1. What we do is Secret |
2. Communist Eyes |
3. Land of Treason |
4. Richie Dagger's Crime |
5. Strange Notes |
6. American Leather |
7. Lexicon Devil |
8. Manimal |
9. Our Way |
10. We Must Bleed |
11. Media Blitz |
12. The Other Newest One |
13. Let's Pretend |
14. Dragon Lady |
15 The Slave |
16. Shut Down |
1. Forming |
2. Sex Boy |
3. Victim |
4. Street Dreams |
5. Let's Pretend |
6. Get a Grip |
7. Suicide Madness |
8. Sugar Sugar |
9. Teenage Clone / Wild Baby |
10. Grand Old Flag |
1. Throw it All Away |
2. Not All Right |
3. Now i Hear the Laughter |
4. Going Down |
5. Lion's Share |
6. Public Image |
7. Strange Notes |
8. Shut Down |
9. Another Band Hits the Dust |
10. Richie Dagger |
1. Round and Round |
2. Lexicon Devil |
3. Circle One |
4. Caught in my Eye |
5. No God |
6. The Other Newest One |
7. My Tunnel |
Live Hollywood Nöel 1979 |
1. Lion's Share |
2. Let's Pretend |
3. Richie Dagger's Crime |
4. What we do is Secret |
5. Art |
6. Communist Eyes |
7. Caught in my Eye |
8. Media Blitz |
9. Lexicon Devil |
10. Manimal |
11. Our Way |
12. False Start |
13. Shutdown |
1. My Tunnel |
2. Throw it Away |
3. Not All Right |
4. Now i Hear the Laughter |
5. Going Down |
6. Lions Share |
7. Caught in my Eye |
8. Round and Round |
9. Nicole (Germs' Manager) Speaks |
10. Manimal |
11. Public Image |
12. Strange Notes |
13. Shutdown |
14. Richie Dagger's Crime |
1. Public Image |
2. Lion's Share |
3. Strange Notes |
4. Shut Down (Never Ending Version) |
5. Germ's Riot |
6. Lexicon Devil |
7. Other Newest One |
8. My Tunnel |
9. Circle One |
10. Strange Notes |
4,5,15,16 recorded live at the Hong Kong Cafe. |
6,14 Were recorded live at The Whisky. |
1. Forming |
2. Round and Round |
3. Sex Boy |
4. Strange Notes |
5. Caught in my Eye |
6. Let's Pretend |
7. Lexicon Devil |
8. Manimal |
9. Our Way |
10. Shut Down |
11. What we do is Secret |
12. Art |
13. Communist Eyes |
14. Lion's Share |
15. Media Blitz |
16. What we do is Secret |
17. Lions Share |
18. Throw it Away |
1. Forming |
2. Sex Boy |
3. Lexicon Devil |
4. Circle One |
5. No God |
6. What we do is Secret |
7. Communist Eyes |
8. Land of Treason |
9. Richie Dagger's Crime |
10. Strange Notes |
11. American Leather |
12. Lexicon Devil |
13. Manimal |
14. Our Way |
15. We Must Bleed |
16. Media Blitz |
17. The Other Newest One |
18. Let's Pretend |
19. Dragon Lady |
20. The Slave |
21. Shut Down (Annihilation Man) |
22. Caught in my Eye |
23. Round and Round |
24. My Tunnel |
25. Throw it Away |
26. Not All Right |
27. Now i Hear the Laughter |
28. Going Down |
29. Lions Share |
30. Forming (version 2) |
Live At the Masque 1978. |
1. Let's Pretend |
2. No God |
3. The Slave |
4. Shutdown |
5. Hang on to Yourself |
6. Forming |
1. What We Do Is Secret |
2. Communist Eyes |
3. Land of Treason |
4. Richie Dagger's Crime |
5. Strange Notes |
6. American Leather |
7. Lexicon Devil |
8. Manimal |
9. Our Way |
10. We Must Bleed |
11. Media Blitz |
12. The Other Newest One |
13. Let's Pretend |
14. Dragon Lady |
15. The Slave |
16. Round and Round |
17. Lexicon Devil |
18. Circle One |
19. Caught in My Eye |
20. No God |
21. The Other Ne |
1. Circle One |
2. Manimal |
3. Caught in My Eye |
4. Lion's Share |
5. No God |
6. Our Way |
7. Strange Notes |
8. What We do Is Secret |
9. Richie Dagger's Crime |
10. Land of Treason |
11. My Tunnel |
12. Media Blitz |
13. Communist Eyes |
14. The Other Newest One |
15. Let's Pretend |
16. Forming |
17. Lexicon Devil |
18. Shut Down (Annihilation Man) |
19. Public Image |
20. American Leather |
21. We Must Bleed |
22. Richie Dagger's Crime (Reprise) |
1. Strange Notes | ||
2. Caught in My Eye | ||
3. Let's Pretend | ||
4. Lexicon Devil | ||
5. Manimal | ||
6. Our Way | ||
7. Shut Down | ||
8. What We do Is Secret | ||
9. Art | ||
10. Communist Eyes | ||
11. Lion's Share | ||
12. Media Blitz 1 | ||
13. Throw It Away |