Soundgarden : Room a Thousand Years Wide

Les paroles
Listen, hear, he is inside
One who lives while others lie
I close my eyes and walk a thousand years
A thousand years that aren't mine
It seems he's near me as I walk
One who loved what love denied
He lives these years that I walk blind
All these years cannot be mine
Tomorrow begat tomorrow
Begat tomorrow
Begat tomorrow
A thousand doors a thousand lies
Rooms a thousand years wide
He walks in the cold sun and wind
All these years will not begin
Tomorrow begat tomorrow
Begat tomorrow
Begat tomorrow
What ever happened to the sexual revolution?
I guess that has made its contribution
I'm an H, I'm an H
I'm an HIV baby
I'm an HIV baby
I'm an HIV baby
I'm an HIV baby
What ever happened to the drug
Just when you had a line you see it's
I'm an H, I'm an H
I'm an HIV baby
I'm an HIV baby
I'm an HIV baby
I'm an HIV baby
I'm an H
I'm an HIV baby
I'm an HIV baby
I'm an HIV baby
I'm an HIV baby
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