Break Up the Concrete

Liste der Bands Rock The Pretenders Break Up the Concrete
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Band Name The Pretenders
Album Name Break Up the Concrete
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 07 Oktober 2008
Musik GenreRock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen5


1. Boots of Chinese Plastic 02:25
2. The Nothing Maker 03:58
3. Don't Lose Faith in Me 02:45
4. Don't Cut Your Hair 02:13
5. Loves a Mystery 03:01
6. The Last Ride 03:40
7. Almost Perfect 04:47
8. You Didn't Have to 03:09
9. Rosalee 04:13
10. Break Up the Concrete 02:38
11. One Thing Never Changed 03:45
Total playing time 36:45

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The Pretenders