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Биография : Jim Jidhed
He grew up with his mother and two of his brothers in a place called Västra Frölunda. Jims mom and older brother both played the guitar, and Jim was quick to pick up what they were doing and at the age of nine he showed a remarkeble musicality. In a short period of time he tryed besides the guitar both keyboard, accordion, tuba and drums. Jim wrote his first song when his was 11 years old. And you can say that from day one that Jim always loved writing, playing and singing equaly. He once said that, should he do it all over again, he would probably have chosen to be a conductor, 'cause Jim has always thought that the entirety of music is the most important thing.
Jim formed his first band when he was 12 years old and that band lasted for some two to three years. The next band that Jim formed was in high school and was called "Glamour". With this band he got a record deal at the age of nineteen with the at the time very well known label Polar Music, formed by ABBAs manager Stickan Andersson. It only resulted in a single but hey, it was an awesome experience at that age Jim says !
As a kid Jim was very lively and little of a leader of the pack. When there was something on the move such as an soccer game, long trips into the woods and other games you could be certain that Jim had something to do with it. In school Jim was the clown in the class and as a student as he says he was ok ! He says that he always attended but at times had a hard time to follow due to his early interest for music and sports.
To Jim, music has always been a serious matter, even when he started out as a young kid. He use to say that, music is fun and the best thing in the world is when everybody in a band knows their parts and everybody listens to what everyone else is doing (and not only to themselves). Again it´s always been a question of the entyrity to Jim.
There is a story about one time when Jim and his band rehersed for some gigs in the late seventies. The story goes like this : the band started rehearsing at 1 pm and, excluding a couple of small brakes, they went on to 12 am. Then, when everyone thought they were about to go home, Jim said to the guys, "Ok fine — now it's beginning to sound like something. So let's run through the show again two times and then we´re done." Needless to say, it was a tired gang leaving the rehearsel room that night — but Jim was happy !
When Jim was around 20 years old he began working with his voice. He felt that, should he go for a carreer in this buissness, he needed to take out all he had in his voice. So he studied for the vocal coach Kennet Bäck for two years and later in life even for Inga-Lill Modig for about a and a half year. To this day he is very greatful for their help giving him the tools to bulid a voice that hopefully is gonna be as strong for many years to come.
Jim says, "It's sad that so many people in this buissness don't realize the potential in working with their voices — and not least together with an vocal coach."
What many people dont know is that Jim nearly went for a carrier as an opera singer.
In the spring of 1986 Jim became a Christian follower of Jesus and is so to this day. That fall Jim wrote a musical "Why" about the unprovoced violence on our streets. Toghether with an by Jim hand picked ensemble he made a tour that following spring in schools and high schools in and around Gothenburg.
That same year in -87 Jim became the leadsinger in the band "Alien" and with this band Jim had in the spring of 1988 a really big hit in Sweden with the song "Only One Woman". Jim left the band in the fall of -88 with the explanation that everything was happening to fast for him and that he didn't like the idea of being away from his newly started family (Marie and their newborn son Robin) for such a long time as people around the band was planning, due to the worldwide release that was upcoming. Jim and the band parted in good faith!
In 1990 Jim released his first solo album called "Jim". Two songs from that album made it in to the charts in Sweden ; "Wild Young and Free" and "Silence Is Golden". Then in 1991 Jim participated for the first time in the Swedish Eurovision Contest with the song "Do You Remember Me" and he finished in an honorable third place. That song was the third most aired song on the radio that year !
Jim participated in the same contest in 1997 and this time with a song that he wrote together with his friend John Ekedahl. The title of this song is "Charlie".
In 1997 Jim wrote the officiell song for the soccer team" Blåvitt".
That following year in the fall of 1998 a very tragic fire disaster took place in Gothenburg. Many young people sadely lost their lives in this fire. In the honor of those who lost their lives, Jim was asked to participate on the song "The Rose" together with the female singer Javiera Munos and some great mucisians who also lended their skills to make this happen. All profits from this recording went to a foundation started in the memory of the young boys and girls.
In 2002, Jim was contacted by the truly great guitarist Tommy Denander. He wanted to record what he said was going to be an classic AOR album with Jim. And so they did. In February 2003 the company Atenzia released "Full Circle" and sure enough, this album is today a true classic in the genre.
In the summer of 2004, Jim and Tony Borg put together a new formed Alien for a consert at the Gothenburg festival. The guys thought this was so fun that they decided to make a new album. The album, "Dark Eyes " was released by Frontier Records in the fall of 2005.
That Christmas in 2004, Jim and Marie was separated. As you can imagine this is always a hard thing to do. One year after the seperation Jim begun to feel a strong need to write music again. And this time it's gonna be a Swedish ballad album — sorry all you International fans!
The release of this album is going to be in February 2007.
So now, we let the future and life itself continue the story of Jim Jidhed."
Source : http://nnm.ru/blogs/vasyatka1/jim_jidhed_full_circle/