Living In Clip

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Band Name Ani DiFranco
Album Name Living In Clip
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 1997
Musik GenreFolk Rock
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1. Whatever
2. Wherever
3. Gravel
4. Willing to Fight
5. Shy
6. Joyful Night
7. Hide and Seek
8. Napoleon
9. I'm No Heroine
10. Amazing Grace
11. Anticipate
12. Tiptoe
13. Sorry I Am
14. The Slant/The Diner
15. 32 Flavors
16. Out Of Range
17. Untouchable Face
18. Shameless
19. Distracted
20. Adam and Eve
21. Fire Door
22. Both Hands
23. Out of Habit
24. Every State Line
25. Not So Soft
26. Travel Tips
27. Wrong With Me
28. In or Out
29. We're All Gonna Blow
30. Letter to John
31. Overlap

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Ani DiFranco