Abnormally Attracted to Sin

Liste der Bands Pop Rock Tori Amos Abnormally Attracted to Sin
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Band Name Tori Amos
Album Name Abnormally Attracted to Sin
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 19 Mai 2009
Musik GenrePop Rock
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1. Give
2. Welcome to England
3. Strong Black Vine
4. Flavor
5. Not Dying Today
6. Maybe California
7. Curtain Call
8. Fire to Your Plain
9. Police Me
10. That Guy
11. Abnormally Attracted to Sin
12. 500 Miles
13. Mary Jane
14. Starling
15. Fast Horse
16. Ophelia
17. Lady in
18. Oscar's Theme

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 $7.00  13,57 €  12,90 €  £9.27  $54.77  13,16 €  13,03 €
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Tori Amos