Away with the Faeries

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Band Name Inkubus Sukkubus
Album Name Away with the Faeries
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 1998
Musik GenreGothic Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen0


1. Wytches Chant '98
2. Away with the Faeries
3. Turnera
4. Starchild
5. Come to Me (Song of the Water Nymph)
6. To Pan
7. Woman to Hare
8. Paint It Black
9. Craft of the Wise
10. Heartbeat of the Earth
11. Witch Hunt
12. Queen of the May
13. Take My Hunger
14. Vampyre Erotica
15. Belladonna & Aconite

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Inkubus Sukkubus