The Wonder Years : The Upsides

Тексты песен
I'm not sad anymore, I'm just tired of this place
The weight of the world be okay if it would pick a shoulder to lean on
So I could stand up straight
I'm not sad anymore, I'm just tired of this place
The homophobic bullshit that's somehow okay
Just because you didn't mean it that way
I can't take anymore of all the scum in this place
Shitty dudes with tribal tattoos all around
Lining up cheap beer and roofies for a party at their place
Trying to convince freshmen they're somebody
By spending all of their parents' money on kegstands
And Matt says I don't fit in
All this mallrat goth shit is killing me
Thought that would end with high school at least
But there are still kids and Matt says
"College hit those dudes like a ton of bricks"
So they're calling it blasphemy
A fucking catastrophe
For saying it's a stupid choice to make
But this place just brings misery
I hate what it does to me
I fight, but I can't escape the way that I don't fit in with any of this
And I don't think we're the same
I'm fucking losing my head trying to understand this
Kids outside with guitars hoping for someone to notice
No one wants to hear your sappy bullshit
All these fake-tan girls laughing at art school kids
Getting lots in return for being substance-less
You're too caught in semantics to see it
But you're no fucking different.
I'm not sad anymore, I'm just waiting
It's two more months 'til I'm done with this
And I don't make sense to anyone but my best friends
And I don't fit in anywhere but the back of the van
And I don't make sense to anyone but my best friends
And I don't fit in anywhere but the back of the van
So they're calling it blasphemy
A fucking catastrophe
For saying it's a stupid choice to make
They turned on the fountain today at Logan Circle
I felt something in me change
I was thinking about how we all feel
But the world's not such a shitty place
(The world's not such a shitty place)
We just can't blame the seasons
The Blue Man Group won't cure depression
I can see we brought it on ourselves with bad attitudes
And you should come by at eleven
You haven't seen the new apartment
We'll laugh about the shit we got into in high school
And I can't pretend
I'm afraid that we're wasting away
Because we're all sleeping in circles or talking shit in diners
And I've been better but I'm feeling okay
I'm not even sad anymore
I'm just so tired most nights
And I've been drowning my sorrows in Lucky Charms and soy milk
These are the things that keep me sane
Getting pretzels at midnight behind my house
At the price you can't complain
We set off fireworks, pissed off the whole neighbourhood
They keep me up having sex anyway
This stoop has been seen much worse
We'll set off a few more
Maybe I'll blow a piece of this city I hate
They turned on the fountain today at Logan Circle
They turned on the fountain today
They turned on the fountain today at Logan Circle
I felt something in me change
I'm afraid that we're wasting away
I'm afraid
I woke up today and put all my shit in boxes
It's 8am so I'm glad I wasn't out late
I woke up today
I guess it's good I hadn't finished
Unpacking all of this in the first place
The suburbs have abandoned me
I've had the same best friends since '93
I call he's not answering. No
I can't get comfortable on my own street
I'm not fond of south philly
Or how my neighbours love ICP
I guess it's better than bancroft street
At least the fridge here works and the walls don't leak
At least I'm starting to see what's left for me
I'm starting to
We moved on again
So I packed all my shit and left home
It's all right to think I still belong to something I don't
'Cause I can see why you'd think so
Nothing made me feel further away
Than "left and leaving" through a blown car stereo
Nothing made me feel closer to home
Than "ready to die" through my headphones
So, we reached the coast
Where do we sleep tonight?
Damned if I know
We'll try to stay at the airport
"You can't send us home man, we've got no place to go"
'Cause I can see why you'd think so
Don't say it's up to me (x4)
The creeks in the floorboards are calling out to me
I'm laying here again
With my head on my backpack
Wrapped in my hoodie
This is how it is when
Don't say it's up to me
Don't say
[Chorus] (x2)
I stacked "lonelier than god" next to "you get so alone sometimes"
I know how this must look from the outside
It took almost thirteen months for me to be where I feel fine
I'm not as sad as I let myself believe sometimes
Rest stop in Tennessee
I found where the ignorant fucks of the world meet
For donuts and coffee
Spewing rhetoric I thought was reserved for
Westboro Baptist and lunatics like that
So you can hide behind the bible
We still know you're false
Inbreeding can claim this one
So chalk it up
These small town minds stay small
The world evolves so stay in your shithole
We're moving on
Someone should burn this place to the ground
I'll see you motherfuckers in hell
Two miles from the hotel, eight hundred from home
We're forced to call on all we know
But all we know's a joke
The van just started shaking, coughing out black smoke
We're pulling off in a parking lot cause this might just explode
Cause it's New Year's Eve and four degrees
We're stranded, hopeless
I just want some sleep
Drew's too busy sexting with some girl he met last show
Tripping balls from the soft effects of a Nyquil overdose
Nobody's been asking how we're gonna get home
Cause we all know
We'll deal with it tomorrow
Yeah, we know
It's gonna be our year boys
I'd speak up
But I'm waiting for the irony to fall asleep without me
And we'll wait and see
With some luck and patching up
I think I'll be home this week
We'll deal with it our own way
And we'll stay, and we'll wait,
And we'll wake in this awkward mess we made
A landscape forged from pizza crust
And what's left of a case
We'll make friends in every state
Like the cops in the parking lot
Or staff of Steak'N'Shake
But I'm too tired to speak
I'll say, "Hey man, I'll see you in Cleveland"
"Hey man, I'll see you in Cleveland"
"Hey man, I'll see you in Cleveland"
"Hey man, I'll see you in Cleveland"
Someone go tell the universe we're not concerned
We know that it's out to get us
But we'll never learn
So if you're thinking you just got the best of me
Man, we don't go down that easy
It's goddamn freezing in this city
There's no heat in my room
It's like it never stops raining
And I'm soaked through
My life's become this tightrope act
One wrong step, I'm off the edge
So now I'm scared to death of an ear infection
It's like I'm chasing ambulances
Trying to pull out something from the wreckage
Nothing ever goes the way we fucking planned it
Cause most days are bad days
We can't just wait for someone to pull me off of the concrete
We stopped standing proud a year ago now
What you see is just a shell of who I used to be
I can't believe I got this weak
I'm stuck here wide awake
In the wake of bad news
We know now what's at stake
And I'm scared too
You know that I can't take naps
Cause they end in panic attacks
I can't play video games
Cause I always end up depressed
I can't be left alone now for even a second
I'm a burden but at least I know it
And I don't think I love anything
The way that some people love Morrissey
It's just that nothing speaks to me that way
And I, I can tell you that the world looks bleak
From where I'm sitting at the bottom of the city
But no matter where you sit
The skyline looks the same
And I don't think I love anything like (x3)
Most days are bad days, we can't just wait (x6)
So you found me on the floor
I'm split open at the seams
The lights of Birmingham are wet
And blur in front of me
Today we woke up at 1
But it gets dark here at 3
It's getting hard to believe in anything
Today I called up my dad
Said "I'm off balance and weak"
I'm feeling homesick for things I know don't think of me
He said "It's gonna get lighter, son, just wait there and see"
It's getting hard to believe
Last night in Leeds
Ad and I found ourselves wandering the city
looking for pizza
All we found was complacency and somewhere to sleep
I'm still waiting for the map to say home's a week away
The boys are drowning in Strongbow
I'm amazed they can breathe
Weeble's just got caught stealing a Christmas tree
We drove all the way to Glasgow just watch our defeat
The venue flooded
Guess the band last night was too heavy
Last night in Leeds
Joe was talking to some bar maid
Trying to get lucky
I think it almost worked until he ran into Bobby
That kid pulled the cock-block of the century
I'm still waiting for the map to say home's a week away
Unless Grey Britain comes to me and says
"It's not so bad if you don't look at it that way"
Last night in Leeds
The world collapsed all around me
Along with a shelf in the basement of Liv's house
By two or three, I thought we'd lost Josh and Mikey
They were skyhooking cans they hadn't emptied out
Last night in Leeds
I know we woke all the neighbours
But I don't think anybody slept that night
Last night in Leeds
Things got a bit lighter
I guess my dad was right
[Chorus] (x2)
I hate your bad tattoos and your second-hand stories;
Those anecdotes that grew old last month.
I hate the way you move when you're drunk and try dancing.
It's not sexy.
It's just keeping us up and I'm just not fond of anyone,
But that's got everything to do with us.
I hate the way I get when I can't handle bad news.
It feels like I've been an asshole for months.
All I've got left are these handfuls of fuck you and man,
That's never enough.
I guess I'm just down.
I guess I'll be honest.
I could use you around.
I can't stand the dork that you're hanging with now.
I guess I'll be honest.
I could use you around.
I hate the way that you can't keep your hair straight.
I hate the way that you're leaning on me.
I hate the way that you point out when girls are staring
Because you know that I won't do a thing.
I hate the context clues you leave out of your writing
Because I can't find myself here at all.
You know that I hate when you call me wasted.
I expect it whenever you call.
I could use you around.
I could use you around now.
My friends all say he's just a b-rate version of me;
He's stuck on video games and weed.
They're just trying to help me get to sleep.
My friends all say you're sitting way too close to me,
That I should just get up and leave.
It's like I'm weighed down to the seat.
My friends all say he's just the broke-dick version of me.
They're just trying to help me get some sleep.
I know he's what you need.
I could use you around. (x4)
In case you were wondering
I can't get comfortable in my own skin
Man, it was bound to happen
In case you were wondering,
I'm twenty three and avoiding the bar scene,
Lycra pants, and designer jeans.
In case you were wondering,
I'm staying in.
I won't smell like cheap perfume or cigarettes tonight.
And every word that I said got drowned out
By a dance remix of a pop song I don't care about.
In case you forgot how bad I've been down,
Just ask around 'cause you know this town loves to run its mouth.
Say, say you'll stay in with me today.
Say, say you'll stay.
'Cause you won't find me on the north Jersey club scene
With the Girls Gone Wild B-team.
I don't need to pump my fist to look sweet.
In case you were wondering,
I promised myself that I would try to be more social at parties.
Can someone tell these kids liking the rain no longer counts as an idiosyncrasy.
In fact, I think that Rupert Holmes wrote a song about it in the '70s.
And consequently, he also saved the Pina Colada industry.
Say, say, say, say you'll stay. (x2)
I can't believe I ended up here again
Watching this terrible band play songs I hate in the basement.
I can't believe that I got stuck here again
While the kid with the dreads tells me he's smarter on acid.
I can't believe that I'm not running away so just say.
Say, say, say, say you'll stay!
Say, say, say, say you'll stay!
Hey thanks for everything
For putting up with me when I get cranky
I know I'm such a pain
And yeah thanks for losing everything with me
The night we went to Atlantic City
Of course it had to rain
And you think that I'm angry
But I think that you're sad
And we know it's not so bad
Here living the life we have
So hey thanks
For not hating me
When I wake you up at eight in the morning
Because I lost the keys
And yeah thanks for staying in with me
I know you'd probably rather be out drinking
Than in with the TV
(I'm not sad anymore)
I'm looking for the upsides to these panic-attack nights
Where I'm staying in eating take-out food by TV light
I'm trying to play the b-side to this awkward life of mine
You could flip me over
I'd sing a few lines about how
I'm so used to shooting myself in the kneecaps
Standing in the way of progress or letting down my friends
I'm nailing shards of hope together
To put something over my head
Because you know here it's always raining
And it happened again. It happened again
She said, "I let this slide when we were younger
You know you don't have to write like this
The whole world's full of losers
If you get a chance to win, take it"
I stood on the roof with Matt and Molly
Watched the gray slide off the city
Because it's finally spring
We rode our bikes over to 6th Street
To Washington Square Park
To see if the tides would turn for me
I left a lot of blood in California
On our first trip out west
I was younger and restless back then
And I thought, if no one's in my corner
Since everyone left
I'd better make it worth it
I left a lot of blood in California
On our first trip out west
I was younger and restless back then
And I thought, if no one's in my corner
Since everyone left
I'd better make it worth it
I left a lot of blood in California
On our first trip out west
I was younger and restless back then
Jack says he loves the winter here
'Cause these are days when everyone's as miserable as him
Josh says it smells like cheap beer and loathing here
It could be the van, but it's probably just his breath
Max dropped out of college
But he likes to say he finished
He's working back home with his dad
He and Kevin got matching tattoo's of their initials
And three X's down their legs
Well, I've got like-minded dudes in Detroit or Vancouver
Newport, Boca and Brum
I don't know where I am
But I know where I came from
So everyone moved in with their girlfriends
In one-bedroom apartments
In the town that we grew up in and
All my friends are in bar bands
I don't know how it happened
I hope it pays the rent
And still there's some days
When I don't think that we'll ever see Dave again
Justin's working three jobs just to stay ahead
Spiro lied about his major
But it's working out for him
Nick and Richie got a place together by the train station
I've spent twenty-two years just wading through bullshit and hey
It's worked so far
I don't know why I'm here
But I know who my friends are
[Matty Arsenautt of A Loss For Words]
"I'm not sad anymore
I'm just tired of this place
And if this year would just end
I think we'd all be okay"
[Dave Mackinder of Fireworks:]
"I'm not sad anymore
I'm just tired of this place
And if this year would just end
I think we'd all be okay"
We moved on again, We're not wasting away
[Shane Henderson of Valencia:]
"I'm not sad anymore
I'm just tired of this place
And if this year would just end
I think we'd all be okay"
We moved on again, We're not wasting away
[Jamie Rhoden of Title Fight:]
"I'm not sad anymore
I'm just tired of this place
And if this year would just end
I think we'd all be okay"
We moved on again, We're not wasting away
[Nik Bruzzese of Man Overboard:]
"I'm not sad anymore
I'm just tired of this place
And if this year would just end
I think we'd all be okay"
I'm not sad anymore
I'm just tired of this place
And if this year would just end
I think we'd all be okay
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