Steve Von Till : If I Should Fall to the Field

You don't believe what you don't see
Each grain of sand beneath the sea
You have no faith in a dream
Fade into the landspace, unseem
In a field of weeds, killing time
A winding river rushes by
All the while you seem to be going blind
A cold numb grey in your eyes
Breathe in, breathe deep
A lifetime is too long to sleep
Staring at lightning won't keep you warm
You hear the thunder, but can't get out of the storm
Growing weak and thin
This has to end where it begins
Waiting for winter's first snow
To cover your tracks, so no.one will know
That you ever lived, or ever lied
You wouldn't give, never tried
No words worth air ever sound
From a flightless bird, bound to the ground
Breathe in, breathe deep
A lifetime is too long to sleep
Staring at lightning won't keep you warm
You hear the thunder, but can't get out of the storm
The winds outside a change
Shadows move across the floor
Chasing the light
When the leaves fall to the field
I'll know the wrong from yesterday
Sky turns sustaining night
We all watch the frost
From the withered vine
Of the Autumn host
I'll pray on my sustaining life
I will be as you, with the grey
Driven through a sea
The tides wash in to inspire
Lay down in moon of the might
Flesh gives way to the worlds in her hives
The rain will no longer cease
Drowning gives meaning to breath
I come down to stake my claim
Runes in the clouds
Blood on the bones
My forging hammer
Lies reclined
My bellows, too
Have lost their wind
My fires extinct
My forge decayed
And in the dust
My vices layed
My coal is spent
My iron is gone
My anvil is broke
My work is done
My work is done
My work is done
My work is done
I stand exposed
In a barren field
Like a stone
Bled dry
The day star fades
The darkness cools
The fever breaks
My side is clear
A figure forms
Of shining gold
A guiding light
That leads me
To a tree of reckoning
Visions bring
Our name
Lie on
Lie on hallowed ground
A stonecutter face
An idol stare
Calls us to
The river
Ghost of the past
Speak of things
We don't care
To hear now
The sun bleached planks
Of this old wall
Meet the dust
And cry out
Grandfather's hands
Blood for us here
Hallowed ground foverer
Bleed on
Bleed on hallowed ground
Bleed on
Bleed on hallowed ground
This river flows to the South
Like these thoughts flow from my veins
Blood like fuel is fed to the fire
Inspired by faces in the flames
In the boats we crosses over the water
The edge of the Earth fell away
On the banks we stood alone
As dreams were washed out to sea
Oh, please help me,
oh please help me,
I'm livin' by myself.
I need someone to comfort me,
I need someone to tell.
I'm sorry for
The things I've done,
I've shamed myself with lies,
But soon these things
Are overcome
And can't be recognized.
I left my love
With ribbons on
And water in her eyes.
I took from her
The love I'd won
And turned it to the sky.
I'm sorry for
The things I've done,
I've shamed myself with lies,
My cruelty has punctured me
And now I'm running dry.
There's a candle in the window
Of the old tatch house
Mother said it was a beacon
On this night of the hunt
She sang softly
Of those who were gone
As she poured whiskey
On the stone near the heart
Howling beasts
And unearthly cries
One.eyed riders
Stones of skies
The windows started to shutter
Under the force of the wind
Whirling mysts became furies
Rolling clouds became wolves
Howling beasts
And unearthly cries
One.eyed riders
Stones of skies
Though i was young that night
Never once did i fear
I knew this ancestral spectre
Was wondering God
Known to our people forever
Giver of breath and life
I will gladly ride with Him
When it becomes my time
Howling beasts
And unearthly cries
One.eyed riders
Stones of skies
And then I born to die
To lay this body down
And must lie trembling
Spirit fly into a world unknown
And must lie trembling
Spirit fly into a world unknown
Soon as from Earth I go
What will become of me?
Eternal happyness, or woe?
Must then my poor son be?
Eternal happyness, or woe?
Must then my poor son be?
A land of the best shade
I'm pierced by you, my thought
That dreary of the dead
Where all things are forgot
That dreary of the dead
Where all things are forgot
Under a blood red moon
That fades from my eyes
An ancestral haunting
Brings their names across a plain unknown
Harvesting thought from a mind out of time
The disembodied voice of corpses on the wind unknown
There was a woman, and she was wise; woefully wise was she;
She was old, so old, yet her years all told were but a score and three;
And she knew by heart, from finish to start, the Book of Iniquity.
There is no hope for such as I on earth, nor yet in Heaven;
Unloved I live, unloved I die, unpitied, unforgiven;
A loathed jade, I ply my trade, unhallowed and unshriven.
I paint my cheeks, for they are white, and cheeks of chalk men hate;
Mine eyes with wine I make them shine, that man may seek and sate;
With overhead a lamp of red I sit me down and wait
Until they come, the nightly scum, with drunken eyes aflame;
Your sweethearts, sons, ye scornful ones, 'tis I who know their shame.
The gods, ye see, are brutes to me, and so I play my game.
For life is not the thing we thought, and not the thing we plan;
And Woman in a bitter world must do the best she can
Must yield the stroke, and bear the yoke, and serve the will of man;
Must serve his need and ever feed the flame of his desire,
Though be she loved for love alone, or be she loved for hire;
For every man since life began is tainted with the mire.
And though you know he love you so and set you on love's throne;
Yet let your eyes but mock his sighs, and let your heart be stone,
Lest you be left (as I was left) attainted and alone.
From love's close kiss to hell's abyss is one sheer flight, I trow,
And wedding ring and bridal bell are will.o'.wisps of woe,
And 'tis not wise to love too well, and this all women know.
Wherefore, the wolf.pack having gorged upon the lamb, their prey,
With siren smile and serpent guile I make the wolf.pack pay
With velvet paws and flensing claws, a tigress roused to slay.
One who in youth sought truest truth and found a devil's lies;
A symbol of the sin of man, a human sacrifice.
Yet shall I blame on man the shame? Could it be otherwise?
Was I not born to walk in scorn where others walk in pride?
The Maker marred, and, evil.starred, I drift upon His tide;
And He alone shall judge His own, so I His judgment bide.
Fate has written a tragedy; its name is The Human Heart.
The Theatre is the House of Life, Woman the mummer's part;
The Devil enters the prompter's box and the play is ready to start.
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