Breaking Hearts

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Band Name Elton John
Album Name Breaking Hearts
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 18 Juni 1984
Musik GenrePop Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen11


1. Restless 05:17
2. Slow Down Georgie (She's Poison) 04:10
3. Who Wears These Shoes 04:04
4. Breaking Hearts (Ain't What It Used to Be) 03:34
5. Li'l Frigerator 03:37
6. Passengers 03:24
7. In Neon 04:19
8. Burning Buildings 04:02
9. Did He Shoot Her 03:21
10. Sad Songs (Say So Much) 04:55
Total playing time 40:38

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 $18.06  24,50 €  7,00 €  £2.21  $12.14  10,50 €  31,77 €
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Elton John