Live in Paris : I Just Wanna Rock

Liste der Bands Rock Joe Satriani Live in Paris : I Just Wanna Rock
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Band Name Joe Satriani
Album Name Live in Paris : I Just Wanna Rock
Type Live
Erscheinungsdatum 2010
Labels Epic Records
Musik GenreRock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen3


1. I Just Wanna Rock
2. Overdriver
3. Satch Boogie
4. Ice 9
5. Diddle-Y-A-Doo-Dat
6. Flying in a Blue Dream
7. Ghosts
8. Revelation
9. Super Colossal
10. One Big Rush
11. Musterion
12. Out of the Sunrise
1. Time Machine
2. Cool#9
3. Andalusia
4. Bass Solo
5. Cryin'
6. The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing
7. Always with Me, Always with You
8. Surfin with the Alien
9. Crowd Chant
10. Summer Song

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 $7.12  10,00 €  €3,61  £6.04  $20.92  12,00 €  17,01 €
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Joe Satriani