Artfuck: a Compilation of Rarities (1980 - 1983)

Liste der Bands Gothic Rock Virgin Prunes Artfuck: a Compilation of Rarities (1980 - 1983)
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Band Name Virgin Prunes
Album Name Artfuck: a Compilation of Rarities (1980 - 1983)
Type Compilation
Erscheinungsdatum 1993
Musik GenreGothic Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen1


1. Twenty Tens (I've Been Smoking All Night)
2. Revenge
3. The Children Are Crying
4. ...Greylight
5. In the Grey Light
6. War
7. Moments and Mine
8. Red Nettle
9. Mad Bird in the Wood
10. Jigsawmentallama
11. The King of Junk
12. Just a Lovesong
13. The Happy Dead
14. Third Secret

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Virgin Prunes