The Casualties : Die Hards

Argh, Argh
This is the sound of an army in rage
The kids are taking over the streets again
The sound of broken bottles in the night, intense fright.
Look out the punx are back,the crew is out tonight.
Attack, Attack! The crew is out again.
It's a nightmare.
No more preaching for the kids of today
The youth are unemployed and full of hate
Drinking fucking beer until daylight breaks
You can see all the anger in their fucking faces
Angry fucking kids, urban youth of today
The system fucked them up, in their eyes you see hate
Sound of broken bottles in the night, intense fright
Look out the punx are back, the crew is out tonight.
Attack, Attack! The crew is out again.
It's a nightmare.
This is the sound of an army enraged
The kids are taking over the streets again
Another rebel youth is on the make
You're not street smart, you'll never understand
Chaos is the rule for the youth of today
Drinking 40 ounces in the dark alley ways
Sound of broken bottles in the night, intense fright
Look out the punx are back, the crew is out tonight
City officials lie on and on again
Down in my city, the rent has gone up again
Hide behind false words no more
What the fuck do you take us for
Council - you bastards control the waterfront
Don't let them tear you down
Tried to protest, it seems all in vain
This rent increase I can't afford to pay
The please I live is hip today
In comes the rich the poor has to go away
Down at city hall I state my case
The city council has all been paid
They stand for the people, so they say
You filthy liars, I hope you rot in hell
Council - you bastards control the waterfront
Don't let them tear you down
Rent control petitions and off to court we go
The judge takes our side, our voice has been heard
This city knows of the council's illegal ways
This working man just won't go away
I hated at school
All the jocks and Barbie dolls
So I joined the punk scene To get away from it all
It seems that nowadays
There's no escape from it all
Staring deadly eyes
There's tension at punk shows
You prey on the weak
You prey on the small
Fighting at the shows
You ruin it all
Heathers in the scene
This movie we live in
Touch somebody in the pit
A fight breaks out
Don't like what you wear
They kick you in the face
The soap opera scene
Was never made for me
You prey on the weak
You prey on the small
Fighting at the shows
You ruin it all.
You wanna take control of me i won't let you do it
You say you know whats best for me i'm gonna make you prove it
Your always complaining at me
Get off my back
Why won't you just let me be
Get off my back
Tell me this and tell me that ii've heard it all before
You still bitch my back is turned i'm wlking out the door
Your always complaining at me
Get off my back
Why won't you just let me be
Get off my back
Your always bitching all the time
You want my time you know its mine
Your always jumping on my back
Just let me be myself
I talk and talk you won't listen your stubborn as a wall
You always bitch you make me nuts i'm gonna take a fall
Your always complaining at me
Get off my back
Why won't you just let me be
Get off my back
You wanna take control of me i won't let you do it
You say you know whats best for me i'm gonna make you prove it
Your always complaining at me
Get off my back
Why won't you just let me be
Get off my back
Your always bitching all the time
You want my time you know its mine
Your always jumping on my back
Just let me be myself
You wanna take control of me i'm gonna let you do it
You say you know whats best for me i'm gonna make you prove it.
Victims - Of what youre fucking bill dictates
Victims - Of all the fucking greed and fucking hate
Victims - Cuz the fucking law always says so
Victims - In this fucking world we know
We're all victims - we're all victims
We are society's - rejects
Hatred - For this life my fucking life to live
Hatred - To the fucking looks you like to give
Hatred - Into life of a pile of shit
Hatred - I just can't wait to fucking quit
We're all victims - we're all victims
We are society's - rejects
Resist - What they say is always fucking right
Resist - That is so fucking hard to fight
Resist - Cuz they coontrol this fucking world
Resist - They control your fucking mind and soul.
Working at a very young age,
trying to help my parents pay the rent
I grew up in the ghetto where we lived day by day
Blue collar worker, no increase in your paycheck
Better not call in sick or your job will be at stake
We are trying to survive in this fucking world we live in
Working class youth, working hard to make it through
Working every day, low paying jobs we get
A beer just to forget
This is your life!
Some of us go to school, try to make it through
White collar fucking worker, like a robot goes to work
Two weeks vacation a year, you have it made in this world
You better keep up the payments of that car and house you bought
We are trying to survive in this fucking world we live
Working class youth working hard to make it through
My mothers sick in bed, doctor bill has to be paid
Another ticket for speeding and the judge won't hear my pleas
President's day, Valentines day, don't forget Christmas day
Another fucking holiday created by the buisness man
We're trying to survive in this fucking world we live
Working class youth working hard to make it through.
We're the punx
We're the fucking punx
We're few, but we are real
The way we fucking feel
This noise is for real
You know who we are
We're here til the end.
Spikey hair with soap
You don't like us at all
Up the fucking beers
The punx are fucking here
You know who we are
We're here til the end
Die hards
Die hards
Gime me street punk
Sound for hardcore punx
Oi! is our voice
Punk is the noise
You know who we are
We're here til the end
Hardcore punx for life
Unwanted by the media
Posers come and go
But we're still here
You know who we are
We're here til the end
Die hards
Die hards
We're the fucking punx
We're few, but we are real
The way we fucking feel
This noise is for real
You know who we are
We're here til the end.
Spikey hair with soap
You don't like us at all
Up the fucking beers
The punx are fucking here
You know who we are
We're here til the end
Die hards
Die hards
Hardcore punx for life
Unwanted by the media
Posers come and go
But we're still here
You know who we are
We're here til the end
Die hards
Die hards
We're the punx!
We're heading off to Europe for another fucking tour
Jacko in Scottland, can't understand a fucking word
No money in our pockets playing for the English punx
Drinking at the pubs for the records that we sold
One week of shows cancelled, with no money in London
If you think were headed home, you got it all wrong
No turning back- no turning back
No turning back- no turning back
Take the fucking ferry to France, off we go
No Ecuasorians allowed, border control with machine guns
Hiding in the trunk, border line has to be crossed
Riot in Parris, gassing all the fucking punx
Broken down in the mountains, what else can go wrong
Playing the French Alps, chopping wood to keep us warm
Getting paid with wine and bread, freezing in the cold
If you think were heading home, you got it all fucking wrong
Down in Italy, pasta punx made us feel at home
Up in Belgium Dirk took care of us four drunk punx
Livng in the car, playing show after show
Driving through Switzerland, I made trouble for us all
No visa, through the woods, cross the border, hide the punx
5 a.m. show, drunk punx sung all night long
Getting paid with chocolate, freezing in the cold
If you think were headed home,you got it all wrong
Up in fucking Holland, hanging with Antidote
Smoking legal grass, Ellen got us all drunk
Shows in Germany, chaos punx are all drunk
Streetpunx all over, Oxymorons at the shows
Drinking fucking beers, more probles come along
Riot police outside arresting all the punx
Getting paid with beer and bread, freezing in the cold
If you think were headed home, you got it all wrong
Touring Europe D.I.Y. freezing in the cold
If you think were headed home, you got it fucking wrong!
This is for the touring bands living on the road
The ones that travel non-stop from coast to coast
For the ones who do 90 shows in 90 fucking days
Then they go back and do it all again
Across the states
Around the world
We'll play it loud
You can't stop us!
This is for the bands that take a chance
Leaving their loved ones and dead jobs behind
For the fucking van that always breaks
Spending money fixing it more than taking care of my health
This is for the ones that break away
Losing fucking money over and over again
For the ones that take so much shit
From people who never leave their home state
For our friends in NYC
All the bands that we meet (on the streets)
This is for friends that still try hard
The many touring punk and skinhead bands
Life on the road can be so fucking hard.
Hijo de la gran puta.. .
El alcalde mentiroso
Da mentiras,se pone en el poder
El alcalde mentiroso
USA scuelas,enganan al joven
El alcalde mentiroso
Rompe promesas,USA al pobre
El alcalde mentiroso
Policia maldita,protejerlo a el
Mierda al alcalde,maldito un infiel
Mierda al alcalde,un cambio hay que hacer
Los ricos son ladrones
usan al obrero,roban al pobre
Los ricos son ladrones
Somos sus esclavos, sudando para el
Los ricos son ladrones
Te enfermas,te botan, sin paga tu te vas
Los ricos son ladrones
Policia maldita,proterjerlo a el
Mierda al rico,maldito es un infiel
Mierda al rico,un cambio hay que hacer
La religion es porqueria
usan a dios,asustan al pobre
La religion es porqueria
Roban tu dinero,usando la bibla
La relijion es porqueria
Son pecadores,enganan a fieles
La relijion es porqueria
Mataron al inca,conquistadores infieles
Mierda religiosa,debuelve nuestra fe
Mierda religiosa,un cambio hay que hacer
Todo el mundo maldecido
El rico explota,tierra aire y mar
Todo el mundo maldecido
Solo por dinero,matan sin piedad
Mierda mundialista,un cambio hay que hacer.
Committed from the beginning
There is no fucking turning back
Forgotten youth, just wastes away
Always forward, never look back.
Break all fucking barriers
This street noise is all we've got
Fury and fucking anger
No more rules for the punx
Fuck you- no rule's made for me
Fuck you- I do as I please
Make some noise
Piss 'em off
Fuck 'em up
that's punk rock
So straight edge is the way?
I'll go out and drink all day
Tell me to shut up and drink
I'll stay sober and eat my beans
If being vegan is the fucking way
I'll eat hot dogs in your face
So you hate the PC crew?
I'll write a peace song just for you
Fuck you- no rules for me
Fuck you- I do as I please
Make some noise
Piss 'em off
Fuck 'em up
that's punk rock
So you hate the spikey hair?
I'll grow my mohawk and make you stare
All these rules you have created
Won't force the kids just for your sake
So get it through your fucking head
It's up to you what to eat and wear
Militant closed-minded fools
You're the church and schools of the youth
Fuck you- no rules for me
Fuck you- I do as I please
Make some noise
Piss 'em off
Fuck 'em up
That's punk rock
Too many rules
Fuck their rules!
Make some noise
Piss 'em off
Fuck 'em up
That's punk rock
Fuck you- no rules for me
Fuck you- I do as I please.
You put is all on welfare and try to keep us tame
The food stamps we get so we don't question the system
Spread diseases on us and blame it on the gays
The government is out with their fucking tricks again
Conspiracy Theory!
For all the world to know
Devide and Conquer!
What a fucked up world
You try to make headlines of foreign affairs
While back at home, no one seems to be fair
You think we're stupid, you control the news
It takes no fucking wizzard to understand your fucking tools
Just read behind the headlines, all governments are the same
They've got us fighting with each other with their lies and fuckng wars
Meanwhile back in your scene
In a small scale affair
Lables and bands propaganda to take money from the youth
Fanzine fucking writers who divide the fucking scene
Create divisions and hate to feed their fucking self esteem
You see it on the net over and over again
False phrophets writing lies to destroy what punx create
By the fucking idiots tht feel like kings for a day
Dividing, conquiring, it goes on everywhere
Dividing, conquiring in this world we live in
Conspiracy theory for the world to know
Divide and conquire!
It's a fucked up world.
13. MADE IN N.Y.C.
Sniffing glue!
Drinking beer!
Dont give a fuck how the hippies feel!
This is for you, joey!
Your memory fucking lives!
Your three chord wonders made in N.Y.C.!
Gabba gabba hey!
Punk is here to stay!
Hey ho lets go!
Sniffin glue all day!
Blitzkreig bop
Punk is born
On the street corner of my hometown
They called you dumb
The punks heard the noise
The scene u created
Street punks born
Gabba gabba hey!
Punk is here to stay!
Hey ho lets go!
Sniffing glue all day!
Teen lobotomy
We're the pin heads
Made in N.Y.C. where the true punks live
Fuck hippie Hendrix
Fat elvis in his grave
Pet cemetary wont be your resting place!
Gabba gabba hey!
Punk is here to stay!
Hey ho fucking lets go!
Sniffing glue all day!
[Jimbo:] One two! One two three four!
Sniffin glue
Drinkin beer
Hey now fuck how hippies feel
This is joey
Memory lives
Three chord wonders N.Y.C
Blitzkreig bop
Punk is born
On the corner of my town
Called u dumb
Punx heard noise
Scene u created punk is born!
Gabba gabba hey!
Punk is here to stay!
Hey ho fucking lets go!
And sniffing glue all day!
Argh, Argh
This is the sound of an army in rage
The kids are taking over the streets again
The sound of broken bottles in the night, intense fright.
Look out the punx are back,the crew is out tonight.
Attack, Attack! The crew is out again.
It's a nightmare.
No more preaching for the kids of today
The youth are unemployed and full of hate
Drinking fucking beer until daylight breaks
You can see all the anger in their fucking faces
Angry fucking kids, urban youth of today
The system fucked them up, in their eyes you see hate
Sound of broken bottles in the night, intense fright
Look out the punx are back, the crew is out tonight.
Attack, Attack! The crew is out again.
It's a nightmare.
This is the sound of an army enraged
The kids are taking over the streets again
Another rebel youth is on the make
You're not street smart, you'll never understand
Chaos is the rule for the youth of today
Drinking 40 ounces in the dark alley ways
Sound of broken bottles in the night, intense fright
Look out the punx are back, the crew is out tonight
City officials lie on and on again
Down in my city, the rent has gone up again
Hide behind false words no more
What the fuck do you take us for
Council - you bastards control the waterfront
Don't let them tear you down
Tried to protest, it seems all in vain
This rent increase I can't afford to pay
The please I live is hip today
In comes the rich the poor has to go away
Down at city hall I state my case
The city council has all been paid
They stand for the people, so they say
You filthy liars, I hope you rot in hell
Council - you bastards control the waterfront
Don't let them tear you down
Rent control petitions and off to court we go
The judge takes our side, our voice has been heard
This city knows of the council's illegal ways
This working man just won't go away
I hated at school
All the jocks and Barbie dolls
So I joined the punk scene To get away from it all
It seems that nowadays
There's no escape from it all
Staring deadly eyes
There's tension at punk shows
You prey on the weak
You prey on the small
Fighting at the shows
You ruin it all
Heathers in the scene
This movie we live in
Touch somebody in the pit
A fight breaks out
Don't like what you wear
They kick you in the face
The soap opera scene
Was never made for me
You prey on the weak
You prey on the small
Fighting at the shows
You ruin it all.
You wanna take control of me i won't let you do it
You say you know whats best for me i'm gonna make you prove it
Your always complaining at me
Get off my back
Why won't you just let me be
Get off my back
Tell me this and tell me that ii've heard it all before
You still bitch my back is turned i'm wlking out the door
Your always complaining at me
Get off my back
Why won't you just let me be
Get off my back
Your always bitching all the time
You want my time you know its mine
Your always jumping on my back
Just let me be myself
I talk and talk you won't listen your stubborn as a wall
You always bitch you make me nuts i'm gonna take a fall
Your always complaining at me
Get off my back
Why won't you just let me be
Get off my back
You wanna take control of me i won't let you do it
You say you know whats best for me i'm gonna make you prove it
Your always complaining at me
Get off my back
Why won't you just let me be
Get off my back
Your always bitching all the time
You want my time you know its mine
Your always jumping on my back
Just let me be myself
You wanna take control of me i'm gonna let you do it
You say you know whats best for me i'm gonna make you prove it.
Victims - Of what youre fucking bill dictates
Victims - Of all the fucking greed and fucking hate
Victims - Cuz the fucking law always says so
Victims - In this fucking world we know
We're all victims - we're all victims
We are society's - rejects
Hatred - For this life my fucking life to live
Hatred - To the fucking looks you like to give
Hatred - Into life of a pile of shit
Hatred - I just can't wait to fucking quit
We're all victims - we're all victims
We are society's - rejects
Resist - What they say is always fucking right
Resist - That is so fucking hard to fight
Resist - Cuz they coontrol this fucking world
Resist - They control your fucking mind and soul.
Working at a very young age,
trying to help my parents pay the rent
I grew up in the ghetto where we lived day by day
Blue collar worker, no increase in your paycheck
Better not call in sick or your job will be at stake
We are trying to survive in this fucking world we live in
Working class youth, working hard to make it through
Working every day, low paying jobs we get
A beer just to forget
This is your life!
Some of us go to school, try to make it through
White collar fucking worker, like a robot goes to work
Two weeks vacation a year, you have it made in this world
You better keep up the payments of that car and house you bought
We are trying to survive in this fucking world we live
Working class youth working hard to make it through
My mothers sick in bed, doctor bill has to be paid
Another ticket for speeding and the judge won't hear my pleas
President's day, Valentines day, don't forget Christmas day
Another fucking holiday created by the buisness man
We're trying to survive in this fucking world we live
Working class youth working hard to make it through.
We're the punx
We're the fucking punx
We're few, but we are real
The way we fucking feel
This noise is for real
You know who we are
We're here til the end.
Spikey hair with soap
You don't like us at all
Up the fucking beers
The punx are fucking here
You know who we are
We're here til the end
Die hards
Die hards
Gime me street punk
Sound for hardcore punx
Oi! is our voice
Punk is the noise
You know who we are
We're here til the end
Hardcore punx for life
Unwanted by the media
Posers come and go
But we're still here
You know who we are
We're here til the end
Die hards
Die hards
We're the fucking punx
We're few, but we are real
The way we fucking feel
This noise is for real
You know who we are
We're here til the end.
Spikey hair with soap
You don't like us at all
Up the fucking beers
The punx are fucking here
You know who we are
We're here til the end
Die hards
Die hards
Hardcore punx for life
Unwanted by the media
Posers come and go
But we're still here
You know who we are
We're here til the end
Die hards
Die hards
We're the punx!
We're heading off to Europe for another fucking tour
Jacko in Scottland, can't understand a fucking word
No money in our pockets playing for the English punx
Drinking at the pubs for the records that we sold
One week of shows cancelled, with no money in London
If you think were headed home, you got it all wrong
No turning back- no turning back
No turning back- no turning back
Take the fucking ferry to France, off we go
No Ecuasorians allowed, border control with machine guns
Hiding in the trunk, border line has to be crossed
Riot in Parris, gassing all the fucking punx
Broken down in the mountains, what else can go wrong
Playing the French Alps, chopping wood to keep us warm
Getting paid with wine and bread, freezing in the cold
If you think were heading home, you got it all fucking wrong
Down in Italy, pasta punx made us feel at home
Up in Belgium Dirk took care of us four drunk punx
Livng in the car, playing show after show
Driving through Switzerland, I made trouble for us all
No visa, through the woods, cross the border, hide the punx
5 a.m. show, drunk punx sung all night long
Getting paid with chocolate, freezing in the cold
If you think were headed home,you got it all wrong
Up in fucking Holland, hanging with Antidote
Smoking legal grass, Ellen got us all drunk
Shows in Germany, chaos punx are all drunk
Streetpunx all over, Oxymorons at the shows
Drinking fucking beers, more probles come along
Riot police outside arresting all the punx
Getting paid with beer and bread, freezing in the cold
If you think were headed home, you got it all wrong
Touring Europe D.I.Y. freezing in the cold
If you think were headed home, you got it fucking wrong!
This is for the touring bands living on the road
The ones that travel non-stop from coast to coast
For the ones who do 90 shows in 90 fucking days
Then they go back and do it all again
Across the states
Around the world
We'll play it loud
You can't stop us!
This is for the bands that take a chance
Leaving their loved ones and dead jobs behind
For the fucking van that always breaks
Spending money fixing it more than taking care of my health
This is for the ones that break away
Losing fucking money over and over again
For the ones that take so much shit
From people who never leave their home state
For our friends in NYC
All the bands that we meet (on the streets)
This is for friends that still try hard
The many touring punk and skinhead bands
Life on the road can be so fucking hard.
Hijo de la gran puta.. .
El alcalde mentiroso
Da mentiras,se pone en el poder
El alcalde mentiroso
USA scuelas,enganan al joven
El alcalde mentiroso
Rompe promesas,USA al pobre
El alcalde mentiroso
Policia maldita,protejerlo a el
Mierda al alcalde,maldito un infiel
Mierda al alcalde,un cambio hay que hacer
Los ricos son ladrones
usan al obrero,roban al pobre
Los ricos son ladrones
Somos sus esclavos, sudando para el
Los ricos son ladrones
Te enfermas,te botan, sin paga tu te vas
Los ricos son ladrones
Policia maldita,proterjerlo a el
Mierda al rico,maldito es un infiel
Mierda al rico,un cambio hay que hacer
La religion es porqueria
usan a dios,asustan al pobre
La religion es porqueria
Roban tu dinero,usando la bibla
La relijion es porqueria
Son pecadores,enganan a fieles
La relijion es porqueria
Mataron al inca,conquistadores infieles
Mierda religiosa,debuelve nuestra fe
Mierda religiosa,un cambio hay que hacer
Todo el mundo maldecido
El rico explota,tierra aire y mar
Todo el mundo maldecido
Solo por dinero,matan sin piedad
Mierda mundialista,un cambio hay que hacer.
Committed from the beginning
There is no fucking turning back
Forgotten youth, just wastes away
Always forward, never look back.
Break all fucking barriers
This street noise is all we've got
Fury and fucking anger
No more rules for the punx
Fuck you- no rule's made for me
Fuck you- I do as I please
Make some noise
Piss 'em off
Fuck 'em up
that's punk rock
So straight edge is the way?
I'll go out and drink all day
Tell me to shut up and drink
I'll stay sober and eat my beans
If being vegan is the fucking way
I'll eat hot dogs in your face
So you hate the PC crew?
I'll write a peace song just for you
Fuck you- no rules for me
Fuck you- I do as I please
Make some noise
Piss 'em off
Fuck 'em up
that's punk rock
So you hate the spikey hair?
I'll grow my mohawk and make you stare
All these rules you have created
Won't force the kids just for your sake
So get it through your fucking head
It's up to you what to eat and wear
Militant closed-minded fools
You're the church and schools of the youth
Fuck you- no rules for me
Fuck you- I do as I please
Make some noise
Piss 'em off
Fuck 'em up
That's punk rock
Too many rules
Fuck their rules!
Make some noise
Piss 'em off
Fuck 'em up
That's punk rock
Fuck you- no rules for me
Fuck you- I do as I please.
You put is all on welfare and try to keep us tame
The food stamps we get so we don't question the system
Spread diseases on us and blame it on the gays
The government is out with their fucking tricks again
Conspiracy Theory!
For all the world to know
Devide and Conquer!
What a fucked up world
You try to make headlines of foreign affairs
While back at home, no one seems to be fair
You think we're stupid, you control the news
It takes no fucking wizzard to understand your fucking tools
Just read behind the headlines, all governments are the same
They've got us fighting with each other with their lies and fuckng wars
Meanwhile back in your scene
In a small scale affair
Lables and bands propaganda to take money from the youth
Fanzine fucking writers who divide the fucking scene
Create divisions and hate to feed their fucking self esteem
You see it on the net over and over again
False phrophets writing lies to destroy what punx create
By the fucking idiots tht feel like kings for a day
Dividing, conquiring, it goes on everywhere
Dividing, conquiring in this world we live in
Conspiracy theory for the world to know
Divide and conquire!
It's a fucked up world.
13. MADE IN N.Y.C.
Sniffing glue!
Drinking beer!
Dont give a fuck how the hippies feel!
This is for you, joey!
Your memory fucking lives!
Your three chord wonders made in N.Y.C.!
Gabba gabba hey!
Punk is here to stay!
Hey ho lets go!
Sniffin glue all day!
Blitzkreig bop
Punk is born
On the street corner of my hometown
They called you dumb
The punks heard the noise
The scene u created
Street punks born
Gabba gabba hey!
Punk is here to stay!
Hey ho lets go!
Sniffing glue all day!
Teen lobotomy
We're the pin heads
Made in N.Y.C. where the true punks live
Fuck hippie Hendrix
Fat elvis in his grave
Pet cemetary wont be your resting place!
Gabba gabba hey!
Punk is here to stay!
Hey ho fucking lets go!
Sniffing glue all day!
[Jimbo:] One two! One two three four!
Sniffin glue
Drinkin beer
Hey now fuck how hippies feel
This is joey
Memory lives
Three chord wonders N.Y.C
Blitzkreig bop
Punk is born
On the corner of my town
Called u dumb
Punx heard noise
Scene u created punk is born!
Gabba gabba hey!
Punk is here to stay!
Hey ho fucking lets go!
And sniffing glue all day!
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