Steeleye Span : Tempted and Tried

oh, my name it is jack hall, jack hall.
oh, my name it is jack hall, jack hall.
my name it is jack hall
and i've robbed both great and small.
and my neck shall pay for all, when i die, when i die.
and my neck shall pay for all, when i die.
oh, i've twenty pounds in store and that's not all.
oh, i've twenty pounds in store and that's not all.
oh, i've twenty pounds in store
and i'd kill for twenty more.
and my neck shall pay for all, when i die, when i die.
and my neck shall pay for all, when i die.
oh, i rode up tyburn hill in a cart.
oh, i rode up tyburn hill in a cart.
oh, i rode up tyburn hill
and 'twas there i made my will,
saying, “the best of friends must part, so farewell, so farewell.”
saying, “the best of friends must part, so farewell.”
up the ladder i did grope, that's no joke.
up the ladder i did grope, that's no joke.
up the ladder i did grope
and the hangman spread his rope.
but never a word i spoke, coming down, coming down.
but never a word i spoke, coming down.
it’s of two noble butchers as i have heard men say
started out from london all on a market day
and as they were a-riding as fast as they could ride
"oh stop your horse," says johnson, "for i hear some woman cry"
"i will not stop," says wilson, "i will not stop," says he
"i will not stop," says wilson "for robbed we shall be."
johnson he got off his horse, searched the woods all ‘round
and there he spied a woman with her hair pinned to the ground.
"how came you here dear woman? how came you here fast bound?
how came you here this morning with your hair pinned to the ground?"
"they robbed me, they stripped me, they left me here fast bound.
they left me here this morning with me hair pinned to the ground."
may god keep all good people,
may god keep all good people,
may god keep all good people from such bad company.
then johnson he being a valiant man and a man of courage bold
he took his coat from off his back to keep her from the cold,
and as they were a-riding as fast as they could ride
she put a whistle to her mouth and she gave three shivering cries.
up jumped three bold and swaggering men with swords all in their hands
who then commanded johnson, commanded him to stand,
"i’ll stop, i’ll stand," says johnson, "as long as i can stand,
for never was i, in all me life, afraid of any man."
may god keep all good people,
may god keep all good people,
may god keep all good people from such bad company.
oh two of them he quickly slew and the third he did not mind
‘til the false young woman took a knife and stabbed him from behind
poor johnson he spun round about and he fell down to the ground,
and he cursed that wretched woman who gave him his death-wound.
now the day it being a market-day there were people traveling by
who saw the awful murder, who saw poor johnson die.
now johnson he was a valiant man, and a valiant man was he,
may god keep all good people from such bad company.
may god keep all good people,
may god keep all good people,
may god keep all good people from such bad company.
unite and unite, and let us all unite
for summer is a-comin today.
and whither we are going we all will unite,
in the merry morning of may.
the young men of padstow, they might if they would,
for summer is a-comin today.
they might have built a ship and guilded it with gold
in the merry morning of may.
the young women of padstow, they might if they would,
for summer is a-comin today.
they might have built a garland with the white rose and the red
in the merry morning of may.
rise up, mrs johnson, all in your gown of green
for summer is a-comin today.
you are as fine a lady as waits upon the queen
in the merry morning of may.
oh where is king george? oh where is he-o?
he's out in his longboat, all on the salt sea-o.
up flies the kite, down falls the lark-o.
aunt ursula birdhood, she has an old ewe,
and she died in her own park-o.
with the merry ring and with the joyful spring,
for summer is a-comin today.
how happy are the little birds and the merrier we shall sing
in the merry morning of may.
oh where are the young men that now do advance
for summer is a-comin today.
some they are in england and some they are in france
in the merry morning of may.
betsy bell and mary gray
they were bonny lasses
they built them a bower on yon burnside
they theeked it all o'er wi' rushes
they theeked it all o'er wi' rushes green
they theeked it all o'er wi' heather
the plague come from the borough town
and slew them both together
they would not have their shoes of red
nor would they have them yellow
but they would have their shoes of green
to ride through the streets of yarrow
they thought to lie all in the churchyard
among their noble kin
but they were laid in stronach hall
all out beneath the sun
betsy bell and mary gray
they were bonny lasses
they built them a bower on yon burnside
they theeked it all o'er wi' rushes
dance, dance the shaking of the sheets,
dance, dance when you hear the piper playing,
everyone must dance
the shaking of the sheets with me.
bring away the beggar, bring away the king,
and every man in his degree.
bring away the oldest and the youngest thing,
come to death and follow me.
bring away the merchant who made his money in france,
and the crafty banker too,
when you hear the piper, you and i must dance
the dance that everyone must do.
dance, dance the shaking of the sheets,
dance, dance when you hear the piper playing,
everyone must dance
the shaking of the sheets with me.
i'll find you in the courtrooms, i'll find you in the schools,
when you hear the piper play.
i'll take away the wise men, i'll take away the fools
and bring their bodies all to clay.
all the politicians of high and low degree,
lords and ladies, great and small.
don't think that you'll escape and need not dance with me,
i'll make you come when i do call.
dance, dance the shaking of the sheets,
dance, dance when you hear the piper playing,
everyone must dance
the shaking of the sheets with me.
dance, dance the shaking of the sheets,
dance, dance when you hear the piper playing,
everyone must dance
the shaking of the sheets with me.
it may be in the day, it may be in the night,
prepare yourselves to dance and pray.
that when the piper plays “the shaking of the sheets”
you may to heaven dance the way.
dance, dance the shaking of the sheets,
dance, dance when you hear the piper playing,
everyone must dance
the shaking of the sheets with me.
dance, dance the shaking of the sheets,
dance, dance when you hear the piper playing,
everyone must dance
the shaking of the sheets with me.
as i walked out one may morning,
one may morning betime.
i met a maid, from home had strayed,
just as the sun she did shine.
“what makes you rise so soon my dear,
your journey to pursue?
your pretty little feet they tread so neat,
strike off the morning dew.”
“i'm going to feed my father's flock,
his young and tender lambs.
that over hills and over dales,
lie waiting for their dams.”
“o stay, o stay, you handsome maid,
and rest a moment here.
for there is none that you alone
that i do love so dear.”
“how gloriously the sun doth shine,
how pleasant is the air.
i'd rather rest on a true love's breast
than any other where.”
“for i am thine and thou art mine,
no man shall uncomfort me.
we'll join our hands in wedded bands
and married we shall be.”
penny is shining beneath a bright light,
with another resting beside her.
maybe the light one will come back tonight,
with the memories she carries inside her.
seagull, seagull, three three in a bed.
seagull, seagull, three three in a bed.
penny the hero, penny the fool,
the gold watch she gave me i'll treasure.
they say that it's only a game after all,
apart from the pain it's a pleasure.
seagull, seagull, three three in a bed.
seagull, seagull, three three in a bed.
penny is silent when fortunes are lost,
she knows there is nothing worth saying.
you're all alone when you're counting the cost,
is it more than a game you've been playing?
seagull, seagull, three three in a bed.
seagull, seagull, three three in a bed.
there was a lady lived in york,
she stabbed her baby to the heart.
she drew a scarf from off her head,
she bound the baby's hands and legs.
she drew a knife long and sharp,
she stabbed the baby to the heart.
she wiped the knife upon the grass,
the more she wiped the blood ran fast.
as she was going to her father's hall,
she saw three children playing at ball.
one in silk the other in satin,
the other was naked as ever was born.
``oh dear child, if you were mine,
i'd dress you in silk and satins so fine.''
``mother dear, i once was thine,
you never would dress me, coarse of fine.''
``mother, mother, for your sins,
heaven you shall not enter.
there is fire beyond hell's gate,
and there you'll burn forever.''
somebody's following, following me.
somebody's following, following me.
look in his eyes, this man, he'll tell you nothing,
you'll have to do what he says if you.
look in his eyes, this man, it's no use running,
i know i mustn't look back at him.
(somebody's following, following me),
i feel a chill that runs straight to the bone.
(somebody's following, following me),
i've never felt so alone.
and i know that i'm not mistaken,
(there's been another young girl he's taken).
if i happen to take just one look in his eyes,
he will turn me to ice, oh why can't i run away.
something is stopping me running away.
look in his eyes, this man, you'd never know it,
he'll own your body and soul if you.
look in his eyes, this man, i mustn't show it,
i mustn't show that i'm scared of him.
(somebody's following, following me),
i feel his breath on the back of my hair.
(somebody's following, following me),
and there's fear in the air.
and i know that i'm not mistaken,
(there's been another young girl he's taken).
if i happen to take just one look in his eyes,
he will turn me to ice, oh why can't i run away.
what is it stopping me running away.
you can hound me now you've found me,
but i'm far more cunning than you.
i'm a shy fox, i'm a sly fox,
and i'll teach you a lesson or two.
i'll run you through the hawthorn .hedge,
and tear your dogs to shreds
i'll lead you from the open fields,
into the flower beds.
i'll lead you from the open fields,
into the nearest town.
and take you to my hunting ground.
run, run, i won't give in,
run, run, i'll never give in.
run, run, run, i won't give in,
run, run, run, i'll never give in.
you can hound me now you've found me,
but i'm far more cunning than you.
i'm a brown fox, i'm a town fox,
and i'll teach you a lesson or two.
i'll introduce electric fence,
to every horse and hound.
and watch the horses suffering,
upon the stoney ground.
i'll lead you from the open fields,
into the nearest town.
and take you to my hunting ground.
run, run, i won't give in,
run, run, i'll never give in.
run, run, run, i won't give in,
run, run, run, i'll never give in.
Lyrics geaddet von gletscherwolf - Bearbeite die Lyrics