Brutal Youth

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Band Name Elvis Costello
Album Name Brutal Youth
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 1994
Musik GenreRock
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1. Pony St
2. Kinder Murder
3. 13 Steps Lead Down
4. This Is Hell
5. Clown Stike
6. You Tripped at Every Step
7. Still Too Soon to Know
8. 20% Amnesia
9. Sulky Girl
10. London's Brilliant Parade
11. My Science Fiction Twin
12. Rocking Horse Road
13. Just About Glad
14. All the Rage
15. Favourite Hour

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 $5.34  11,95 €  8,00 €  £4.75  $22.67  8,59 €  9,25 €
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Elvis Costello