Just an American Boy

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Band Name Steve Earle
Album Name Just an American Boy
Type Live
Erscheinungsdatum 2003
Musik GenreCountry Rock
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1. Audience Intro
2. Amerika V. 6.0 (The Best We Can Do)
3. Ashes to Ashes
4. Paranoia
5. Conspiracy Theory
6. I Remember You
7. Schertz, Texas
8. Hometown Blues
9. The Mountain
10. Pennsylvania Miners
11. Harlan Man
12. Copperhead Road
13. Guitar Town
14. I Oppose The Death Penalty
15. Over Yonder (Jonathan's Song)
16. Billy Austin
17. Audience Intro
18. South Nashville Blues
19. Rex's Blues / Ft. Worth Blues
20. John Walker's Blues
21. Jerusalem
22. The Unrepentant
23. Christmas in Washington
24. Democracy [Monologue]
25. What's So Funny About Peace, 26. Love & Understanding
27. Time You Waste

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Steve Earle