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Band Name XTC
Album Name Mummer
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 30 August 1983
Musik GenreNew-Wave
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen4


1. Beating of Hearts
2. Wonderland
3. Love on a Farmboy's Wages
4. Great Fire
5. Deliver Us fom the Elements
6. Human Alchemy
7. Ladybird
8. In Loving Memory of a Name
9. Me and the Wind
10. Funk Pop a Roll
11. Frost Circus
12. Jump
13. Toys
14. Gold
15. Procession Towards Learning Land
16. Desert Island

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 $23.70  22,00 €  10,74 €  £9.02  $17.17  22,00 €  22,00 €
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