Big Lizard in My Backyard

Liste der Bands Punk-Rock The Dead Milkmen Big Lizard in My Backyard
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Band Name The Dead Milkmen
Album Name Big Lizard in My Backyard
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 1985
Musik GenrePunk-Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen0


1. Tiny Town
2. Beach Song
3. Plum Dumb
4. Swordfish
5. V.F.W. (Veterans of a Fucked Up World)
6. Rastabilly
7. Serrated Ege
8. Lucky
9. Big Lizard in My Graveyard
10. Gorilla Girl
11. Bitchin' Camaro
12. Filet of Sole
13. Spit Sink
14. Violent School
15. Takin' Retards to the Zoo
16. Junkie
17. Right Wing Pigeons
18. Dean's Dream
19. Laundromat Song
20. Nutrition
21. Tugena

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The Dead Milkmen