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Band Name Sebadoh
Album Name III
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum September 1991
Musik GenreIndie Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen2


1. The Freed Pig
2. Sickles and Hammers
3. Total Peace
4. Violet Execution
5. Scars, Four Eyes
6. Truly Great Thing
7. Kath
8. Perverted World
9. Wonderful, Wonderful
10. Limb by Limb
11. Smoke a Bowl
12. Black-Haired Gurl
13. Hoppin' Up and Down
14. Supernatural Force
15. Rockstar
16. Downmind
17. Renaissance Man
18. God Told Me
19. Holy Picture
20. Hassle
21. No Different
22. Spoiled
23. As the World Dies, the Eyes of God Grow Bigger

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