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Band Name Capgun Coup
Album Name Maudlin
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 02 November 2009
Musik GenreIndie Rock
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1. Computer Screens and TVs
2. Sitting on the Sidewalk
3. Ari Are We?
4. Got Alot of Gull
5. Only the Times Are Changing
6. Fishlip
7. Wish I Was a F*g
8. Now That I'm Home
9. Farnam Street?
10. Pretty City
11. Bad Bands
12. For Fish
13. When I'm Gone
14. Breaks No Heart of Mine

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 $4.88  9,48 €  31,94 €  £6.25  $43.11  41,51 €  12,00 €
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Capgun Coup