Diamonds and rust in the bullring

Liste der Bands Folk Rock Joan Baez Diamonds and rust in the bullring
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Band Name Joan Baez
Album Name Diamonds and rust in the bullring
Type Live
Erscheinungsdatum April 1989
Musik GenreFolk Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen2


Recorded live in Bilbao, Spain bullring
1. Diamonds & Rust (Joan Baez)
2. Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around (Traditional)
3. No Woman, No Cry (Bob Marley)
4. Famous Blue Raincoat (Leonard Cohen)
5. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (Traditional)
6. Let It Be (John Lennon/Paul McCartney)
7. El Preso Numero Nueve (Hermanos Cantoral)
8. Llego Con Tres Heridas (M. Hernandez)
9. Txoria Txori (J. A. Arze/M. Laboa)
10. Ellas Danzan Solas (Cueca Sola) (R.Livi/Sting)
11. Gracias a la Vida" (Violeta Parra)
12. No Nos Moveran (Traditional)

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Joan Baez