Big Day Out Sydney 2005

Liste der Bands Punk-Rock The Hives Big Day Out Sydney 2005
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Band Name The Hives
Album Name Big Day Out Sydney 2005
Type Bootleg
Erscheinungsdatum 2005
Labels kein bekanntes Label
Musik GenrePunk-Rock
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Recorded Live In Sydney, Australia, 26/01/05
1. Abra Cadaver
2. Main Offender
3. State Control
4. Missing Link
5. Walk Idiot Walk
6. Little More for Little You
7. Die All Right !
8. No Pun Intended
9. Hate to Say I Told You So
10. Dead Quote Olympics
11. Born to Cry
12. Gene Pool
13. Two Timing Touch and Broken Bones
14. a.k.a I-D-I-O-T

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The Hives