us
And the present is the only time we have
Many are the days that have gone
The winds blowing through the dusts of the earth
Many were the days when the sun rose upon us
Standing in the barley when we were young
Joyful, joyful
Running through the fields as they grew
Ripe, golden
Looking towards the open skies
Many days, many days, many days
Waiting for the journey
Glasgow. Edinburgh. Inverness. Stirling. Stornoway. Aberdeen. Fort-William. Dundee. London. Germany. Ireland. America.
The big wheel, the big wheel
+ Tir A' Mhurain (Land Of the Maram Grass)
Fàilte gu mo dhàn
Siol is meas nam bard
Am foghar bha feitheamh orm
Bho an là a bha mi òg
Fàilte gu mo thir
Eilean geal an iar
An t-àit a chi gach tuigse is firinn
Glaiste 'na mo chridhe
Fàilte gu mo chainnt
Is i dh' ionnsaich mi 'nam phaisde
Cànan uasal mòr nan Gaidheal
Mar bhratach dhomh gach là
Is ged a dh'fheuch iad ri cur as dhuinn
Chi mo theaghlach cnoc nan linn
Is ged tha ar cànan leoint le stri
'S an tir seo bidh i beò
Trobhad is coisich rium
Ri taobh a' chuain
Is seallaidh mi dhuit
Tir a' mhurain
Horo bho he
Horo bho horo bho
Horo bho he o
Welcome to my song
To the seed and the fruit of the bards
To the harvest that's been waiting
Since the days of youth
Welcome to my landscape
The unspoilt western island
The place that will find each meaning and truth
Locked away in my heart
Welcome to my language
The one I learned as a child
The huge dignified language of the Gael
That stands like a banner for me daily
Although they tried to destroy us
My children will see the landscape of generations
Although the language has been wounded in its struggle
In this land, she will live on
Come and walk with me
By the side of the ocean
Let me show you
The land of the maram grass
+ An T-Iasgair (The Fisherman)
Sheas e shios air an traigh
Aig cliathaich an t-saoghail
Is dh'fhag e chuid teaghlaich
Is chuir e an dachaidh air chùl
Is thog e lion mor na dhòrn
Ri taobh nan uisgeachan buan
Is thilg e mach fad iad
Tarsainn a' chuain
Bha na faileasan pailt
Air sraidean baile nan gall
Is iomadh olc a bha feitheamh
Ann fo sholais na h-oidhche
Ach aig briseadh-latha
Seòladh a-mach anns an liath
Tha fir mhòra an eilean
A' leantainn am beatha
Is cuimhne leam an oidhche
Cha robh an t-slighe ach doirbh
Bha thu stri tro na cuantan
Bha thu cho airidh air
Is ged bha an stoirm cho garbh
Tonnan dobhaidh gun truas
Cha do dh'fhairich thu ann
Ach fois agus saorsa
He stood down on the shore
At the edge of the world
Then he left his home
And his family behind
He lifted up his nets
Beside the eternal waters
And he cast them out far
Across the face of the deep
The shadows were plentiful
On the streets of the town
Many snares were waiting there
Beneath the lights of the night
But the boats sail at dawn
Under confident skies
Where the men of the island
Leave to follow their lives
I remember the night
When the going got rough
How he fought for that sea
He was so worthy of
Though the storm raged and tore
Like a merciless fire
All he ever felt
Was peace of mind
+ An Toll Dubh (The Dungeon)
Taobh cùil an dorais cha bhi grian
Suidh aig bòrd
Cha bhi biadh is cha bhi fìon
Taobh cùil an dorais cha bhi grian
Cha bhi biadh is cha bi fion
Thàinig e à Sasainn ann
Thàinig e
Le eachaibh luath is iuchair throm
Thàinig e à Sasainn ann
Le eachaibh luath is iuchair throm
Air làr 'san toll-dhubh cha bhi grian
Cha bhi gealach
'S dubh an oidhche chaidleas sinn
Air làr 'san toll-dhubh cha bhi grian
'S dubh an oidhche chaidleas sinn
Le èiginn ar n-èirigh às ar suain
Le èiginn ar n-èirigh às ar suain
An Gaidheal 's a leabaidh
An Gaidheal na shuain
Le èiginn ar n-èirigh às as suain
On the other side of the door there will be no sun
Sitting at the table
There will be no food and no wine
On the other side of the door there will be no sun
There will be no food and no wine
He came from the south
He came
On a fast horse and with a heavy key
He came from the south
On a fast horse and with a heavy key
On the dungeon floor there will be no sun
There will be no moon
Dark will be the night as we sleep
On the dungeon floor there will be no sun
Dark will be the night as we sleep
It is with difficulty that we will rise from our slumber
It is with difficulty that we will rise from our slumber
The Gael has gone to bed
The Gael is asleep
It is with difficulty that we will rise from our slumber
+ Ard (High)
Madainn di-haoine 's an dùthaich fo sgòth
'S mi sgith le cuid smalan, mi-mhisneachd is bròn
Seo an deicheamh là dhan a' Ghibhlean 'sinn fo ghruaim a rithist
An co-dhunadh a cheannaich na daoine aig pris
'S iomadh trioblad tha romhainn 'nis Gaidheal agus Gall
'S mi le aon suil air eachdraidh, aon suil air mo chlann
Ach cum creideamh nad bheatha, sonas nad chridhe
Chan e seo deireadh rathaid ach tòiseach linn
Chan urrain dhomh fuireach an taigh 'tha fo sgòth
Ach le creideamh is dòchas gu deireadh mo là
Tha an lasair nad anam aig meadhan do bhith
Nas laidir 's nas motha na riaghaltas no righ
Tha spiorad nan daoine nas soilleir na ghealach
Nas doimhne na'n cuan
Geigh sinn ar n-àite 'san t-shaoghal
Anns an ginealach ùr, ùr
Ard, blàr nan daoine
Ard, guth is saorsa
Ard, tha sinn gluasad
Gu h-àrd thèid sinn suas
Friday morning and the country is under a cloud
But I am tired of sorrow, pessimism and gloom
This is the tenth day of April and have been brought low again
The decision that our people have bought at a price
Many troubles now confront us, Highlander and Lowlander
As I keep one eye on history, one eye on my children
Keep belief in your life, joy in your heart
This is not the end of the road but the start of a new age
I can not live in the house of despondency
But in faith and in hope till the end of my days
The spark in your soul is the centre of your whole existence
And it is stronger and brighter than any government or King
The spirit of the people is brighter than the moon
Deeper than the ocean
We will find our place in the world
In a new generation
High, the struggle of the people
High, a voice and self-determination
High, a mouvement has begun
We will reach up there
+ Thairis Air A Ghleann (Beyond the Valley)
Choimhead mi ri m' chùl
Gun neimh gun truas
Làrach mo chasan mu sgaoil
'S iad a' triall tron an ùir
Gu toiseach 's gu deireadh uair
'S gu na làithean soilleir buan
Thairis air a' ghleann
Thàinig thu nuas
Gu fasach truagh
'S thog thu am faileas bhon a' ghleann
Buidheachas is nàire
An tomhas air gach làimh
Togaidh sinn do chliu an aird
Air slighe Dhe
O molaidh sinn
An gaol 's an gràs
A thug dhuinn bith
Cho umhail fo ghrèin
'S i dealradh sios
Air reultan cèin
I looked behind me
Without rancour or pity
To where my footprints were scattered
On their journey through the dusts
From the beginning to the end of time
And to the bright everlasting days
Beyond the valley
You came down
To a barren wilderness
And you raised the shadow from the valley
Gratitude and shame
The measure in each hand
We will proclaim your name in voice
On God's way
We will praise
The love and the grace
That gave us our existence
So lowly beneath a sun
As it poured out its light
On alien stars
+ Meadhan Oidhche Air An Acairseid (Midnight On The Anchorage)
Gealach air an acairseid
Ceatharnach 'na fheileadh
Te bhan, te bhuidhe bhan
Mu meadhan oidhche
Bhidh sinne 's crathadh làmh againn
Is bilean blàth toirt phog
Cridhe bàidheil caoimhneil
Cho tairis ris an òr
An guth 's an t-seist a' glaodhaich
Far an robh mi'n raoir
Na bliadhnaichean a' tionndadh
Briathran mòr Mhicleoid
Clann-nighean òg 's balaich a' bhaile, a' cruinneachadh mu bhuth Dhoilidh's mu bhuth Chroinns.
A' coiseachd, 's a' suiridhe 's a' caithris na h-oidhche.
Tionndadh a' chlair air ais, na bliadhnaichean abachaidh a' ghràidh.
Am Bagh Cuilce, Aird an Aiseig, Lag an Domhainn, Ceann a' Bhàigh. Tionndadh a' chlair air ais, meadhan oidhche, gealach 's gealladh. Sheas an cruthachadh stolda air rathad a' steisean. Sheas na eathraichean aig tamh.
The moon shining on the anchorage
A champion in his kilt
A fair-haired girl, a golden fair-haired girl
Around midnight
In that place there will be clasping of hands
And warm lips to kiss
The heart of affection and human kindness
Sincere, pure as gold
The voice and the chorus proclaming
Where I was last night
The years are being turned back
By the big lyrics of Macleod
The young girls and the village boys meeting around Doilidhs' shop and around Croinns' shop.
Walking out, courting and night visiting.
Turnining the recording back to the years of ripening love.
Bagh Cuilce, Aird an Aiseig, Laggandoin, Bayhead. Turnining the recording back, midnight, a moon and a vow. The creation stood still on the curing station road. All of the boats stood at rest.
+ Cum 'Ur N'aire (Stay Aware)
Tha na geòidh ag eiridh bhon a mhachair
Na h-uain a ruith 's leum aig cùl an achaidh
Ach tha thusa neisd nad chall 's a' bhaile
Ach na fairich gu bràth nad aonrachd ann
Tha na solais oidhche neisd na d' choinneamh
Tha d' ghealach neisd gach dath 's gach seòrsa
Ach na coimhead ach le aon suil orra
Gu'm fag iad mealltach dall thu
Cum 'u', cum 'u', cum 'ur n'aire
Air an iar is air an àite a dh'fhag sibh
'S cuimhnich, cuimhnich gu robh agaibh
Dualchas àraid agus luachmhor ann
The geese are rising from the machair
The lambs are running and jumping at the back of the field
And you are now lost in the city
Never feel alone there
The night lights are now in front of you
Your moon is now many colours and types
But only gaze on them with one eye
Because they can deceive you and leave you blind
Stay, stay, stay aware
Of the west and of the place you left behind
Remember, remember that you had
A unique and a precious culture there
+ Chi Mi'n Geamhradh (I See Winter)
Chi mi'n geamhradh anns a' ghaoith
Chan eil an sneachd' fada bhuainn
Sgothan dorch' 's na craobhan rùisgte
Tha an oidhche nochd fuar
Shaoilinn fhèin gur ann an dè
Bha teas an t-samhraidh 'gar leaghadh
Fad an fheasgair air an dùn
'S tu laighe leisg ri mo thaobh
Chan fhan a' ghrian fad na bliadhna
Cha sheas an uair mar a tha i
Dh' fhalbh thusa dhan a' cheò
'S dh'fhag thu mi le mo gheamhradh
'S iomadh oidhch' a rinn sinn suiridhe
'S iomadh oidhch' a rinn sinn gàir
'S iomadh oidhch' a bhithinn a' smuaintinn
Gum bitheadh tu comhla ruim gu bràth
I see winter in the wind
The snows are not far off
The clouds are darkening and the trees bare
Tonight it is cold
You would have thought that it was only yesterday
We melted in the heat of the summer
All evening out on the dun
And you lying relaxed by my side
The sun will not stay all year
Time will not stand still
You went away back to the city
And left me to my winter
Many nights we courted
Many nights we laughed
Many nights I thought
That we would be together forever
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