Live From the Rock n Roll Funhouse

Liste der Bands New-Wave The Knack Live From the Rock n Roll Funhouse
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Band Name The Knack
Album Name Live From the Rock n Roll Funhouse
Type Live
Erscheinungsdatum 2001
Musik GenreNew-Wave
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1. Pop Is Dead
2. Baby Talks Dirty
3. Oh Tara
4. Can I Borrow a Kiss
5. Another Lousy Day in Paradise
6. Good Girls Don't
7. One Day at a Time
8. Siamese Twins (The Monkey and Me)
9. Harder on You
10. Sweet Dreams
11. That's What the Little Girls Do
12. (She's So) Selfish
13. My Sharona
14. (Havin' A) Rave Up
15. Tequila/Break on Through (To the Other Side)

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The Knack