If Wishes Were Horses

Liste der Bands Rock Bryan Adams If Wishes Were Horses
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Band Name Bryan Adams
Album Name If Wishes Were Horses
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum Juli 1993
Musik GenreRock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen1


1. Idle Gossip
2. Do You Wanna Be Like Dougy Bell
3. You Won't Be Merry on a North Sea Ferry
4. Silly Billy
5. Peter Practice
6. I Tried to Trust Tracey
7. I'll Get Even with Steven
8. Keith's a Thief
9. Never Trust Tracy
10. Geordie's Gone to Jail
11. Fosters Club
12. Harry Cross
13. Lambrusco Kid
14. PC Stoker
15. Medley
16. Dougy Bell
17. North Sea Ferry
18. Glenda and the Test Tube Baby

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Bryan Adams